Banner: Spheronism, Spheral Peacebuilding: The Best World Business
GHA Project 74GHA practical breakthrough in business, governance and politics. Harmonious transformation of the Military-Industrial Complex into the PPC (Peaceful Production Complex) As a way of general and complete disarmament in 50 years.
Started: 18-01-20
GHA approved: 22-01-20 End: January 2021
Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=923 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=824
The GHA Project 74 authors are: The authors of "Gandhica": https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848 and "Gandhicracy": https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=907
Contents Preamble. The synthesis of the GHA's theoretical achievements in Gandhica and Gandhicracy is the basis for the pragmatic breakthrough of the GHA and its bridge to politics and business Common part 1. The GHA updated mission: Transformation of peacemaking from deceitful propaganda of power and beggarly mendicancy of peacemakers into a state-invested highly profitable harmonious business 2. The requirements of business peacebuilding: science, truth, fundamental reality and the inexhaustible substance of global peace in spherons, spheral statistics and its (global peace) sociocybernetic genome as a synergistic source of super profit and highest surplus value 3. Business peacebuilding as an alternative to the arms business, transforming it, together with its infrastructure (military industry, science, academies, armed forces, military bases, etc.), into a global peace infrastructure with a global peacebuilding and security corps, ensuring universal and complete disarmament in 50 years. 4. "Gandhicracy": The beginning of a conscious scientific transformation of the Military-Industrial Complex in the PPC (Peaceful Production Complex) in harmony and non-violence 5. “Gandhicracy”: Political Resource and Organizational Source for the Military-Industrial Complex Transformation in the PPC Special part. GHA Pragmatic Peacebuilding Principles 1. The ultimate goal and constant pragmatic mission of the GHA: building global peace through scientific cybernetic thinking of spheres/spherons and designing on its basis the organizational political structures of Gandhian democracy and governance at all levels 2. Sociocybernetic genome of global peace as a nonlinear thermodynamic system - the substance of a new way of thinking, structural modeling and system design of global peace at all levels 3. Projective reduction of the genome for each object in the chain: object genome - object spherons - spherons statistics - trends in its dynamics - their spheral organization - the most effective governing structure of the object - its spheral organizational and digital technologies, including spheral Internet and AI - system design project of this structure as the final business product 4. Mastering the “Gandhica” as “a substantially new manner of thinking [of spheres/spherons], ensuring survival” (Einstein) and higher efficiency. (Gandhica is the general methodology of thinking of the authors of “Gandhicracy.” Therefore, each author is required: A) Gandhica review, and B) Statistical research of spherons of any level. This is the common denominator and integrator of partial thinking.) 5. Mastery of the "Gandhicracy" as the organizational, managerial and political institution of global peace at any level that finances only peace and excludes the financing of war/weapons. 6. Mastery of third-order Cybernetics of spheres/spherons as a scientific integrator and common denominator through two indicated sources. 7. Creation on the formulated principles of the International Peacemaking Corporation “Gandhian Governance and Spheral Design” (GGSD) with national branches in different countries on the basis of the fundamental discovery of the spherons new reality and the corresponding “substantially new manner of thinking”. To prepare the necessary competent personnel, GGSD creates the corresponding International University, which eventually grows into the International Academy of Global Peace. 8. Orientation of GGSD products to parties and organizations that, by their standards (charters, codes, constitutions, etc.) exclude war, militarism and weapons or intend to free themselves from them. These are, first of all, “green”, women's, youth and children's organizations, deeply committed to global peace. 9. The first THREE simple steps of each participant/coauthor of Gandhicracy: •A) Review of the unique peacekeeping significance of “Gandhica” • B) Statistical research of the country spherons at any level, • C) Constructive or critical article for Gandhicracy or a practical proposal in its first pilot funded project. 10. All co-authors of the “Gandhicracy” will be invited to participate in the GHA funded pilot project worth 100-200 thousand dollars in January 2021. This funding can be obtained in one of our countries, where we will find it through parties interested in it, especially the “green” parties or through women's and youth organizations committed to global peace and interested in our project as an instrument of political leadership and election victory of any level. Spherons: Structural Modeling and System Design Model: SPHERONS of Humanity


| SOCIOCYBERNETIC GENOME (SOCIONOME) of Structural Harmony of Spheres and Spherons 
| Spheral Matrix of Humanity PIOT Resources (1980)

