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Peace from Harmony
Gandhica and Interfaith Harmony: Enlightenment Age into Nonviolence Era

Global Harmony Association (GHA)

GHA Interfaith Joint Project.

Dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi birth 155th anniversary through

Publication and presentation of a joint primer "Gandhica and Interfaith Harmony".

GHA 69th Project. Started 21-07-2019

Draft for discussion



In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=897

In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=811



From the GHA

Leo Semashko, Subhash Chandra, Pravat Dhal, MaitreyeeRoy, Lucas Pawlik, Alex Semashko, Vera Popovich,
Habyarimana Heli, Michael Ellis, Rudolf Siebert, Reimon Bachika, Ammar Banni, etc.

12 GHA leaders from 8 countries:

Algeria, Australia, Austria, India, Russia, Rwanda, USA, Japan


From Interfaith Community:


1. The spiritual identity of Gandhi nonviolence and Interfaith Harmony

2. Fundamental scientific disclosure of the societal sources of Gandhi's nonviolence in the GHA Gandhica book, 2019

3. Gandhica: Beginning of the global Age of Nonviolent/Harmonious Enlightenment and Education (NHEE) of the 21st century through the “Gandhi Nonviolence School” (GNS)

4. Interfaith Harmony: Locomotive of the NHEE Age and its resource platform

5. The joint GHA and Interfaith Program/Project of GNS for India: the purpose and means

6. The GNS expanded Curriculum for 30 hours

7. Gandhica - textbook/primer for GNS: its translations, pilot and mass publication

8. Staffing GNS

9. Organizational and financial support of the GNS Program

10. GNS educational and material base: Interfaith Harmony Schools, Colleges and Universities and their extension to state educational institutions.


Further development of the GHA past projects o­n Interfaith Harmony 2012/3:

42. World Interfaith Harmony: Internal Harmonious Potential of Religions and General Scientific Platform of the ABC of Harmony. Started: December 7, 2012:www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=541

44. Center (School) of Interfaith Harmonious Education (CIHE). GHA 44th Project. Started: February, 2013: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=561

Within the framework and based o­n Gandhica’s societal macro methodology, when the GHA finds a confessional organization interested in the proposed project.


In process


The first, rejected version


1. The political and spiritual identity of Gandhi nonviolence and Buddhism

2. Fundamental scientific disclosure of the societal sources of Gandhi's nonviolence in the GHA Gandhica book, 2019

3. Gandhica: Beginning of the global Age of Nonviolent/Harmonious Enlightenment and Education (NHEE) of the 21st century through the “Gandhi Nonviolence School” (GNS), starting with India and Japan

4. Buddhism and SGI: Locomotives of the NHEE Age and its resource platform

5. The joint GHA and SGI Program/Project of GNS for India and Japan: the purpose and means

6. The GNS expanded Curriculum for 30 hours

7. Gandhica - textbook/primer for GNS: its translations, pilot and mass publication

8. Staffing GNS

9. Organizational and financial support of the GNS Program

10. GNS educational and material base: SGI Schools, Colleges and Universities and its extension to state educational institutions.


1. The political and spiritual identity of Gandhi nonviolence and Buddhism

The spiritual and political affinity of Gandhi nonviolence and Buddhism is well known, repeatedly proclaimed both by Gandhi and by many Buddhist leaders. It could be integrated in a short (2-3 pp.) article o­n the topic “Gandhi's Non-Violence and Buddhism” by Daisaku Ikeda, possibly co-authored. This article would constitute a spiritual center and would be translated and published in 10 languages of the joint book “Gandhica and Buddhism” as a worldwide humanitarian primer of peace and non-violence. Similar textbook will be the best gift in honor of the Gandhi birth 150th anniversary and his memory. It contains the practical essence of the SGI/GHA joint peacemaking and educational project.


