Russia: The Constitution of Peace, Prosperity and Gandhian Democracy. GHA Amendments. RF Global Constitutional Leadership GHA 75th Project Start: 29-01-20 Approved by the GHA-Russia on February 4, 2020, By the all GHA on February 10, 2020. Dedicated to the GHA 15th anniversary on February 15, 2020 Publication: In English: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=925 In Russian: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=825 Project Contents Part 1. RF Global Constitutional Leadership. GHA Amendments Synopsis 1. Global Constitutional Leadership of the Russian Federation (RF): Six Constitutional Laws 2. Children's Suffrage Executed by Parents (CSEP): Children's Social Priority 3. Gender Balance of Power (GBP): Gender Equality in Government 4. Global Peace Ministry (GPM): Peace Priority in Power and Society 5. Academy of Spheral Social Science (ASSS): Priority of “Substantially New” (Einstein) Social Knowledge/Thinking 6. Equal Spheral Distribution of Power (ESDP): Priority of Social Equality and Justice 7. Constitution Regular Updating Principle (CRUP) after 10 years: Priority of Progress 8. Russia World Leadership in Development of Gandhian Peacebuilding Democracy “The strength of the Russian people spirit is its striving, for its ultimate goals, towards universality and general humanity ... towards worldwide reunification ... To become a real Russian [...] means precisely striving to bring reconciliation to European [global] contradictions ... by the great, general harmony of the final brotherly consent of all tribes according to the Christ Evangelic Law!” F.M. Dostoevsky, 1880 (Collected Works. T. 10, M. 1958, p. 456-458) To the President of Russia, Mr. Vladimir Putin. If you want a breakthrough of Russia, then your Constitution for it should also be a breakthrough, with the GHA six amendments. Otherwise, it will remain stagnant, like the former one for almost 30 years. If you want Russia to become a global peacebuilding center, as Feodor Dostoevsky bequeathed 140 years ago, its democracy should be Gandhian, with the Peace Department (GPM) at the head, to increase the "strength of the Russian people spirit" and so that its (GPM) absence does not destroy Russia as much as America with the Pentagon’s head is destroyed by the Benjamin Rush’s Peace Department denial. Without the Global Peace Ministry, your Constitution will remain open to militarism and closed to global peace, as always, everywhere and at all. GPM will be your choice of peace priority for Russia not in words but in deeds. GHA As the USSR was collapsed as it not was able to heal from the Marxism/CPSU systemic cancer tumor, so the United States is also doomed to collapse if it will not heal from the Pentagon/militarism systemic cancer tumor and will not create the Benjamin Rush’s "Department of Peace" as a key institution of democracy. These are historical lessons for Russia. GHA 1. Global Constitutional Leadership of the Russian Federation: Six Constitutional Laws as the GHA Amendments A powerful initiative to modernize the Russian Constitution in order to create the most effective and stimulating legal conditions for the country unprecedented breakthrough in all spheres through the strong implementation of National projects was proposed by the President of the Russian Federation in his Message to the Federal Assembly [1]. For this purpose, he turns not only to the authorities, but also to the entire civil society and its public organizations to formulate proposals for amendments to the country Basic Law. In this vein, the GHA-Russia, the Global Harmony Association (GHA) international peacemaking organization national branch, on the basis of extensive experience gained over 15 years of work and presented in 9 books and 75 projects [2] proposes six Constitutional laws and the corresponding six amendments -additions to the Russian Constitution in Chapters 1, 2 and 6. They will provide Russia with global constitutional leadership in the development of democracy and a breakthrough in the 21st century. International discourse and detailed scientific and empirical (statistical) substantiation of these amendments have been received in these books and GHA projects for 15 years, especially in its last two books: 1. Semashko Leo (Ed.) and 173 GHA coauthors from 34 countries. Global Peace Science (GPS, 2016, 616 pp.): https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf 2. Semashko Leo (Ed.) And 82 GHA coauthors from 25 countries. Mahatma Gandhi. Reference point of non-violence. Genetics and statistics of spherons. Gandhica. (Gandhica, 2019, 252 pp., In Russian, English and French): https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=788 A wide and long-standing international discussion on the issue of Children's Suffrage or the Demeny Principle is presented on Wikipedia here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demeny_voting 2. Children's Suffrage Executed by Parents (CSEP): Children's Social Priority “The highest national priority of saving and increasing people” [1] begins with children, with their saving and increasing, with their social priority, with the primary provision of children of the country with all the necessary resources with the most active participation of their parents, most interested in this and most of all others competently knowing their needs and interests. The CSEP is served to this, which becomes key in terms of social value and political importance of the country Constitutional Law. It will provide Russia with the social priority of children as the systemic core of the most effective structural organization of society, as well as its most capable breakthrough political system of democracy for its implementation through parents. Mortality in Russia exceeds the birth rate by more than 10%, despite all the governmental energetic measures to reverse this dangerous trend, which in the future threatens degeneration. Based on it, the GHA-Russia offers the following most compact wording of our amendment to the Constitution of