Abiy Ahmed Prime Minister of Ethiopia
Born: 15 August 1976 (age 43)
Beshasha, Ethiopia Political party: Oromo Democratic Party Other: Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front Faith: Protestant Spouse: Zinash Tayachew Children: 3 daughters and 1 adopted son Education: Microlink Information Technology College (BA) University of Greenwich (MA) Ashland University (MBA) Addis Ababa University (PhD) Awards: Nobel Peace Prize (2019) Official website: https://pmo.gov.et/ The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s (FDRE) Office of the Prime Minister Address: Tel.: +251 111 226 767 Fax: +251 111 226 292 P.O.Box: 1031 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Email: info@pmo.gov.et Lorenzo Te'azaz Road A message to the Prime Minister: https://pmo.gov.et/contact/ Wikipedia bio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiy_Ahmed Strategic initiative: Moving from short to more ambitious medium & long-term reforms: https://pmo.gov.et/media/documents/Improving_Ease_of_Doing_Business_jull23.pdf Personal page, English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=903 Персональная страница РУ: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=815 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Harmony Association (GHA) Citizens of Earth! Unite in harmony for love, peace, nonviolence, justice, freedom, equality, fraternity and happiness!

GHA since February 15, 2005 is an international NGO uniting more than 600 members in 65 countries
and more than one million participants from the GHA collective members. Web: www.peacefromharmony.org
Board: 36 GHA members from 14 countries
GHA headquarters: Office A 170, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110045, India; M. +91 9910241586; E-mail: schandra101@gmail.com
GHA Mission is:
To bring global peace from harmony and to pave a conscious way for nonviolent civilization on scientifically based ‘ABC of Harmony’, ‘Global Peace Science’ and ‘Gandhica’ through harmonious education in Gandhian Nonviolent Tetranet Thinking: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Harmony Association confers the GHA High Honor World Harmony Gandhian Creator on Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia For his unique contributions to Global Peace from World Harmony in his most outstanding achievements in Ethiopia and neighboring countries: • Peaceful settlement of the conflict with Eritrea, which lasted since 1961 • Release of all political prisoners and the return of the opposition to the country. • The introduction of a gender quota of at least 50% for women in government.
• Support and promotion of interfaith harmony between Christians and Muslims in the country. • Initiation of the Green Heritage campaign to reforestation in the country. This summer alone, more than 353 million trees were planted as part of the campaign. These unprecedented achievements in the history of the country and the African continent have rightly been awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.
To look more in detail on his personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=903 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=815 PM Abiy Ahmed is included in the GHA Gallery: World Harmony Gandhian Creators: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543
Approved by the GHA on October 15, 2019 To the GHA ‘2019 Gandhi World Year’ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TO Mr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia*, Gandhian peacemaker, Nobel Peace Laureate and outstanding political leader - “a substantially new manner of thinking” (Einstein), which will allow you to master the “greatest force of non-violence” (Gandhi) to ensure lasting peace with Eritrea and during 5-10 years - a fundamental breakthrough of Ethiopia from poverty and marginal country to prosperity and world leader, if you comprehend it in the proposed "Gandhica" that we are happy to gift you. The special proposals based on it, see in the book appendix. Looking forward to meeting you in Russia on October 23-25. Yours sincerely, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President and “Gandhica” Editor in Chief, Saint-Petersburg, Russia https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 14-10-19 * This is a dedication on the GHA book "Gandhica" sent to PM. Appendix. Dear Mr. Abiy Ahmed! The Global Harmony Association (GHA) is happy to congratulate you on the well-deserved and timely award of the Nobel Peace Prize! Your peacemaking merits in resolving the Eritrean conflict are comparable to the achievements of Mahatma Gandhi. You found and used in Ethiopia the “greatest force of non-violence” by incorporating Gandhi's “law of non-violence” in a peaceful resolution of this conflict. Now, in order to keep peace in the region sustainable, eliminate doubts about its strength and ensure in 5-10 years Ethiopia’s fundamental breakthrough from poverty and marginalization into prosperity and world leaders, the GHA offers you the following proposals and the corresponding ambitious unprecedented reforms worthy of you. They are formulated on the basis of the Copernican Gandhian revolution of social thinking of the 21st century from harmony of Gandhi’s spherons/varnas, presented in the GHA unique, ninth book “GANDHICA” (240 p) by 82 coauthors-scientists (including the President of India and four Nobel Peace Laureates) from 25 countries (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848). The GHA created it on the basis of eight previous books and 70 peacemaking projects in almost 15 years. We are happy to give you the fruit of this long and persistent international creativity / cooperation for the good of your country and your Gandhian peacemaking. 