2. Fundamental scientific disclosure of the societal sources of Gandhi's nonviolence in the GHA Gandhica book, 2019

One nonviolence of Gandhi and Buddhism is a deep societal essence and the fundamental law of human life/being, which remains an insoluble and scientifically inexplicable mystery, terra incognito for traditional public consciousness and thinking. The first radical scientific attempt to comprehend the structural and genetic societal nature of non-violence was made in the GHA. As a result of almost 15 years of collective international research of sources of global peace and the creation of the Global Peace Science (2015/6), it unfolded a unique theoretical and empirical / statistical picture of non-violence in the Gandhica book 2019: see its publication o­n the GHA website “Peace from Harmony": https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848


3. Gandhica: Beginning of the global Age of Nonviolent/Harmonious Enlightenment and Education (NHEE) of the 21st century through the “Gandhi Nonviolence School” (GNS), starting with India and Japan

The creation in Gandhica of a scientific worldview of non-violence common to Gandhi and Buddhism lays the foundation and initiates a principally new global Age of Nonviolent / Harmonious Enlightenment and Education (NHEE) in the 21st century. This epoch is the spiritual educational basis for the formation of the consciousness and thinking of non-violent “hacking” / breakthrough / transition of humanity from the obsolete era of violence into the nascent Era of Non-violence. Its political beginning was laid by Gandhi in the first half of the 20th century in India, having achieved its non-violent liberation from British rule. o­nly the formation of non-violent and harmonious thinking and consciousness can eliminate and prevent violence, mass conflicts, civil, world and interethnic wars in the long-term global transition from o­ne era and its militaristic world order to another era and its multipolar non-violent world order.

Gandhica foresees the initial organization of this lengthy process of forming non-violent thinking and consciousness through the “Gandhi Nonviolence School” (GNS), the mass creation of which is natural to begin in India and Japan, where spiritual sources of non-violence in Buddhism, Hinduism and synthesizing were born and developed. their teachings are Gandhi. The original GNS curriculum for 30 hours is presented in Gandhica, and this book itself is assumed as the first beginner's textbook and GNS study guide, which will be complemented by many others similar in spirit and science.


4. Buddhism and SGI: Locomotives of the NHEE Age and its resource platform

Modern Buddhism is most widely and powerfully represented in Japan in the international “Soka Gakkai Society” (Jap. “Society for the Creation of Values”) Soka Gakkai International (SGI - SGI), whose branches exist in 192 countries and cover up to 12-18 million members (https://www.sgi.org/ru/) with its University and the Global Program of Humanistic Education (https://www.soka.ac.jp/en/about/), in which the SNG harmoniously fits as it proposed in Gandhica. The founder and Honorary President of SGI, its widespread school system, is an outstanding Buddhist philosopher Daisaku Ikeda, an opponent of militarism and a defender of global peace and disarmament, above all nuclear. He is coauthor and supporter of the GHA Gandhica supported it with a solid donation. The ideological and political positions of SGI and GHA, expressed in Gandhica and other 8 GHA books, practically coincide o­n all fundamental issues. The educational cooperation of GHA and SGI mutually complements, mutually reinforces and mutually enriches each other with new ideas and practices. Therefore, SGI is the most favorable environment, resource platform and powerful engine of non-violent humanistic Enlightenment and its new Age. The GNS is a new and actual form of the SGI humanistic education development based o­n the synthesis of the Gandhi teaching and Buddhism.


5. The joint GHA and SGI Program of GNS for India and Japan:

the purpose and means

India and Japan are the most favorable countries in terms of culture and spirituality for the active conscious / purposeful start of the NHEE Age. Therefore, it is most expedient to create a joint GHA/SGI the GNS Program specifically for these countries in the first place.

The GNS Program purpose for India and Japan is: to develop and experimentally test GNS in educational institutions of India and Japan with a view to its introduction into all educational institutions of these countries and their subsequent distribution throughout the world.

Means to achieve this goal are: the GHA peacemaking resources (68 peacemaking projects and 9 books including “Global Peace Science”) and SGI resource base.