Russia, Chapter 2: “The long-term demographic trend of reducing the birth rate of the country's population is overcome by the Constitutional recognition of the social priority of children, which provides the whole range of the most favorable necessary conditions for family conception, birth, parenting and development of children. The legitimate basis of the children's social priority, ensuring its active popular support and implementation, is the special Constitutional Law: “Children's Suffrage Executed by Parents” (CSEP), which gives all minor children, as constitutionally recognized citizens of the country from birth to 18 years, the right of a selective vote. But, in view of their minority and age-related inability to exercise this right, the corresponding VOTING (enforcement of this right), shall be assigned to the parents, who, by mutual voluntary consent, decide among themselves who will personally fulfill this right in each election campaign.” This Law is prepared by a special Constitutional Commission, experimentally tested in various regions of the country, submitted for public discussion and adopted by a national referendum for two years, no later than 2022. The deputies of all levels parliaments elected on its basis will provide priority budget financing of the whole complex of necessary favorable conditions for childhood and control over its use. This, undoubtedly, stimulates the accelerated growth of the country's indigenous population, an increase in its quality and Russia's breakthrough in all areas due to the effective implementation of National projects, the core of which is “Demography”, i.e. people, the country population as its main, human capital. To detailed justification of this law is devoted Part 2 of this project below. 3. Gender Balance of Power (GBP): Gender Equality in Government GBP is the natural logical extension and provision of CSEP. The proposed corresponding amendment “Gender Balance of Power” in the Constitution Chapter 2 is formulated as follows. “The social priority of children requires gender equality in government, which is ensured by the Constitutional quota of equal representation of women in all power structures. For this purpose, the corresponding Constitutional Law has been drafted and experimentally tested for two years, which defines the structure, measure, scale and procedure of gender balance in the democratic political system of Russia.” The idea of gender balance of power has long been developed in many international institutions under the slogan: “Women support half the sky. But what if they occupy half of the seats in parliament? Portuguese Parity Parliament.” It found practical implementation in the Constitutional Reform of Ethiopia in 2018 at the initiative of its young Prime Minister Mr. Abiy Ahmed. Within its framework, a constitutional quota of 50% of the seats in government for women was adopted. Could the Russian Constitution reach this Ethiopian quota? Maybe it’s time to discuss and adopt it, which will ensure the effective implementation of National projects, in which more than half of the women are involvedoccupying only 16% in their governance? 4. Global Peace Ministry (GPM): Peace Priority in Power and Society GPM is a necessary political institution and government body, designed to provide a priority peaceful solution to both internal and international conflicts as the first prerequisite to rescue life for children and the entire population. GPM is the Russian version of the US "Peace Department", which was first proposed by one of the US "founding fathers" - Benjamin Rush over 240 years ago to the American government as a counterweight to the Pentagon, the military department. During this time, the United States made 11 attempts to approve this bill in Congress. But all of them were unsuccessful. The Peace Department failure is America’s historic failure throughout its history, in which “it is waiting for ruins and imminent death” (Paul Roberts [10]; Johan Galtung [11; 12], Geir Lundestad [13] et al.). In it, militaristic American democracy funded continuous wars instead of peace, which destroyed it. Russia should not repeat its sad historical experience. It needs to constitutionally choose the Gandhian peacebuilding democracy path led by GPM. It will be its choice of peace not in words but in deeds. The GPM constitutional recognition should be accompanied by the approval of the Russian Peace Prize named after Fyodor Dostoevsky in 60 million rubles (about 1 million dollars). All this will make Russia a world leader and an example of the Gandhian peacebuilding democracy, which prioritizes financing peace instead of war. The corresponding amendment, the Global Peace Ministry, to the Constitution Chapter 6 is worded as follows: “The children social priority requires the primary and constant security of their lives and the entire population, not only by the armed forces of the country, but also by peaceful means of resolving all internal and international conflicts by harmoniously organizing a global civil society led by the World Peace Council. It is initiated and provided by the national governmental "Global Peace Ministry" (GPM), which coordinates the efforts of international peaceful cooperation of all other governmental bodies and public organizations in Russia. GPM establishes the annual Russian Feodor Dostoyevsky Peace Prize with a monetary value of 60 million rubles for the highest world peace achievements.” If the American militaristic democracy shamefully failed with the "Peace Department", having proved to the whole world its organic incompatibility with peace and peacefulness, thereby condemning itself to militaristic collapse, then Russia cannot afford it because of its civilizational culture and history. It can and should create the GPM Constitutional Law for its final evolutionary transformation in the 21st century into a peaceloving state, eliminating an aggressive war as a crime against humanity, making this process international and global, drawing all other countries into it