Spherons of Humanity: Substantial Attributes. Their scale, value and cost/profit for the business. Table (scaffolding). Note. Perhaps some definitions and words in this table will turn out to be redundant, excess and some missing, deficient. Therefore, the table has a preliminary character of scaffolding. But it is necessary for a holistic, integrated systemic characterization of spherons. It will be clarified during the authors’ teamwork in 2020. SIOT Spherons: Sociospheron Infospheron Orgsferon, Technoecospheron | Substantial Attributes | Scale at all levels and stages of humanity | Value for survival of humanity at all levels and stages | Source of cost, profits in production, business | SIOT | Substance, humanity reality as a whole (population, people) | Global, Holistic, Maximal, Eternal | Unlimited, Inseparable Absolute | Endless | SIOT | Necessary and sufficient societal structure of actors | Global, Maximal, Eternal | Unlimited, Inseparable Absolute | Endless | SIOT | Social Production Actors | Global, Maximal, Eternal | Unlimited, Inseparable Absolute | Endless | SIOT | Products, Results: Equally necessary PIOT resources | Global, Maximal, Eternal | Unlimited, Inseparable Absolute | Endless | SIOT | Equality among themselves by results, regardless of the SIOT size | Global, Maximal, Eternal | Unlimited, Inseparable Absolute | Endless | SIOT | Modus of existence: stochastic, probabilistic, thermodynamic, statistical, nonlinear | Global, Maximal, Eternal | Unlimited, Inseparable Absolute | Endless | SIOT | Active system elements of the humanity societal GENOME | Global, Maximal, Eternal | Unlimited, Inseparable Absolute | Endless | SIOT | Carriers of spheral soft energy of survival at the genetic level | Global, Maximal, Eternal | Unlimited, Inseparable Absolute | Endless | SIOT | Spontaneous actors of peace, harmony, non-violence, balance, equilibrium but within the framework of inadequate spontaneous power, TMD | Global, Maximal but TEMPORARY BEFORE SPHERONS DISCOVERY in the GHA | Limited, Inseparable Relative | Corporate profit Limited by Losses from violence and predation of nature | SIOT | Conscious actors of peace, harmony, non-violence, balance, equilibrium, within the framework of an adequate conscious spheral power, GND | Local, and TEMPORARY BEGINNING SPHERONS DISCOVERY and various spheral projects | Limited, Inseparable, Relative | Extended corporate profit, decline of loss from violence and predation of nature | SIOT (Final of the 21st century) | Conscious actors of peace, harmony and non-violence, within the framework of an adequate conscious spheral power, GND | Global, Maximal, Eternal for the future on the basis of universal spheral projects of governance, education, science, digital technologies, AI, spheral Internet, etc. spheral innovations | FOR THE FUTURE, in the XXI century: infinite, inseparable, absolute, conscious | Spheral peacebuilding business with the highest social profit, without loss from violence and without predation of nature. GHA as the 1st spheral billionaire in the 21st century. |
This integral table is a brief summary of Gandhica, such its generalizing paragraphs as: 1.3; 1.4.5; 1.5; 2.8. It illustrates in a new light the two most important achievements of the last century: 1. The Gandhian definition of varnas/spherons as sources of non-violence in ancient India, which became a new impetus and proof of the discovery of the universal societal genetic spherons of the universal social Gandhian law of “non-violence as the greatest force of mankind [which] is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction” and 2. Einstein's ingenious demand for “a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity wants to survive,” which becomes cybernetic societal thinking by the spheres and spherons. Both discoveries of the ingenious predictions of Gandhi and Einstein of the last century are revealed and proved in the GHA book “Gandhica” that makes it an unprecedented intellectual and peacemaking achievement of the new century. At the same time, this table is the beginning of the comprehension, methodology and design of the model of Gandhicracy in the GHA 2020 relevant book. This is an intellectual bridge between them. Therefore, this table may constitute the strongest argument for the need to review Gandhica by each co-author of the new Gandhicracy book for a deep understanding of its theoretical foundations, practical value and financial efficiency, which will be distributed among all its participants / co-authors. Thinking by spheres and spherons provides the highest level of intellectual generalization and integrity/holism of social cognition and social science on a global, ultimate, and eternal scale. Here lies not only its unique advantage, innovativeness and the highest fundamental dignity, but also the main source of its complexity and difficulties in expressing, presenting, perceiving and understanding, which is not accessible to every mind today. Therefore, it is not necessary to reduce it to a primitive and to demand from it a primitive answers, explanations, decisions and projects. The first test of his intellectual mastery is a short review of the Gandhica of each co-author of the Gandhicracy. The Project Logical Completion. Powerful Spheronism instead of Infirm Pacifism. GHA: Could it be the First Peacebuilding Billionaire of the 21st century Spheronism? The logical conclusion: powerful spheronism instead of the powerlessness of pacifism. The “Gandhicracy” project, crowning a series of ten GHA peace books in 15 years, finds its logical, theoretical and intellectual completeness in the key systemic innovative concept “SPHERONISM”. It embodies the intellectual power of the spherons’ theory - that substantial societal structure, strength and energy of humanity and those of its eternal genetic actors – SPHERONS. onLY they able to eradicate war, militarism and violence, building a world order of global peace and non-violence, free from nuclear and other weapons that will ensure the survival of humankind and the salvation of the natural environment. The concept of spheronism integrates all the many previous theoretical versions of the “Spheral Approach” since 1980: tetrasociology, tetrism, spherism, harmonism, third-order sociocybernetics, harmonious civilization, ABC of harmony, Global Peace Science, Gandhian democracy and the like, presented in 10 books and 74 GHA projects (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472). The tenth book (“Gandhicracy”) is not yet available, but in the GHA 71-74 projects its intellectual scaffolds were created, revealing its substance of spherons and its spheral peacebuilding contours. They provide a quick, maximum year-long completion and publication of this crowning book. Spheronism synergistically integrates in its discovery of spherons the two most powerful intellectual achievements of the last century in understanding the peacemaking nature of humankind: 1. "Greatest force of humanity non-violence" by Mahatma Gandhi and 2. "Substantially new manner of thinking surviving humankind" by Albert Einstein. Both of these achievements have remained incomprehensible by science and pacifism until now, have not found an explanation and use in them. With this they has bled and exhausted themselves in opposing flourishing militarism and its even more prosperous military science, which are generously financed by the militaristic authorities and democracies of all countries. only the discovery of spherons more than 40 years ago and the development of their theories focused on the concept of spheronism, provided them with a decent adequate scientific explanation and practical application in sphere peacebuilding. This is the peacebuilding of spherons in integral humanity and at all its levels and stages in the future, because only it is adequate to the nature and genetics of the global world, i.e. only it is identical to peacekeeping practice. This is natural, since any scientific theory is not only a speculative explanation, but also the fundamental governance of the relevant practice. This is a fundamental situation and a necessary attribute of all sciences. Spheronism is fully consistent with them. Therefore, it possesses not only the highest intellectual scientific power, but also the highest pragmatism of peacebuilding, which ensures, ultimately, a complete victory over war, militarism and violence in the 21st century. It was proved by the GHA in the “Global Peace Science” (GPS, 2015/6: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf). Spheral peacebuilding business. The peacebuilding pragmatism of spheronism is expressed, first of all, in spheral integration and spheral structuring of key business conditions, transforming it from industry/branch, corporate and partial one at the service of partial elites to spheral, holistic, societal business, which serves to the interests of society as a whole at all levels. Fundamental features, advantages and benefits of the spheral peacebuilding business: 1. It submits himself to the conservation of nature: this is a 100% environmentally friendly business outside of militarism and with the maximum conservation of nature, which, by definition, cannot be achieved by industry/branch, corporate, predatory business. 2. Spheral business combines branch, partial corporate capital into spheral capital of four spheres of social production, ensuring its harmonious balance/equilibrium, freeing from spontaneous crises and mastering the highest efficiency of spheral/societal synergistic surplus value inaccessible to corporate capital. 3. Spheral capital creates a system of harmonious, spheral, most effective (on spheral surplus value) governance and management for itself and its entire infrastructure, transforming traditional, antagonistic and deadly competition into harmonious and equally advantageous (win-win strategy) competition for all participants but with different results for them. 4. Spheral business and capital create a fundamentally innovative cluster of highly intelligent spheral jobs and mass spheral employment, counting in millions. It provides the highest, spheral level of organization, management, efficiency and digitalization of all spheres of social production at all levels from an individual enterprise and municipality to humanity as a whole. Here it creates the global spheral government and harmonious spheral UN, excluding war, violence and militarism, to which the GHA special project of 2017 was dedicated: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=769. Spheral peacebuilding business and its spheral infrastructure will be analyzed and designed in detail in the Gandhicracy. The last century pacifism has shown its practical impotence, its incompatibility with science, with a scientific explanation of global peace and some kind of systemic fundamental business of humanity, except for some sporadic useful actions that quickly ran out and died. War, militarism and violence cannot be overcome and defeated by the weak intellect and superficial emotional mind of traditional pacifism. This proved и by practically, the historical bloody experience of the world and endless national wars