The GNS Program is planned, for a start, for 1-2 years. According to the results of its implementation during this time a decision is made o­n its prolongation or suspension.


6. The GNS expanded Curriculum for 30 hours

The GHA and SGI create a joint Commission of Scientists and Professors to detail the GNS Curriculum proposed by the GHA in Gandhica during 2-3 months. After the approval of the comprehensive GNS Curriculum, the Commission develops brief (2-4 pages) training modules for each GNS Curriculum theme as a guide for teachers in their preparation of relevant lectures and seminars. This work is completed within 6 months. The work of the Commission is funded by the SGI under the respective contracts with each member of this Commission.


7. “Gandhica and Buddhism” as textbook/primer for GNS:

its translations, pilot and mass publications

The GHA created Gandhica not just as an ordinary book about Gandhi. He created it for multifunctional use: as a unique scientific research, as a model for the "substantially new [nonviolent] manner of thinking" (Einstein), as a textbook/primer for GNS, as an example of Gandhian poetry and design also intended for the GNS teaching purposes. Now, when Gandhica has been published in two languages, in Russian and English (240 p.), it is fully adapted for educational purposes of GNS. Now this book/primer for GNS is reduced to 180-160 pages and translated into other UN languages: French, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic, for the purpose of their publication and presentation at the UN, UNESCO and other international organizations, and forums dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Gandhi’s birth around the world in all major language areas. With the SGI coauthorship in it, this textbook is called “Gandhica and Buddhism,” abbreviated as GAB.

A special priority task is to translate Gandhica into the main languages ​​of India, at least into three: Hindi, Bengali and Urdu/Telugu. The GHA has translators-professors in these languages ​​in India, but does not have the financial means to pay for the translations and the publication of these textbooks, although for a trial/pilot run in 100 copies. This part of the project can be called "Indian Gandhica." The Gandhica similar translation can be made into Japanese by the SGI professional translator - it will be “Japanese Gandhica”.

Each translation (~100-140 pages) requires about $ 1,000 and $ 500 to publish its first 100 copies. Therefore, the primary financial task is to ensure payment for translation and experimental publication of Gandhica into the 4 indicated languages ​​in the minimum amount of 6 thousand dollars in August-September 2019.

After testing these textbooks and their recommendations for use in all educational institutions, their mass publication will begin with millions of copies. It undoubtedly is particular interest to the GHA and SGI, for their prestige and high role in global civil society. The state order and budget financing of this publication has a huge financial interest for both organizations, especially for their publishing houses for many years.


8. Staffing GNS

The GHA and SGI already have sufficient human resources of teachers and professors in many countries who are ready to start an experiment with GNS in them. But they require the organizational and financial support that the SGI can provide, for the benefit of itself, for its strategic goal of expanding humanitarian nonviolent education throughout the world.


9. Organizational and financial support of the GNS Program

The key issue in the proposed GNS Program for India and Japan is organizational / leadership and financial. The GHA proposes to create a joint Steering Committee/Team (SC) of the 14 leaders, 7 o­n each side.

From the GHA side, the following leaders are proposed:

Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, Scientific Director, Russia

Subhash Chandra, GHA President, India

Vera Popovich, WGHA Cochair, Russia

Lucas Pawlik, GHA Vice President, Austria

Habyarimana Heli, GHA Vice-President, Rwanda

Ammar Banni, GHA Vice-President, Algeria

Michael Ellis, GHA Vice-President, Australia

All of them are the co-authors, editors or translators of Gandhica.

The SGI proposes its leaders to this Committee for this unique educational Program in India and Japan, necessarily with the participation of Mr. Bhanu Sundra, Chairman & Managing Director, Eternal Ganges Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi as the direct implementer of this project in India from the SGI side.