1. Peacemaking education of the people. A solid foundation for permanent peace in the region and the breakthrough of your country can only be the Gandhian nonviolent peacemaking thinking/consciousness of your people, which is provided by the corresponding mass humanitarian education on the Gandhica basis. As Gandhi wrote: “if you want lasting peace, start with the education of children.” To realize this long-term strategic ambitious goal, we invite you to republish this book as a textbook for all educational institutions in Ethiopia and Eritrea, under the guidance and introduction of the two countries leaders. You could include 4-5 GHA experts from different countries in the editorial board of this textbook. Education in Gandhian peacemaking thinking will become, in the words of Nelson Mandela, “the most powerful weapon to change the world,” in this case, in your region and forever. Similar educational strategic reform will provide your countries with a breakthrough into prosperity, which will make your region and Africa as a whole a world humanitarian leader in peacekeeping and humanitarian building of the 21st century, ahead of all traditional civilizations stagnating in militarism. 2. Reform of the humanities and social sciences. The educational reform is impossible without the reform of humanitarian knowledge and social sciencesstagnating for more than a century. Their reform, renewal and rehabilitation is possible only on the basis of creating a separate Academy of Humanitarian/Social Sciences - AHSS (as it is done in China) on the basis of fundamental structural sociocybernetic science, the genetic spheral realities of which are outlined in a first approximation in Gandhica. The GHA has long been working on projects of a similar Academy and its various educational university courses in all areas, including global political governance and harmonious business management, providing the highest economic effect. We would be happy to prepare these projects for your consideration and discussion among the humanitarian scholars of Ethiopia. 3. The condominium of your countries in the disputed territories, agreed on a common Gandhian basis, could become a special fundamental pillar of a lasting peace in the region, which would turn them from zones of violence, devastation and disaster into prosperous areas of accelerated development of your countries. The GHA proposed the idea of a condominium in its peacekeeping projects and could use it for your region, legally detailing it. 4. Reform of democratic governance to ensure peace and prosperity. Without political reform of government and administration, no reforms and lasting peace are possible. The fundamental spheral science “Gandhica” offers a gradual transformation of an obsolete branch structure of power and management into spheral democracy, politics and management over the course of 4-5 years. The scientific support for the political reform of democracy in Ethiopia would be prepared by the AHSS on the Gandhica theoretical basis and on the empirical basis of spheral statistics, as well as on the experimental testing of spheral power structures in the country states and large cities for 2-3 years. one of the most important features of political reform is the constitutional quota of 50% of the seats in the government for women, which you have already implemented, as well as the “Children's Suffrage Law Executed by Parents and Mothers First of All,” which would ensure demographic regulation and social priority for a key national resource / wealth / capital - to children, whose quality determines the quality (and quantity) of all the society results, including GDP. GHA has similar projects that were created in past decades, starting in 1990. We would be happy to update them for Ethiopia in the relevant work that you can initiate. 5. Reform of technology and information. This reform is closest to you as a professional in them. Gandhian thinking based on the spheral cybernetic science opens up a strategic intellectual breakthrough prepared in more than 40 years in key areas: artificial intelligence, global statistics, spheral digital Internet (a fundamentally new Internet built on over the traditional), spheral digital technologies of economics, management, education, healthcare, lifestyle, asymmetric nonviolent security, holistic ecology, etc. This colossal and unprecedented reform can be prepared by the AHSS together with the Institutes of the Academy of Natural Sciences and relevant governmental and private agencies and corporations of Ethiopia. Particularly important is the role of AHSS as an inexhaustible source of fundamentally new technologies and big (spheral) data clusters. These reforms fit organically and harmoniously combine with your strategic plans for “moving from short-term to ambitious medium-term and long-term reforms” in all areas of social production. The proposed reforms could ensure a doubling of the country's GDP every 5-8 years. Your work in this innovative direction will become a powerful incentive and a vivid example of peaceful and breakthrough processes on the African continent. To implement the proposed proposals/reforms into scientifically sound projects for your discussion and the Parliament, the GHA would be happy to send its 5-7 experts for this work together with your experts for 6 months to Addis Ababa at your invitation. Another option: the GHA could prepare in 6 months 10-12 of your experts in these areas in St. Petersburg. In order to discuss these unique proposals for your country and gift you copies of the GHA Gandhica and Global Peace Science, I would be happy to meet with you for 30 minutes in Sochi on October 23-24 at the Russia-Africa Summit, or after it if you visit the most beautiful city of Russia - St. Petersburg, where I live and would be happy to meet with you. In addition, I am always ready to make presentation of these proposals at any of your expert or political council for their detailed discussion. Another option: you could meet with a GHA delegation of 4-6 experts (humanitarian scientists) from different countries to discuss our proposals above, if you could pay for their trip to Russia, to St. Petersburg to meet you at 1- 2 hours, for example, on October 25th. For you, this would be the most convincing and trusting contact with us. In this case, we could send you a list of our delegation. Yours sincerely, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President and Gandhica Editor in Chief, Saint-Petersburg, Russia https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 14-10-19 Publication: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=903