the last century. It did not go above good, but baseless recommendations, suggestions and initiatives that quickly died and were forgotten, although in some cases they played a beneficial, stimulating role, which is considered in the GHA books. The pragmatic impotence and mental weakness of pacifism and all its traditional peacemaking led it to natural decrepitude, stagnation and a slow dying in oblivion. War, militarism and violence can be overcome and defeated only by the soft force of the mind and the mental power of peacemaking intelligence, concentrated by the notion of “spheronism” for more than 40 years of its development, especially productive in the GHA's 15-year history, the anniversary of which is celebrated on February 15. The soft mental energetic power of spheronism takes hold of the Gandhian “greatest force of non-violence of mankind” and embodies the “substantially new manner of thinking” (by spheres / spherons) of Einstein, which save humanity from of the 100% prepared nuclear genocide/ecocide, from which humanity is only 100 seconds apart today (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924) ensuring its survival, and nature - salvation. The old and weak pacifist mentality cannot overcome them that it cannot do in the last century. We need a new mentality (intellect), which for over 40 years has focused on the discovery of the theory and practice of "spheronism", most strongly expressed in the GHA. No matter how "strange and alien" the term "spheronism" at first glance, it expresses the discovery of the fundamental reality/substance of the humanity spherons and the corresponding “substantial new manner of thinking”, which will be necessary to accept in spite of its initial “strangeness”. New fundamental scientific discoveries and key social achievements require new concepts, categories, their definitions and explanations. This is the law of the scientific knowledge development of humanity and its intellectual progress, which it cannot refuse for the sake of any partial whims and traditional errors, especially concerning global peace as a key condition for the survival and salvation of nature. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 25-01-20 Inprocess ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Powerful spheronism instead of decrepit pacifism. GHA: Could it be the First Peacebuilding Billionaire of the 21st century Spheronism? Dear GHA members, friends, only now, with the approval of the "Gandhicracy" project fourth part, which did not receive a single objection, but a lot of support and suggestions (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=923), project acquired its logical, pragmatic and financial completeness. What is it expressed in? 1. In the fourth part, this project was replenished with the Integral Table "Humanity Spherons: Substantial Attributes", which is additionally included in the project. 2. In the fourth part, it was replenished with models and diagrams of structural modeling and system design of spherons from the GHA past books. They are also additionally included in the project. 3. In the fourth part, it was replenished with the development of the unique and decisive for global peacebuilding business pragmatics of spherons. 4. Finally, here the project found its logical, intellectual conclusion in the innovative systemic holistic concept of “spheronism”. It is intended to replace decrepit pacifism useless against prosperity of militarism, violence, anti-Semitism and xenophobia (this was well emphasized by Guy Crequie in his last letter published there) along with its traditional impotent peacemaking, from which spheronism preserves and integrates all partial constructive achievements. Pacifism does not prevent the revival of Nazism in the new century, therefore, some countries today resemble Hitler Germany 1933. In an updated form, with new editors, this project is published here (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=907) and in the attachment. This is our methodological beacon for the entire time we will work with project, so please keep and constantly use it. Of course, you can correct it if you want. The project completes the Gandhicracy scaffolding, outlines its profile as a whole, emphasizes the significant preparedness of its material by at least 60-70% that promises for the book to be published in August / September and expresses its unlimited financial prospects in the innovative global business of spheral peacebuilding. This financial perspective can make us, the GHA, the Gandhicracy co-authors by the first spheral billionaires of the Gandhian peacebuilding and governing business in the new century. This is a colossal innovative global business with millions of new intellectual jobs and unlimited spheral profits in the interests of the whole society, not just corporations. Each co-author can understand this perspective only in a single case - as a result of a deep, albeit brief, Gandhica’s review. There is no other way to understand it. Therefore, do not demand from me: “I would like to know how this project could make people millionaire. This is really a question.” You can get this knowledge only yourself by studying Gandhica and a new project. We, the GHA, pioneers in the discovery of spherons and their peacebuilding business, can realize its financial perspective if we, together with our young colleagues, students, children and grandchildren, will work actively, actively master its Gandhica’s methodology, starting with its review and statistical