with its peacebuilding example and leadership. The Russian Constitution, like its democracy is not, cannot and should not be militaristic, similar to the American Constitution, allowing America endless aggressive wars throughout its history, which lead to its collapse. The Russian Peace Prize is created on the basis of the peacemaking spirituality of Russian civilization, expressed by Feodor Dostoevsky. It is an alternative to the Nobel Peace Prize, which did not live up to the hopes of humanity and Alfred Nobel’s testament in 120 years to seek and reward “peace champions”. The Nobel (Norwegian) committee has discredited itself by Adolf Hitler's nomination and collaboration with the Nazis. Among the winners of the Nobel Prize there are active Nazis. It awarded the militarist Barack Obama, about that Geir Lundestad, the Norwegian Nobel Committee former secretary wrote in his book “Secretary of Peace”: “Obama should be stripped of Peace Prize” [14]. The Nobel Peace Prize is a dead institution for peace now. This Committee, controlled by the USA, actively collaborating with the Nazis, ignored the nomination and awarding of such “peace champions” and scientific candidates for this award, as Dmitry Mendeleev, Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, Alexander Blok, Mahatma Gandhi and many other prominent peacemakers and world scientists. Therefore, the Nobel Peace Prize requires the replacement of the Russian Peace Prize in the world civil society. The degeneration of the Nobel Peace Prize is argued in an article by Vladimir Tulin, 2016: “Nobel Prizes as an instrument of Nazism, lies and incompetence” here: https://riafan.ru/562976-nobelevskie-premii-kak-instrument-nacizma-lzhi-i-nekompetentnosti. There is other similar evidence, for example, ignoring the GHA's well-nominated в 2017, first-ever “Global Peace Science” in its registering, as if nominations only from militarists have value for the Nobel Committee, similar Obama: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=788,https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=921. 5. Academy of Spheral Social Science (ASSS): Priority of “Substantially New” (Einstein) Social Knowledge/Thinking The children social priority and the highest intellectual quality of the country's human capital, starting with children, cannot be achieved without the accelerated and priority development of the entire complex of socio-humanitarian sciences that is able to overcome its more than a century of stagnation. This requires the creation of a special, independent, separate as in China and innovative "Academy of Spheral Social Science" (ASSS) of Russia. The corresponding amendment “Academy of Spheral Social Science” in the Constitution Chapter 6 is formulated as follows. “The social priority of children and the highest intellectual quality of the country's human potential, starting with children, require the priority and accelerated development of the entire complex of socio-humanitarian sciences that can overcome its more than a century of stagnation. To do this, it is necessary to create, within two years, a special, independent and innovative “Academy of Spheral Social Science” (ACSN) of Russia.” The fundamental difference and advantage of this Academy is that it develops and applies the “substantially new manner of thinking” (Einstein) by spheres/spherons unknown to traditional Academies and institutes of social sciences. The new thinking holism, harmony and cybernetics ensure the survival of humanity and the solution of all global problems that cannot be solved by the traditional partial thinking that created them. This fundamental and yet unfulfilled scientific testament to humanity belongs to the genius of Albert Einstein more than 70 years ago. He demanded a “substantially new [non-violent, holistic, asymmetric to traditional] manner of thinking of mankind”, ensuring his survival in harmony and salvation from the global ecocide/genocide, the fundamental problem of which “cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which we created it.” The above-mentioned GHA books are devoted to a detailed analysis and peacemaking application of this “substantially new” spheral scientific thinking and knowledge that makes up the Copernican scientific revolution of the new century. Traditional partial thinking/cognition has brought humanity to the very edge of global nuclear destruction with the biosphere, which is only 100 seconds away, according to nuclear scientists (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=924). Its powerlessness before this, created by it existential threat to humanity, requires a new, spheral substantial paradigm of thought in the corresponding Academy, which preserves and integrates all the constructive achievements of traditional social science. 6. Equal Spheral Distribution of Power (ESDP): Priority of Social Equality and Justice This is the most widescale and fundamental political amendment to the Constitution, based on the discovery of the deep, genetic societal structure of humanity at all levels, ensuring its continuous reproduction - the discovery of spherons more than 40 years ago. (The societal structure is deep, genetic, invisible, holistic and universal, one for humanity. The social structure is superficial, partial, transient, limited and different in all countries.) Spherons in their deeply societal necessary are equal to each other by value regardless of their size but historically hidden for temporary, unequal in number and position social groups and structures. A similar distinction between the deep and superficial structures is not known to traditional social sciences. Therefore, they have not yet become genuine sciences, remaining at the level of pre-science, unable to penetrate into the deep and invisible societal structure of humanity. This became possible only with the discovery of spherons. They received the first confirmation in the teaching of Mahatma Gandhi about equal varnas, but fundamental theoretical development and empirical confirmation