For the Committee effective work, especially from the GHA, it requires constant funding, at a minimum of $ 500 a month, 6 thousand each year, so all the GHA’s previous work was carried out voluntarily, without payment, so it was unstable with long time intervals and interruptions. This is unacceptable in the implementation of the GNS Program, which requires constant professional work and at least the minimum wage suggested above. Without such payment, there is no reason to hope for the effective implementation of this Program.

Another primary financial task is to pay for the 4 translations and publications of the Gandhica mentioned above, and also to pay for four other similar translations and publications of the Gandhica into French, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic in the amount of 6 thousand dollars - to the official languages ​​of the United Nations for the presentation of Gandhica at the session its General Assembly in September. Total required 12+7=19 thousand dollars in August / September for these purposes, where $ 7 thousand is the payment of the GHA working team for two months of intensive work. The program of these translations and publications in August-September in 8 languages ​​for this amount can be allocated as a separate part.


10. GNS educational and material base: SGI Schools, Colleges and Universities and its extension to state educational institutions.

At the first stage, the GNS educational- material base will consist of SGI Schools in India and Japan, as well as Buddhist Schools and Universities in these countries, with many of which SGI and its University in Tokyo have extensive and long-standing plans for cooperation.

Subsequently, after the GNS first successful experiments o­n a narrow scale, they will be transferred, o­n the recommendation of the governments, to all state educational institutions with the appropriate mass provision/printing of necessary textbooks, including Gandhica in various academic versions.


The proposed joint GHA and SGI Project of Gandhica publication in 8 languages ​​in the updated version of “Gandhica and Buddhism” with Daisaku Ikeda introductory article will allow representatives of SGI at the UN and UNESCO to organize an unprecedented presentation of this unique peacemaking contribution in 10 languages ​​at their Jubilee Sessions o­n October 2 in honor of the 150th anniversary of birth Mahatma Gandhi.

It will be the best intellectual peacemaking monument of Gandhi in 10 languages ​​around the world. At the same time, this will be the culmination of the XXI century Buddhist peacemaking contribution to the non-violent breakthrough of humanity from the era of violence into the Nonviolence Era through the SGI strategic initiative of the new global Age of Nonviolent Humanitarian Enlightenment and Education. Publication of the world primer "Gandhica and Buddhism" in 10 languages ​​will be a turning point and cornerstone of the historical event of humankind, which will forever keep it in memory along with the name of the SGI great Buddhist leader Daisaku Ikeda.

Preparing and organizing this world peacemaking event in the form of publishing book/primer "Gandhica and Buddhism" will require o­nly two months’ time (August-September) and $ 19,000 - a meager price for a world historical event that will immeasurably raise the international prestige leading Buddhist organization SGI and its outstanding leader - Daisaku Ikeda. Buddhism and Daisaku Ikeda will become the world’s peacemaking leaders of the 21st century under the banner of Gandhi’s nonviolence and its new breakthrough thinking.


Dr. Leo Semashko

GHA Founder and Honorary President,





Dear Leo,

Your high evaluation of SGI and our president is our great honor. o­n top of that, please allow me to share SGI HQ's opinion o­n the issues you raised.

First of all, we have to go through an internal process for initiating such a project. It's unexpected that our organization and president's name is used o­n the page in such a way without our permission. I would highly appreciate it if you could close the page immediately, or, erase our organization's name from it. https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=897

If you are keen to collaborate with us, sending a proposal paper would be appreciated. But even in this case, what appears o­n the page seems to be too much and starting from o­nly a small thing would be viable.

Also, it's quite difficult for our president to write another article within such a short notice.

I believe, meanwhile, translation into different languages would make sense. We cannot cover the expense but hope it go well.

Last but not least, I hear that Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) is discussing it internally as well. It completely depends o­n them whether BSG collaborates with you within its own capacity.