Dear GHA members, friends! I am happy to report that Mr. Abiy Ahmed, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, was approved by GHA members in the GHA Highest Honorary Title “World Harmony Gandhian Creator” on October 15, 2019 unanimously without a single objection. The GHA congratulates Mr. Abiy Ahmed on this unique peacemaking title, which he deserved with his Gandhian peace solution to the Eritrean conflict. This GHA approval is published on the personal page of Mr. Abiy Ahmed in Russian and English here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=903 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=815 and included in the GHA Gallery “World Harmony Gandhian Creators” here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=543 Of the many responses, several of the most informative are published below. The best wishes of the world from the harmony of Gandhi’s spherons / varnas, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 18-10-19 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Some responses: Dear GHA members Yes, I do agree for PM Abiy Ahmed Thea Marie Robert, France 16-10-19 Dr. Leo Semashko Founder (2005) and Honorary President (2016) and Global Peace Leaders, Greetings from India Regarding discussion the GHA proposals for reform in Ethiopia for the Prime Minister, YES! I support the proposalof Gandhica and GHA reform proposals in Ethiopia for PM. Therefore, I am interested to be member of GHA delegation for a meeting with the PM of Ethiopia. I am also suggesting to establish Mahatma Gandhi School of Peace & Nonviolence (GSPN) in Ethiopia to develop Global non-violent sustainable world. GHA Gandhica- Ethiopia - Call for World Peace & oneness of Humanity Nuclear War is the major threat to Humanity “In the event of a nuclear war there will be no victors because there will be no survivors…” His Holiness the Dalai Lama Time for Global Action! Creating a New World Order Peace, Unity & Harmony: To fulfill the dream of humanity to create a nuclear free world. It is the time to think together & work together to establish Mahatma Gandhi School of Peace & Nonviolence (GSPN) in Ethiopia to develop global non-violent sustainable world: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=624 Peace & Harmony to all, Dr. Subhash Chandra, President & Chairman Board GHA – Global Harmony Association, India Да, я поддерживаю кандидатуру Премьера Эфиопии Абия Ахмада для Высшего Почетного звания ГСГ. Его стремление к установлению мирного сосуществования двух противоборствующих сторон, к сохранению человеческих жизней, а если цель достигнута, что может быть почетнее, важнее. Конечно этот человек достоин уважения, а его достижения должны служить примером длялидеров тех стран, где существуют разногласия между разными народами. ВераПопович, Россия Dear Dr Leo, Dear Members; My YES please. It is a great pleasure for Africa to have such a Great Person like the Ethiopian PM. Thanks. Habyarimana Heli, Rwanda Dr. Leo and All Global Peace lovers, Greetings from India Yes! I support fully PM Abiy Ahmed: World Harmony Gandhian’s Creator, for creating peaceful& harmonioussociety. Peace & Harmony to all. Dr. Subhash Chandra, President & Chairman Board GHA – Global Harmony Association, India Gandhica Book (2019) presentation https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=689 Vice-Chair of the International Jubilee Gandhi Committee (GC) https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=853 M-+91 9910241586 ; E-mail schandra101@gmail.com Yes to PM Abiy Ahmed: World Harmony Gandhian Creator,because we support all his activity for peace and remarkable personality. María Cristina Azcona, Argentina Respected Dr. Leo, From my side answer is "Yes". Great people must be admired. Regards, Dr. Noor M. Larik. Pakistan 13-10-19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abiy Ahmed: World Harmony Gandhian Creator, Approval by October 15 Dear GHA members, friends, Else in the last year, my eldest son Alexander proposed the candidacy of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed for the GHA Highest Honorary Title. Now when he was deservedly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, we are happy to recommend him for this title. Our recommendation is published on the personal page of Mr. Ahmad: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=903 and is presented in the attachment for discussion and approval of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia in this title until October 15, 2019 by your "YES" or "NO". As always, in such obvious cases, your silence will be recognized by your “YES”. But we will be happy to publish the most vivid and convincing replies on his page. PM Ahmad embodies the best features of the Gandhian peacemaker and political leader from non-violence and harmony with his unique achievements in the peaceful settlement of the conflict with Eritrea, the introduction of a 50% quota for the representation of women in government (that the GHA has been dreaming for 15 years!), the intensive development of democracy and the ecology. From my point of view, he can be called the greatest peacemaker after Gandhi and is comparable to him in the 21st century. Therefore, I urge you to support this candidacy with your positive replies. With love, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 12-10-19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------