researches of spherons. If we refuse them, will be passive, inactive and silent, then, of course, our ideas, which we never hid, will be practically realized by other, more energetic and active people without us, as it is unlikely would not be. This will be good for the ultimate goal of global peace, but bad for the GHA, for its discoverers and co-authors, who will remain with a financial zero. To avoid this, the financial result requires us to firm mobilize our efforts in the unique direction we have chosen, as fixed in the Gandhicracy project. Now we turn to the process of reviewing Gandhica as its methodology, reviews of which will be published in a new book, as well as to writing our articles. We expect their preliminary titles from you in the coming week. I will try to send a draft of the first, general article in the next two weeks for your discussion and participation. With hope to your understanding of the moment importance and its tasks for each of you personally. Friendly, best wishes for global peace from the spherons harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 26-01-20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discussion and responses Gandhicracy Spheral Peacebuilding: Best Business. GHA 74th draft - approval until January 22 Dear GHA members, friends, The GHA tenth book "Gandhicracy" is special and boundary. This will be our GHA bridge from our last 15 years of scientific and theoretical work into practice, into politics, governance and business. This book will be the last in a series of theory, but the first in a series of practice, since it will contain a standard project of the most effective peace-building governance in all structures, both political/democratic and economic/commercial. It defines a new, pragmatic GHA strategy for the future. Comprehension of this new perspective and strategy for the future is proposed in the most concise way in the GHA 74 Project, which is published here (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=923) and in the attachment (2 pages). In this regard, we invite you to discuss and approve this project by your YES or NO within 3 days, until January 22, inclusively. All responses will be published. This project allows us to determine the prospects and opportunities of both the GHA and each Gandhicracy co-author, whom will be necessary associated with financing and business based on our intellectual universal product of peacebuilding governance at all levels and in all areas. This will be a fundamentally new business, not only peacebuilding, but also in terms of efficiency and profitability. It creates millions of new jobs, a fundamentally new holistic and harmonious governance and its “substantially new thinking”, highest in efficiency. They ensure the non-violent harmonious transformation of the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) into a Peaceful Production Complex (PPC) during 50 years and maybe sooner. The discovery of spherons and global governance based on them at all levels and in all spheres creates an opportunity that will find its typical projective form and the first commercial model for a new business in the Gandhicracy. The GHA 74th project gives and reveals the fundamental pragmatic meaning and logical completeness of the “Gandhicracy”. Of course, this raises a huge number of questions and tasks that will be solved during this year - such is the duration of this project. In a year, based on the published Gandhicracy, we will see what we were able to do and what we should do. This is a unique shift, the details of which cannot be foreseen at its beginning, but it requires starting this process. Thanks for your responses, criticism and suggestions. Best wishes for peace from harmony, Dr. Leo Semashko, 19-01-20
Hello all, I am 76 years old spent, and my age I do not have anything to lose or gain! I do not seek to like or displease, but to express in conscience what I think! I find: how there are not sufficient debates within our network if those are not caused or not impelled by Léo whose competences are exceptional, but that is not enough to make the wealth of the complementarity of the profiles! Lately, each time I express an idea or proposal = it has no reaction there, and I regret! Thus, even if I am taken by an imbecile within the network, I say what I feel! Our group under the impulse of Léo must carry out its researches, but for the diffusion of our ideas within the people, our work on the university mode should not be limited to the networks of researchers, academics, leaders of onG and Institutions! It is necessary to clarify the consciences to make them be determined and act, but not be too much in avant-garde! We also should popularize our approach, to make it available and divided by the people. Relating to me, I write, I read, I am too often in front of my computer, I took part in 50 years in many congresses, conferences, I went in about sixty countries sometimes threatened or expelled, this, whereas generally I did not speak the language about the country or English. However, as observant social as long as I can it, I listen to the people at the time of strikes, demonstrations; in lived the day laborer! In France, I live celebrate it district of Minguettes one of most multicultural of France with much of incivilities, of the cars which burn; and where the xenophobe remarks and acts and anti-Semites exist! In France, in 2019, a third of the people of Jewish confession indicated not to feel safe, and the listed acts and remarks