by world statistics they found in the GHA book “Gandhica”, Part 2. (See this source above). In the most concise way, this key amendment to the Constitution, in Chapter 1, is formulated as follows: “The state democratic system of Russia is created on the basis of a deep social structure of harmony of its equally necessary and sufficient spherons, covering its entire population from birth to death and differing only in employment in one of the four spheres of social production. In accordance with it, all branches of democratic power are equally distributed between the elected or appointed representatives of the four spherons at all its levels. A similar, spheral structure of power provides deep structural harmony at all levels of society and its governance and management. The spheral structure of power prevents armed conflicts, ensures the peace and prosperity of society, allowing it to get rid from the traditional incurable vices of power: militarism, nationalism, inequality, injustice and corruption. Due to the innovativeness and complexity of the equal spheral distribution of power in its structure, the period of its intensive theoretical research in the corresponding Academy of Social Spheral Sciences and pragmatic testing in various subjects of the Russian Federation, its cities and municipalities is established.” The advantages of the power spheral distribution create a new type of democracy, which the GHA has defined as “Gandhian Nonviolent Democracy”, which is disclosed in the GHA project and book “Gandhicracy”. It will be published at the end of 2020: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=907 This systematic structural democratic amendment, integrating and defining all the GHA amendments, provides the fundamental social contract of society between its societal genetic spherons, which raises the social contract to the highest, holistic scientific and practical level. The spheral structure of democratic power will ensure global peace, the most effective harmonious governance, the highest level of democracy, the prosperity of society and embodiment of all its highest humanistic values. 7. Constitution Regular Updating Principle (CRUP) after 10 years: Priority of Progress
The 21st century, fast-paced for social and technological changes, requires introducing into the Constitution the principle of its regular updating, for example, in 10 years, in order to exclude its legal sources of stagnation of Russia and to ensure the Constitution outrunning development for the country's dynamic progress. Here is the corresponding amendment: “In order to outstrip the development and the stimulating role of the Russian Constitution in the country integral socio-economic progress and to prevent its crisis and pushing back stagnations of different regions, spheres and industries, introduce the principle of regular updating of the Russian Constitution in 10 years. These updates are constantly being prepared over 10 years, on a scientific basis by all interested state bodies and public organizations under the direction of the Constitutional Court of Russia, which 10 years later makes a list of proposed amendments to the current Constitution for consideration by the Federation Council.” In our fast-paced time, the Constitution constancy is turning from its dignity into a vice destructive for the country, perpetuating certain national pathologies. For example, the American militaristic Constitution is constant because its aggressive militaristic foreign policy is constant over almost the entire short history of the United States for 244 years. But if at the beginning their policy was justified by an aggressive metropolis and something beneficial for the country, now, with the invention of nuclear weapons, US militarism has become the first threat to the security and survival of the country, as many prominent thinkers and politicians of America write about. The deification of the American Constitution, recognition of its absolute truth excludes the progress of social and legal knowledge, as if social science, including law, is no longer able to give any new knowledge and all their truth has been exhausted to the end. All this leads to the necrosis and ossification of the country, putting it on the brink of a fundamental collapse, which has long been predicted by many scientists, for example, Johan Galtung, who long predicted the fall of the American empire: https://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=621. The “Best American Democracy”, breathing on incense in its imperial militaristic form, has many constructive details, but in a whole its structure and militarism make it unviable and doomed to collapse. The Russian Constitution should not repeat the sad and destructive experience of the American Constitution and not only be constantly dynamic, like the country life itself, but also stimulate it in the directions most useful to society, foreseeing and outstripping them. It will be given scientific constancy by the recognition and implementation in it of the fundamental societal structure of the country's spheres and spherons (ESDP), the genetics of which have only begun to be recognized in the GHA and will be continued at the ASSS. 8. Russia World Leadership in Development of Gandhian Peacebuilding Democracy The proposed six Constitutional Laws as GHA amendments/additions to the country's Constitution will ensure Russia's world leadership in the development of peacemaking, non-violent democracy in the 21st century based on new social science, civil peacebuilding, gender balance, equal spheral distribution of power and social priority of children. This democracy, as well as its updated Constitution, will become a model of democratic reconstruction for all countries and in all international organizations, including the UN. Similar reconstruction of democracy and the UN is discussed in many GHA books and projects [2], most of all in the Global Peace Science and the forthcoming book Gandhian Spheral Democracy. CONCLUSION. The GHA does