Thank you for your kind understanding. Best regards, Nobuyuki

Nobuyuki ASAI,
Office of Peace and Global Issues, Soka Gakkai International (SGI)


Dear friend Acai,

We have been in touch with you for almost 4 months and discussed many issues: the publication of Mr. Daisaku Ikeda Call for the “Gandhica” that you permitted; your donation for it is $ 500, which you sent and some of our other offers. Thank you very much for them. 
           Therefore, the use of the names of your organization and its President can hardly be called “unexpected” - this is a natural consequence of our in-depth study of the SGI and Mr. Ikeda websites. We thought that in 4 months you also deeply studied the GHA website and its peacemaking ideas and mission, which almost completely coincide with yours. Of course, o­n this side there can be no surprises for both of us. But from the point of view of initiation, yes, it is natural, since any initiative is unexpected, therefore it cannot have permission. We emphasized that we offer you o­nly draft of the joint project for discussion, which implies any response from full recognition to complete refusal: this was the purpose of the discussion. From the side of the GHA this project found approval. You stressed that you cannot support it financially, since your budget has already been planned.

After this rather long history of communications and permissions, now we don’t understand your words: "our organization and president's name is used o­n the page in such a way without our permission" as if you heard us for the first time. What do they mean? What is their real meaning? What detail caused your negative reaction? To what should we ask permission? At our initiative? Let us discuss it in detail. But if you need to “immediately close” the page, then you are closing this democratic process/procedure.
           However, o­n the other hand, you offer to send this project to you that we do with pleasure (see attachment). But our discussion procedure involves the publication of all projects o­n the site for its open democratic discussion. We do not close anything from our members and do not hide anything from them. This is our right and Statutory Rule, so, please, let us stick to them. When you determine the exact boundaries of your cooperation with us, then we will limit our project and remove from it everything that goes beyond its borders. But we must know for sure and in detail what you object to. Please, save in our project draft o­nly that you agree with, then we will update it according to your requirements. We have published your letter and my answer o­n this page.
you for your kind understanding. Best regards, Leo,
Leo Semashko,
GHA Honorary President


Culminating Spiritual Nonviolence Forum in honor of Gandhi

in Lotus Temple o­n September 21 +++ Discussion up to July 31


Dear friends,

I am happy to announce that Mr. Latif, publisher has finished printing 300 copies of the GHA book “Gandhica”, 240 p. (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848) and will start o­n Monday sending this book, first of all, 20 copies for SGI Buddhists and further according to the lists that Subhashji and I provided to him in India and abroad (below). For this will be a special announcement for the GHA members and our friends.

Now the task of promoting this unprecedented book dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Gandhi, as the beginning of Gandhian, Humanistic, Harmonious and Peaceful Enlightenment and Education Epoch, which constitutes the EVOLUTIONAL BREAKTHROUGH of humanity in the Non-violence Era, rises to its full height. The design banner (above) expresses this idea. It is put o­n the GHA website “Peace from Harmony”, o­n its Home page and o­n the GHA “Gandhi 150” project page (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=897).

This key, simultaneously scientific and spiritual, idea is the fundamentally valid conclusion of our book, its 82 coauthors from 25 countries, grows up for about 15 years in the GHA collective peacemaking creativity. It integrated the valuable peacemaking ideas of all religions and sciences. The Nonviolence Era is a common fundamental ideal and the highest dream of both Gandhi himself and those religions from which his doctrine of non-violence grew: Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'is, and those movements and religions that grew out of the teachings of Gandhi non-violence. The center of this integral world spiritual ideal and dream, Gandhi made India. Therefore, India is called to and should be the culmination of the 150th anniversary of its birth celebration as the beginning of a new Age of Enlightenment - a breakthrough into the Era of Non-violence. For this, we now have all the necessary conditions.

We, the GHA, propose to hold a Culminating Spiritual Forum of Non-violence in honor of Gandhi in the Lotus Temple (1300 places) in Delhi with the participation of broad representatives of all religious communities of India and giving each participant a free book "Gandhica" or in English (1000 copies) or in Hindi (abbreviated 1000 copies). From our point of view, the best date for this spiritual culmination of non-violence is the International Day of Peace o­n September 21, because Gandhi's non-violence is identical to global peace that he himself expressed many times and that is scientifically proven in Gandhica. Therefore, any doubts about this are excluded: NON-VIOLENCE IS PEACE and PEACE IS NON-VIOLENCE.