anti-Semite increased by 74%!... Thus, I propose that our network popularizes the approach of non-violence by a work accessible, teaching, being concluded by our approach while doing this one the main idea from the book and unrolling the contributions since TOLSTOI, THOREAU, GANDHI, KING, MANDELA, Rosa Parks, sister TERESA… So once again, I, am not heard, I will finish my publication in francophone of the GANDHICA, then I will be done discrete, do what you want, but vis-a-vis the challenges of the threatened civilized world = I refuse to conceal to me, and even if it is in vain, I express myself with force, perhaps for little time still. Cordially. Guy CREQUIE Social observant French writer https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106 25-01-20 ДА, поддерживаю Проект и намерен внести свой посильный вклад в его реализацию участием в оформлении Принципов Ганди и анализом закономерностей в сферных исследованиях. С уважением, Виктор Данилов, Россия 22-01-20
The view of a Greek for Democracy Dear Leo, I fully support- accept as opinion, and approve the Gandhicracy GHA project in all its parts, including the latter (business - pragmatic: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=923). This text describes democracy as it was perceived by the West, which practiced it from the 19th century onwards, as a new and decisive GHA peacebuilding project of a political nature that transforms our Gandhica thinking in the Gandhian structure of peacebuilding democracy. I support it as a point of view, in contrast to my own point of view. As it applies with any dialogue, and in each book, where different opinions are listed. I would be happy to work in the Gandhicracy Editorial Board as a coauthor of all previous GHA books, which are integrated in the new, tenth GHA book. I think my knowledge of the spheral approach would be useful for the new book, for discussion, evaluation and editing of its articles, and the confronting of arguments, in order to find the truth. In other words, co-discussion (ΣΥ(Ν)ΣΥΖΗΤΗΣΗ in Greeks) – dialogue. This means, I seek to share with one another through dialogue, that is, the confrontation of arguments, to find the truth. I am also ready and I will be glad to write a short (up to 1-page) review of the peacemaking significance of Gandhica as a general methodology of the Gandhicracy and a common intellectual denominator of our diversity of its author's approaches. I can promise that this review will be written within a week, until the end of the month, or a little bit more. This period, and today, among others, I contribute in actions to reopen a Hospital for Children, which was closed in our area, faithful to the GHA principle, with priority to children. With Peace via Gandhica and harmony Dr Takis D Ioannides Co-founder and Vice President of GHA https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=138 22-01-20
Dr. Leo Semashko, Founder (2005) and Honorary President (2016), Greetings from India. I welcome the “Spheral Peace building: The Best World Business” GHA 74th Project 74 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=923 YES! I support and approve GHA 74th Project for Gandhian Democracy and Spheral Peace building in the age of Violence, international Conflicts & Wars in 21st century. Spheral Peace building is a GHA's Journey of Gandhian Democracy and Spheral Peace building to achieve complete disarmament and creating a Nuclear Free World. With Peace, Harmony & love, Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra, GHA President and Board Chairman, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 ; M-09910241586 E-mail: schandra101@gmail.com 20-01-20 Проект очень важный, раскрывает огромную практическую перспективу и реальный смысл Гандианской демократии, поэтому он требует тщательного изучения и осмысления. Это новый образ мышления, который позволит изменить отношения к экономике, политике и бизнесу. Я говорю ДА. С уважением, Вера Попович, Россия, 20-01-20 Yes, Ok, but after a surgical operation and care =je do not have time to delay me on the contents! Good continuation. Guy CREQUIE, France 20-01-20 Good morning, Just to submit my YES. Habyarimana Heli, Rwanda Dear Leo and GHA members, I hope this email finds you well. Kindly excuse my silence in view of pressures at work. My colleagues and I are ready to actively engage in the new stage of the GHA peacemaking, in the creation of the tenth book “Gandhicracy” with all its requirements. Dr. Amoah and I from Ghana would be happy to be included in its Editorial Board from Africa together with Mr. Heli from Rwanda, to conduct the necessary additional statistical researches of the spherons of our countries, and provide brief (1-0.5 pages) reviews of the "Gandhica"and propose the topics of our articles for approval of its contents for your discussion. We consider this work a decisive, unprecedented peacemaking activity of the GHA this year, being anniversary for the GHA 15th anniversary of its establishment on February 15, 2005. Best harmony wishes, Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Ghana 20-01-20 Dear Ayo, Thank you very much for your support and your suggestions. We understand the reasons for your silence. I was happy to include you and Dr. Amoah on the “Gandhicracy” Editorial Board, which now includes 14 editors from 11 countries, see here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=907. Now the first task for each of you is to write a short review (up to 1 page) of the “Gandhica” peacemaking significance (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848) as the methodological basis of the GHA new book. Please, could you allow us know when we could expect your reviews, which will be published in a new book? As for the statistical researches of spherons, last year you made them for the five African countries that are published in Gandhica, in Part 2 - this is a huge and very important work that does you honor and for which you were awarded the GHA Highest Honorary Title: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=513. Thank you so much again! Therefore, the requirement for a statistical research of spherons is removed from you, as well as from everyone who made it last year. Others may complete it during the current year until July 1 as far as possible. However, it will be needed when you select an object in Ghana for your pilot and experimental project of the Gandhian democratic governance. To do this, you could choose the most convenient and accessible facility for you, for example, your university, or any municipality in your city, for example, in which one of you lives, or any political or public organization (green, women's, youth, etc.), with which you are in close contact and cooperate, etc. Based on this selection of an object, you could formulate the topic of your article for a new book approximately like this: “The Gandhian Governance Structure for [object name] Ghana”. This would be a very bold pioneering innovative research and at the same time an organizational project of unique practical value and commercial value. After working on it during this year with my help, you could then offer it to the leaders/managers of your object for experimental testing during, for example, the next year, 2021. There can be many ways to choose which we will discuss later. Of course, you could choose any other topic for your joint article in the “Gandhicracy” in accordance with your professional experience and the proposed detailed contents of this book(see its project). Please, let us know your preliminary choice of topic, maybe not one, but two topics, as you wish. This your work would be an excellent practical peacemaking contribution to the GHA 15th anniversary on February 15! Friendly, best wishes for peace from harmony, Leo, 20-01-20 Dear Leo, Submitting my YES. Congratulations on the wonderful effort you have led to this point. In reply, I would like to recommend that GHA consider partnering with a group of international experts, led by a Russian friend of mine, and guided by a former UNESCO Director-General. This group is in the process of finalizing with several host countries for a Category 2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO, which can accelerate the UN SDGs to address the global climate emergency. I have attached the new UNESCO procedures, which are in line with a new focus by the UN, on its 75th anniversary, to engage with the wider global population to meet these challenges. I note with interest that your esteemed fellow Peace Author, Glenn Sankatsing, has experience and proficiency with UNESCO and may be able to advise the process by which Surinam and/or a Caribbean country might become a host country for this desired future UNESCO centre. Following on from current discussions with authorities in the Sultanate of Oman about the future UNESCO Centre, I am pleased to share the following report about the Sultanate's new initiative ‘Towards United Human Values’ https://www.thejakartapost.com/adv/2019/11/18/oman-launches-new-initiative-towards-united-human-values.html The Omani initiative might also be of interest to GHA's own Gandhicracy Spheral Peacebuilding. Peace and all good, Adam Greenwell, New Zealand 20-01-20 Dear Adam, Many thanks for your support and suggestions, which are posted together with other comments here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=923. Let me answer each one. 1. We would be very grateful if you would give us the name and email of the Russian leader of the UNESCO Climate Expert Group to contact and collaborate with them. 2. The new UNESCO procedure that you have sent relates to national state Centers / Institutes for tripartite cooperation agreements. Our GHA international peacemaking organization is not state and is not national, therefore we do not fall within the purview of this procedure by UNESCO. 3. The Sultanate of Oman initiative in Indonesia “Towards United Human Values” based on tolerance is very important. It is part of another very important initiative of "Interfaith Harmony", which the GHA fully supports and actively participates in it by two relevant projects: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=541 https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=561 In the Gandhica book, the GHA proposed TEN United Human Values on a common spiritual basis of Harmony: Non-violence, Peace, Truth, Love, Disarmament, Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood, Democracy (real, peace), Life: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/gandhi-nonviolence-of-spherons-gandhica-2019.pdf, 228 p. We would be happy to appoint you as the “GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony / Non-Violence” so that you can contact and mediate in the implementation of the initiatives you have proposed. Do you agree with this mission? Is she interesting to you? We will highly appreciate your active and constructive cooperation with the GHA. Friendly, best wishes for peace from harmony, Leo, 21-01-20 ------------------------------------------------