not flatter itself and does not believe that the proposed amendments will be accepted for serious public discussion, since they mainly concern the Constitution Chapter 2 and 1 closed for amendments and since society and the authorities are not yet ready for such a fundamental constitutional reform either intellectually, socially or politically. The discussion and adoption of these amendments can most likely be only after another crisis in Russia, which will require fundamental constitutional reform. But it is necessary to launch it now, preventively, in order to prepare society and politicians for it, for that the proposed GHA amendments serve. The most relevant for survival, starting and socially priority of them is the first amendment, the recognition of which now, in this Constitutional Reform, we hope most of all and to the justification of which is devoted this project Part 2 below. Part 2. Children's Suffrage Executed by Parents (CSEP). The rationale for the first GHA amendment 1. Preliminary wording of the IPDIR amendment to the Constitution of Russia 2. Vladimir Putin: “Saving and increasing the people of Russia” is a key task of the Constitution and power 3. The demographic crisis of Russia: excess of mortality over birth rate - 10% 4. Children as the first ecology of society, requiring the social priority of children through adequate Constitutional and legislative protection 5. Age qualification of children: black hole of suffrage, Constitution, politics and democracy 6. The need for the law "Children's Suffrage Executed by Parents" (CSEP) 7. CSEP 2004: International Bill of Founders of the Global Harmony Union (GHA). 8. CSEP as a new level of democracy, the highest social humanism and the first defense of the rights of children and man: the source of Russia's world leadership breakthrough in all areas 9. Authors of the 75th GHA project 10. Circle of support for the CSEP Constitutional Amendment 11. Summary. Social Value and Political Importance of the CSEP 12. Information sources of the CSEP Amendment of the Constitution: 1.Putin Vladimir. Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly. January 15, 2020: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/62582 2.Global Harmony Association. GHA: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472 3.The Constitution of Russia: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_28399/ 4.Semashko Leo, Devit Martha (USA). Children's suffrage as the key to solving childhood problems. SPB, 2004, 72 p. (In Russian): https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=170 5.Semashko Leo. Children Suffrage: Democracy for the 21st Century, Priority Investment in Human Capital as a Way toward Social Harmony. SPb, 2004, 72 p.: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=211 (With Martha Ross DeWitt, USA) 6.Kavtorin Vladimir, Semashko Leo. What can the children's suffrage performed by parents serve? Star Magazine, 2005, No. 9 (In Russian): https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=167 7.Semashko Leo. Institute of Children's Suffrage for Global Peace. In the book: Global Peace Science, 2016, 274-27 p.: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf 8.Semashko Leo (team supervisor). Family Code of Russia (RSFSR). St. Petersburg, 1991, 100 p. 9.How many children of Russia 2020: https://womanfor.ru/skolko-detej-v-rossii-2019/ 10.Roberts, Paul C. (2015) Ruin Is Our Future: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=657 11.Galtung Johan (2009) The Fall of the US Empire - and Then What?: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=599 12.Galtung Johan (2011) Fall of Empire, End to US Wars: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=640 13.Lundestad Geir (2012) The Rise and Decline of the American "Empire". Power and its Limits in Comparative Perspective. 14.Lundestad Geir (2016) Secretary of Pease: https://newspunch.com/nobel-secretary-obama-stripped-peace-prize/ Note. The second part (10 pages) of the GHA 75th Project was not translated into English except for the small paragraphs “Authors” and “Summary”, due to its auxiliary role, which is of significance mainly only to the Russian audience. In addition, this part is devoted to the analysis of the Address of President Putin on January 15 [1] and a brief repetition of the arguments of our book 2004 [5]. Therefore, skipping this part does not reduce the dignity and significance of the project. Ultimately, any foreign reader is able to translate this part in the first approximation through a Google translator if he wants. 9. The 75th GHA project authors The authors of the GHA 75th project are members of the GHA Russian branch and our friends from the Russian-speaking world. The authors: Leo Semashko, Andrei Smirnov, Irina Medvedeva, Alexander Trubachev, Andrei Semashko, Vladislav Lapinsky, Vera Popovich, Nikolay Chustov, Svetlana Kuskovskaya, Svetlana Vetrova, Natalia Chigrina, Olga Kashina, Roksana Sadykova, Katerina Semashko, Polina Semashko, Alexander Semashko, Stephan Semashko, Ivan Ivanov, Vladislav Krasnov, Natalya Chustova, (20)
11. Summary. Social Value and Political Importance of the CSEP