To realize this unique and innovative for all religions spiritual event, we have the necessary organizational and human resources. This is primarily the GHA "International Jubilee Gandhi Committee" (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=853) of 35 members from 18 countries, including 14 leaders from India, who practically represent the majority of its religious communities, including Buddhists , Hindus, Bahá’ís and Catholics of India. o­ne of them, Dr. Merchant, leader of India Bahá’í, is o­ne of the Lotus Temple Trustee and is able to organize this Forum in it, which is fully in keeping with the Bahá’í mission.

The publication of "Gandhica", now, also does not pose a problem. The publishing house of Mr. Latif is capable to print a thousand copies o­n existing layout in English (240 p.) within $3000 in 2-3 weeks. The Buddhist publishing house "Eternal Ganges Press" Mr. Sundra, Director is also capable, together with the GHA, to prepare and publish an abbreviated (160-180 pages) "Gandhica" in Hindi in 1000 copies up to September 20 within 5,000 thousand dollars, if this work starts now, without delay.

The o­nly problem, as always in the militaristic civilization that abounds money for war / violence / militarism and which has no money for peace and non-violence, becomes funding. But his scanty sum of 8 thousand dollars, as we think, with the will and desire, can be solved jointly by the efforts of the main religious communities of India, by donating o­ne/two/three thousand dollars from each for the “Gandhi book”. Dr. Merchant and Buddhists of India could provide this funding through joint organizational efforts.

We invite to discuss this GHA proposal as an addition to our “Gandhi 150” project during three days, up to July 31, to know first of all the opinions of this project key figures in India: Dr. Merchant, Mr. Latif, Mr. Sundra, Mr. Dugar, Mr. Mascarenhas and others. The fate of the Nonviolence Spiritual Forum in honor of Gandhi is in your hands fully, if India, its responsible citizens intends to preserve and continue this honor for India and for worldwide.

         Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA Founder and Honorary President,


Joint educational peacemaking project for the Gandhi anniversary


Dear esteemed SGI and GHA leaders,

We, the GHA team, first of all, are happy to thank the SGI for your generous donation of 500 dollars for publishing GHA "Gandhi book" - the primer Gandhica (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848), and secondly to offer you a joint educational project for the 150th anniversary of Gandhi o­n October 2, 2019.

A draft of this SGI / GHA joint project / primer (4 p.), which we called “Gandhica and Buddhism” (GAB), as well as the updated cover of this textbook, see the attachment. We invite you to discuss this project and express all your opinions within two days, which we can extend if required. This is our, GHA traditional democratic procedure for passing each project, which ends with its approval by the GHA members. Naturally, you could suggest your traditional procedure for discussion and approval: we would be happy to get involved in it or wait for it to finish at your place.

We would just like to emphasize the extreme limited time available for our joint project - less than two months, until September 20, 2019, to present our joint primer GAB for presentation at the Commemorative Gandhian Sessions of the UN and UNESCO General Assemblies, and other international organizations by our representatives in them (from the GHA - Nobel Peace Prize laureates, our co-authors etc.) o­n October 1-2. Given this key constraint, we propose to conclude our discussion in two days and take a final decision in another two days - o­n 28 July. We think that this time is enough for a solution. Do you agree with this? Thank you for your understanding of the peacemaking importance of our cooperation.
          With deep respect,
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA Honorary President,


Dear Dr Leo,

It is for me great pleasure to get in touch with Japanese friends and I will share the personal page. Meanwhile, I 'd prefer to send you my updated profile latest Monday 30/07. Then, I will share the updated information. Thanks.
Habyarimana Heli


Dear Leo, 

Thank you for your update and an exciting suggestion. Nevertheless, I have to notify you that we are already occupied with other tasks and unable to promote the project that you proposed. With our own capacity, meanwhile, we'd be pleased to try our best to present it to UN General Assembly and UNESCO. For example, I myself will visit UN HQ in the end of September for the climate summit. During the stay I might be able to meet those leaders. 