1. The CSEP Law will cover approximately 50 million people throughout Russia: about 20 million young parents and about 30 million of their children. 2. The political system of Russia will receive 50 million active, interested and competent in “saving and increasing the people of Russia” voters, who form permanent and active at all levels and in all settlements of Russia, civil electoral power in all elections from municipal to presidential . 3. This force will select and choose everywhere and always the BEST of its representatives / advocates for all legislative bodies. This force will be the most active, directly interested electoral force. It will overcome the passivity of the elections, which are now less than half the voters. 4. This force will be a constant civilian interested controller of its deputies everywhere and always, recalling ahead of schedule those who have not justified its trust. 5. CSEP creates the only active civilian instrument for solving the demographic problem, which will bring to its solution the most energetic part of the people, the country's population - young parents with children under 18 years of age. 6. CSEP is a school of political culture and political non-violent responsibility of children and youth, young parents that means, in the future, the entire people and population of Russia. 7. CSEP transforms a truncated and limited democracy into a full, 100% population coverage. 8. CSEP overcomes the most terrible social injustice of the inequality of children who are more than other social groups deprived, humiliated, or limited in many rights without the ability of parents to effectively counter this injustice. 9. CSEP is the engine for the National Project "Demography" implementation and the cardinal condition (to varying degrees) for the implementation of related National Projects: "Health", "Education", "Culture", "Housing and Urban Environment", "Ecology", "Science" , “Digital Economy”, “Labor Productivity”, “International Cooperation and Export”. 10. CSEP is a powerful social barrier to the degenerate trend of aggressive sexual minorities* that are hostile to children and to a normal population-reproducing family. This trend is another suicidal way of self-destruction of humanity except for the global nuclear genocide/ecocide created by the dying militaristic civilization. CSEP corresponds to a future harmonious civilization and is incompatible with the dying one, which rejects it. 11. CSEP is the guarantor of the future of Russia, its renewal and breakthrough in all spheres and on the world stage. Together with other constitutional laws, it provides global constitutional leadership of the Russian Federation. The GHA Founder and Honorary President Dr. Leo Semashko prepared this project for discussion. He can be found in St. Petersburg at home phone: 7812-597-65-71, email: leo.semashko@gmail.com, skype: leo.semahko. Personal page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253
* Harmonization of sexual minorities (LGTB, SGM) with society and the natural necessary reproduction of the population, without which they serve the degeneration of humanity and are hostile to children, is possible through the institution of "tetragamy" or tetragamic family supplementing monogamy. This hypothesis in the interests of children and demographic regulation was formulated 18 years ago in my book “Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges” (2002: https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/2-1_eng.pdf, 72 p.) in abstracts on the 15th World Congress of Sociology, where I made a report at the Family Research Committee session. I have not raised this issue for 18 years. Now it will be revealed in my article: “Tetragamy: Harmony of Sexual Minorities with Children and Childbearing” in the GHA new book. Its main idea is a family association of two same-sex couples of different genders, which acquires a number of personal advantages and social benefits that neutralize the vices and aggression of traditional sexual minorities. In this model, they are able to contribute to solving the demographic problem and harmonize their status in society. Tetragamy is limited only by the problem of childbearing and raising children, without entering into any other related issues, considering them secondary or tendentious. 07-02-20
Discussion, responses
Dr Leo Semashko, GHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President (2016), Greetings from India I welcome the “GHA amendments to the Russia Constitution. The GHA 75th Project https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=923 dedicated to the GHA 15th anniversary on February 15, 2020. With Peace, Harmony & love to all. Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra President and Board Chairman, Global Harmony Association GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 13-02-20
Dear Leo, Congratulations on your creative efforts and to all friends. With loving regards and thanks Sincerely Yours Ananta. With a Learning Journey: Chennai: Feb 22, Lecture on "Transformative Harmony, Soulful Therapy and Peace," National Seminar on "Psychology of Peace": Dept. of Psychology, University of Madras Pune: Jan 29; Plenary Lecture on "Feminist Standpoint and the Limits of the Epistemic: Rethinking and Transforming Women's Studies in Twenty First Century and Creating Circles of Liberation," National Conference on "New Horizons for Women's Studies in 21st Century," Abasaheb Garware College, Pune, Jan 30-31 -------------------------------------- Mr. Ananta Kumar Giri, PhD, Professor, Madras Institute of Development Studies 79, Second Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai, Adyar-600 020, India. Emails: aumkrishna@hotmail.com/ , aumkrishna@gmail.com Ph.: 0091-44-24412589 / 24412295 ext.320 Fax: 0091-44-24910872 Web: www.mids.ac.in/ananta.htm, https://tapasyawordpresscom.wordpress.com, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=915
GHA 75th Project Final: to President Putin proposal Dear GHA members, friends, We are happy to announce that the GHA 75th Project “Russia: Constitution of Peace, Prosperity and Gandhian Democracy. GHA Amendments” was approved with one “NO” as the world's first model of the national Constitution for the peacebuilding Gandhian non-violent democracy - GANDHICRACY! This is the historical date with which it begins for the first time in history within GHA in honor of its 15th anniversary on February 15! This project with all the additions, corrections and responses was published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=925 Its resume in the GHA proposal form to the President of Russia, Mr. Putin, and as an answer to the wise, ingenious will of Feodor Dostoevsky more than 140 years ago, is expressed as follows: “The strength of the Russian people spirit is its striving, for its ultimate goals, towards universality and general humanity ... towards worldwide reunification ...
To become a real Russian [...] means precisely striving to bring reconciliation to European [global] contradictions ... by the great, general harmony of the final brotherly consent of all tribes according to the Christ Evangelic Law!” F.M. Dostoevsky, 1880 (Collected Works. T. 10, M. 1958, p. 456-458) To the President of Russia, Mr. Vladimir Putin. If you want a breakthrough of Russia, then your Constitution for it should also be a breakthrough, with the GHA six amendments. Otherwise, it will remain stagnant, like the former one for almost 30 years. If you want Russia to become a global peacebuilding center, as Feodor Dostoevsky bequeathed 140 years ago, its democracy should be Gandhian, with the Peace Department (GPM) at the head, to increase the "strength of the Russian people spirit" and so that its (GPM) absence does not destroy Russia as much as America with the Pentagon’s head is destroyed by the Benjamin Rush’s Peace Department denial. Without the Global Peace Ministry, your Constitution will remain open to militarism and closed to global peace, as always, everywhere and at all. GPM will be your choice of peace priority for Russia not in words but in deeds. GHA We are happy to congratulate the GHA members and our friends on this new and unprecedented GHA contribution for 15 years to global peace! This contribution will be the impetus and beacon to embody global peace and non-violence in this century! Best wishes for peace, love, harmony and your health, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 10-02-20
Dear GHA Members, I do approve the project by stating YES. Thanks, Habyarimana Heli, Rwanda, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=361 10-02-20 TOLSTOI...WITH GANDHI AND THE SPHERONS = Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité +++Spheronite! Dear Guy, We admire your Preface for the French Gandhica, which you selflessly and persistently prepare with Mr. Heli from Rwanda for publication in France. Your response was published here (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=925) as one of the arguments for including the societal peacemaking structure of spherons in the Russian Constitution, which with it can become a model of the constitutions of all other countries, including the French Constitution. Its great slogans Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité you complement with new and decisive for global peace and nonviolence one - Spheronite! Is this 21st century neologism possible in French? The GHA expresses heartfelt gratitude to both of you for your great contribution to the French Gandhica, for the discovery of a common intuitive platform for knowing non-violence among Gandhi and Leo Tolstoy in spherons. Both ingeniously penetrated beyond the social surface into the deep and invisible genetically peacemaking substance of SPHERONS of humanity intuitively. The GHA first theoretically expressed it and empirically confirmed it with world statistics in Gandhica. Therefore, your publication of this unprecedented peacemaking book is your unprecedented contribution to global peace in honor of the GHA 15th anniversary on February 15! We congratulate you on this great achievement that makes your names immortal in building global peace from harmony/nonviolence! With love, Leo, 10-02-20 TOLSTOI......... WITH GANDHI AND THE SPHERONS (Route of an approach of non-violence of the intuition……….. To the definition of a scientific approach)
In the summary of the book “NON VIOLENCE SINCE GANDHI .......” who will be published soon in France it is written:
“The thought tétranète enables us to understand and update the major harmony structural of will sphérons which defines the law gandhienne non-violence and is used about it as eternal source social, universal and permanent. You allows to regulate and use consciously the greatest force of the non-violence of the humanity, intuitively initiated and used by GANDHI.” Another thinker: Leo TOLSTOI (1828-1910) intuitively recommended this great force. At the end of the years 1870, Leo TOLSTOI passed a deep crisis of conscience. It will mark a turning in its existence. Bringing to the outline of a philosophy, which will inspire Roman Rolland and especially Mahatma GANDHI! Two sentences of its thought summarize all this new approach “the man can improve only one thing which is in its power: Himself! ...... Just as fire does not extinguish fire, the evil cannot extinguish the evil! ” These sentences characterize the dead end in which the current world is, militarism dominating, as Léo SEMASHKO in a message with our intention expressed it still recently. In the kingdom of heaven in you (1893 written TOLSTOI are: “... And tomorrow, some Head of thrown into a panic State will say an unspecified silly thing, another will answer it by another silly thing, and I myself will expose myself to death to kill out of the men who not only anything did me, but that I like ...! Thus, it stated that the bringing together is all the direction of the life... And it is not a remote probability, but an inevitable certainty to which we prepare all ...” To the reading of this book and this passage GANDHI indicated: ”I was upset In front of the independence of the thought, the major morality of the sincerity of this book, all the others appeared pale to me and unimportant .......” In the last letter of TOLSTOI addressed to GANDHI (9/7/1910) two months before his death, one reads: “... Love: i.e. the aspiration towards the harmony of the human hearts and the action which results from this aspiration ...” One needed for it today a realizable theoretical definition in acts of this new scientific interpretation of the fundamental social justification of the non-violence of GANDHI. It is all the direction of our work in the course of publication! Guy CREQUIE, French poet and singer, social observant writer, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=106 06-02-20
Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder (2005) and Honorary President (2016), Greetings from India I welcome the “GHA Amendments to the Russia Constitution. The GHA 75th Project” https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=923 dedicated to the GHA 15th anniversary on February 15, 2020 “Gandhian Democracy” defined as the art and science of mobilizing the entire physical, economic and spiritual resources of all the various sections of the people in the service of all the people & humanity. YES! I support and approve GHA 75th Project within Gandhicracy-2020 as the 21st Century Peace/Nonviolence/Life Democracy - Alternative to Traditional militaristic democracy/power. Human values and ethics need to be the core of any democratic development. “We have seen the flaws in communism; now we are seeing the failings of unbridled capitalism. It is time for a new ‘ism’ – humanism.” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Co-Founder World Forum for Ethics in Business. In the turbulent and globalized social & political environment of increased violence, inequality & injustice, there is greater need of Constitutional reform for development and justice for all. With Peace, Harmony & love to all, Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra, GHA President and Board Chairman, GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 09-02-20 Dear Leo: I approve the new Project. Best wishes, your Rudi, from the House of Mir Dr. Rudolf Siebert, Prof. Sociology and Religion, Michigan University, USA https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=51 08-02-20 Dear Prof. Bishnu, We are glad for your recovery and return to work in our team of Gandhicracy. Thank you very much for your support of the GHA 75th Project with our amendments to the Russian Constitution as the first test of the Gandhian democracy model that excludes war and really provides global peace. I like the brainchild of your article. Sorry, I lost my email of Prof. Galtung. Therefore, could you kindly invite him to the Gandhicracy book with his article about the title planned in its Contents: “Galtung 2020: Fall of the USA Empire and Democracy”, sending him a draft of our book? We hope that maybe he will find health and time to write 2-4 pages in two months. Best wishes to him from me and the all GHA. Thank you very much for your “Work Schedule”, which was published together with others here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=926 and in the attachment as a model for other editors and authors of our book. From my corrections you will understand that your schedule is still not enough and send me this information. Thanks you. Friendly, best wishes for peace and health, Leo, 08-02-20 Dear Professor Leo Semashko; Dear Professors and Colleagues; Greetings from Nepal! After sometimes silence owing to my health problem, I am returning back on my desk to work. This project is fine 'YES' from my side. I will write the review of Gandhica and submit you on the third week of February 2020. I will also write my paper on A Comparative Study on Gandhicracy and Galtanism, but it takes some more times. Please let me know deadline of submission of it. Thanking you. Sincerely yours, Prof Bishnu Pathak, Kathmandu, Nepal https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=910 08-02-20
GHA amendments to the Russia Constitution. The GHA 75th Project.
Discussion and approval in 3 days, until February 10 Dear GHA members, friends, The fate gift us at the beginning of our Gandhicracy creation an excellent chance to test our construction of Gandhian democracy on the Constitution of Russia, the reform (additions) of which was proposed to the country's population by President Vladimir Putin on January 15. We cannot miss such an favorable for us opportunity in all respects: for Russia, for GHA, and for the new book. The GHA-Russia created, discussed and approved on February 4 the 75th Project with six amendments to the Constitution of Russia, which make up the skeleton of our Gandhicracy. We will send this project to all the political leaders of Russia, starting with President Putin, as well as the leaders of women's, youth, family and children's organizations. This project, in essence, is half the first part of our book. Now I translated this project, except its second, auxiliary part into English, see attachment (9 p.). It is also published here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=925 In this regard, I am happy to invite you (English-speaking part of the GHA) to discuss and approve this project with your YES or NO during 3 days, until February 10 inclusively. We thank everyone, especially the Gandhicracy editors and authors for participating in the discussion of this training project for it. You could also have prepared something similar for your countries, governments and parties in relevant political situations. only the GHA Gandhicracy, as we agreed, opens the true, wide and reliable path to global peace. Without similar democracy of the spherons, it is unlikely to ever be achieved. Friendly, best wishes for peace from harmony through Gandhicracy, Leo, 07-02-20
In process