Please feel free to share any other idea with me. Also, I very much look forward to the book. Best regards,
Nobuyuki Asai,
Office of Peace and Global Issues, Soka Gakkai International (SGI)

Dear Asai,

Thank you very much for your evaluation of our project (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=897) as “exciting suggestion”. Indeed, today no o­ne can offer for SGI and its great leader Daisaku Ikeda a larger, more effective and better way to promote your and our common mission to achieve global peace and disarmament through universal humanitarian peacemaking education in Gandhi’s non-violence, which is fundamentally scientifically justified and detailed in small (240 p.) unique GHA book/primer “Gandhica” (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848). It is very important that you understand this, have already supported this project by co-authoring Daisaku Ikeda in it, your donation of $ 500 to it and your intention to provide a presentation of this joint book/textbook into the UN at the September end. This is a great help and promotion of our joint project, for that we are sincerely grateful to you.

As for your words “we are already occupied with other tasks and unable to promote the project that you proposed”, we understand that this concerns the financial side of the project that your budget has already been planned, and you are not able to participate in its financial part. But let us together look for additional funds ($ 19,000) or part of them in order to implement our project (translation and publication of “Gandhica” in 8 new languages ​​other than English and Russian), at least in part. We have already begun to perform it in French and are looking for means to implement it in Spanish and Chinese, as well as at least in o­ne Indian language - in Hindi. We are now in active correspondence with our possible sponsors o­n this part in the United States, India and Russia. I hope we will have something, albeit in a small part.

Only o­ne question/difficulty arises: do you permit us to publish “Gandhica” in an updated format, with an updated cover with the SGI name and with updated title “Gandhica and Buddhism”? In addition, could we get a key article from Daisaku Ikeda “Gandhi Nonviolence and Buddhism” in 2-3 pages in the next 1-2 weeks for the book updated edition? If we get all this, then we will reprint it updated. If we do not receive it, we will republish it as we published it in Delhi, at Mr. Latif’s Publishing House.

He promised us to complete the publication of 300 copies of Gandhica o­n July 29 and to send you the promised 20 copies o­n July 29-30. We hope that Mr. Latif will fulfill his contractual obligations within the specified period. Then you will have the opportunity to take 4-6 copies of it to the UN HQ for your presentation at the September end. We will be happy to send you also 2-3 copies of the updated Gandhica at least in French and Hindi. This will provide you, your SGI, with exceptional success at Gandhi celebrations at the UN and UNESCO. It would be unwise to neglect such a unique chance to promote our peace mission through humanitarian education, which your SGI serves as we do. Therefore, we are working together o­n this goal and we are waiting for undoubted success and global public recognition. It deserves all our efforts and our hard work and searches. We think you share this position with us. Thank you for understanding.
Best regards,
PS. Banner "Gandhi-Ikeda" will be published in the coming hours o­n the main page of our website "Peace from Harmony":


Dear SGI and GHA leaders, Dear Leo,

Excellent work! Please keep us as informed as possible about the further synergies of this critical cooperation! The primer, in view, suits its purpose well. For the future, I have sent a description of what kind of phenomena and interaction occur when there is no violence. As Leo has informed me, and I agreed, we need to proceed now with our cooperation and the task of how to conceptually and practically organize and steer our re-organization has to further elaborated after that.

To show the relevance of the two pre-digitalization movements and systems of Gandhica and Buddhism in the context of humanity's global digital transformation to preserve our psycho-physiological and social integrity, I added cybernetics perspective of peaceful living.
Best Regards,


Respected All Peace Aspirants,

My best wishes to launch this joint GHA and SGI Project. I support it. Regards

Pravat Kumar Dhal, PhD, Magadh University, Bodhgaya, India


DrLeoSemashkoGHAFounderandHonoraryPresident, Nobuyuki Asai (SGI) and

All SGI & GHA Global Peace Leaders. Greetings from GHA India

Congratulations for initiating the Soka-Gakkai International (SGI) and Global Harmony Association (GHA)SGI/GHA Joint Project "Gandhi 150". Gandhi Nonviolence School (GNS) for India and Japan.

At present we are living in an era of violence & warsand age of fourth industrial revolution (4th IRs). At the dawn of the new millennium, what is required most is Sustainable Peace and Harmonious education fortransformation of humanitythroughGandhian’s Nonviolence and Buddhist Philosophyand buildingNonviolent Harmonious civilization.

The Gandhianand SGI Buddhism Joint Project “Gandhi 150" is the 5th revolution ofGandhian’sNonviolence& Buddhist approach ofentering intothe Age of Nonviolent Harmonious Enlightenment and Education in 21st century. Peace & Harmony to all.

Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President & Chairman Board,


Dear DrLeoSemashkoGHAFounderandHonoraryPresident, Nobuyuki Asai (SGI) and

All SGI & GHA Global Peace Leaders. Greetings from GHA India,

It's a great occasion to welcome this new partnership with Soka-Gakkai International (SGI) for new positive energy and strength for all of us o­n the mission of universal peace through Project "Gandhi 150". Gandhi Nonviolence School (GNS) for India and Japan, and other subsequent initiatives.
Best regards,
Commander Bhushan Dewan,
Mumbai, India


Dear SGI leaders and GHA leaders

From the birth of the monad in thephilosophyof Socrates to thewholeness and completion of the tetrad ,Global Peace Harmony expresses the ultimate realisation of a peaceful harmonious Global Civilisation resting o­n the inseparable connection between life and all phenomena integrating mind body spirit with the social and living and non living environment

Dr Leo Semashko in Global Peace Harmony explains,Tetranetthinking in o­ntology is four-SPHERAL and four-dimensional, therefore tetrad/tetravalent.

He saysthat SPHERONS are harmonious classes of the population, ensuring social peace from harmony, andthe reproduction of resources in harmony and peace .

QUOTE- Society as a social production/autopoiesis cannot exist without the four fundamental,societal/spheral clusters of products/resources/capitals, related to : People, Information, Organizations and Things (material goods and services).

SGI is the World’s foremost lay organisation led by Daisaku Ikeda o­n The Buddhism of NICHIREN Dai Shonin

I enclose my article o­n The Buddhism of NICHIREN DAI SHONIN

Kindest Regards


Dr Michael Ellis

PresidentGlobal Peace Centre


Founder New Paradigm Journal in 2006 http://www.newparadigmjournal.com/

President of The Club Of Budapest Australia


Board Member advisory seat IAEWP


GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in Australia

Personal page: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=760



Dear Michael,

Thank you very much for your wonderful philosophical article o­n Buddhism, its development and meaning. We would be happy to publish it o­n our website and in our new books, if you would finalize it in accordance with all scientific requirements (bibliography, author identification, etc.) and within its four key parts: “Buddha, Nicherin, Ikeda and Tetranet Thinking for Global Peace" o­n a half of page for everyone within 2 pages. You touched o­n all these topics in the article, now you just need to concentrate and synergistically combine them in their general common meaning. It consists in the historical preparation and development of four-dimensional harmonious non-violent thinking, ensuring global peace, disarmament and the survival of humanity, our nature and salvation from nuclear annihilation. Buddha laid the foundation for this holistic thinking, and Ikeda and GHA lifted it to a modern scientific level, providing it with the highest humanistic meaning. Could you make similar updated article in 1-2 weeks?

A similar offer / invitation applies to Lukas with his wonderful new article.

Another small but important question: when will we receive your long-promised donation for Gandhica? Thanks you.
Best regards,


© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005