Mairead - Peace People Olav Njølstad Copy: Leo Semashko Theme: 2020 Nobel Nomination - Dr. Leo Semashko Dear Olav, I hope this finds you well. I attach herewith my nomination for 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for Dr. Leo Semashko Kindest regards, Mairead Maguire (l976) Nobel Peace Laureate 16-01-20 Dear Berit and Olav I hope this finds you both well I would be grateful if you would Please confirm having received My NOBEL nomination sent 16 Jan 2020 by. Email and post For dr Leo Semashko to NOBEL Committee and he has been added To list of nominations Many thanks Tak Mairead Maguire 30-01-20 --------------------------------------

January 16, 2020 Mairead Maguire Nobel Peace Laureate The Norwegian Nobel Committee Henrik Ibsens gate 51 0255 Oslo NORWAY SUBJECT: Nomination 2020 Nobel Peace Prize – Dr. Leo Semashko Nomination of PhD Leo Semashko, born June 20, 1941 in Grodno, Belarus, a philosopher, sociologist, peacemaker from harmony, Founder (2005) and Honorary President (2016) of the International peacemaking organisation Global Harmony Association (GHA) for the Nobel Peace Prize 2020 for his dedicated peacemaking life, which culminated in an unprecedented ingenious contribution to global peace. This contribution provides humanity with a real achievement of global peace in the 21st century. Comprehensive information about Leo Semashko is on his personal page [1]. His extensive peacemaking activities during last 15 years are presented on the GHA website “Peace from Harmony” in 16 languages here [2]. Dear Nobel Committee, As a result of many years of my observing the tireless and disinterested peacemaking work of Leo Semashko, and cooperation with his GHA in a number of peace projects, I came to the deeply substantiated conviction that he is a genial, uniquely outstanding “peace champion” of our century, fully meeting its definition given by Alfred Nobel. Semashko laid the foundation in the new century for a fundamentally new peace-making era of humanity with his unprecedented fundamental scientific discoveries and works, which I will try to briefly describe below and which make him a contender for the Nobel Peace Prize 2020.. 1. Peacemaking discovery. The Leo Semashko’s first key and fundamental systemic discovery made by him more than 40 years ago was the discovery of societally equal and srructurally constant but historically transient universal clusters of the population, covering all people in general from birth to death and differing on employment in one of the four spheres of social production. Therefore they were called by ‘spherons’ or spheral classes, fundamentally different from traditional classes in their peaceful genetic nature. Spherons make up the genetic structure of humanity, the harmony of which at all levels up to the family and the individual, determines the fundamental source, actors and foundations of global peace. They are still unknown to traditional social science due to their non-linear, thermodynamic statistical nature. Spherons determine the cybernetic societal genome of humankind at all its levels, ensuring its survival and evolution throughout its history. Innovative scientific knowledge of spherons, their genome and peaceful genetics of humanity, overcoming pathological military deviations from it of various historical transient partial classes and groups, will provide it with global peace in the 21st century. Semashko devoted a scientific sociological research of this fundamental source and the pillars of global peace to his entire conscious life, starting in 1976. This was reflected in his 18 books and more than 600 articles, of which 9 books, most of the articles and 73 peace projects based on the theory of spherons were created in the GHA for 15 years of its work since 2005 [3]. In the GHA’s final ninth book “Gandhica” [2019, 4], dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the concept of spherons received full empirical evidence from the world statistics of the 76 countries presented in Part 2 of this book and turned it from a hypothesis into a fundamental science. 2. Peacemaking fruits of discovery. Based on the spherons discovery since 1976, Semashko, together with international colleagues from more than 60 countries within created by them a fundamentally new “Global Peace Science” [5] laid the foundation and created the initial projects of the following innovative social and human sciences and public movements. Tetraphilosophy, Tetrasociology, Tetrapsychology, Spheral Mega-Science of Global Peace, Spheral Statistics, Spheral Information-Statistical Technology (digital SIST), Gandhian Spheral Democracy (Gandhicracy), Spheral Tetranet Thinking Paradigm, Women's Equality and Gender Balance, Social Priority for Children, Global Harmonious Education and Enlightenment, General and Complete Disarmament during 50 Years, Peaceful Partnership of the USA and Russia, Spheral Restructuring of the United Nations, Declaration of Human/Humanity Rights for Life, Global Peace, Harmony and Gandhian Nonviolence, Harmonious Civilization, Spheral Futurology. This is far from a complete spectrum of Semashko’s peace vision. The American writer and peacemaker Robert Weir in his article proposed its shortest synopsis on 10 pages: “The war killed my father, and I killed the war.” [6] 3. Motivation. Robert Weir borrowed this title from Leo Semashko himself, by whom he determined his peace mission at the end of self life. Semashko formulated it this way: “The war killed my father, and I killed the war intellectually,” hinting at his discovery of spherons, the awareness of which leaves no place for war. This capacious formula expressed his vital anti-war focus from birth, when in the early days of the fascist attack on the USSR his father, a lieutenant of the Red Army, was killed in Grodno. And he and his mother underwent a week-long evacuation from Grodno to a railway freight trainunder fascist air raids and bombing in blood, dirt and horror. This defined his life with these maternal memories and its constant refrain: “that there was no war”. These maternal words became Ariadne’s thread and testament for the life of Semashko, which led him, in search of the testament solution, to the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, which he graduated in 1970 and made him a teacher, sociologist and peacemaker in St. Petersburg. These facts of his biography determined his anti-war peacemaking sense of life in general, its fundamental motivation, which he brought to its logical end, to an intellectual victory over the war, about which he writes a lot in his memoirs [1, etc.]. This deep peace motivation explains the perseverance, determination, courage and breadth of his disinterested work on global peace, regardless of any life obstacles that constantly accompanied him. The great popular covenant “that there was no war”, which Semashko received from birth from his parents with a tragic military fate, became his guiding star for life. It identified his heroic peacemaking genius, enthusiasm and endless devotion. 4. Recognition. The main issue of fundamental scientific discoveries in the history of human cognition is their public recognition, which has always been either tragic or dramatic for their authors. The discovery of spherons as an objective source of global peace was between two fires, between a hammer and a hard place of the prevailing tendentious ideologies of Marxism and the neo-liberalism of the Marxist sense in Russia. In the USSR era, the discovery of peaceful and harmonious spherons was rejected by the totalitarian Marxist ideology of class violence and the dictatorship of the proletariat as "pseudoscience." The author became a dissident and got into the KGB blacklists, in which he remains until now. After a devastating article by one of the Marxist leaders - academician Mikhail Rutkevich in 2002 [7, p. 96-100], Semashko was deprived of any opportunity to publish his works in the official scientific journals of the country. Russia still kills this discovery and its author with silence, obscurity, persecution, imprisonment, ignoring and other pressure, documented in a number of articles by Semashko [7; 8; 9; 10; 11; etc.]. In the West, the attitude towards the fundamental discovery of spherons is ambiguous. on the one hand, it is highly appreciated and supported by many Western scholars of humanities, the Buddhist leader Daisaku Ikeda, as well as several Nobel Laureates and former President of India Dr. Abdul Kalam. They were co-authors of many GHA peace books and projects over its 15-year history, as can be seen from the list of their co-authors, for example, here [4; 5; 12; 13; etc.]. The most significant peacemaking conclusions from the theory of spherons and the GHA related books were proposed by them as initiatives of general and complete disarmament, reforming the UN, US-Russian cooperation instead of confrontation, the creation of an International Global Peace Academy and similar to the leaders of G20-2013 [14] and G20-2017 [15]. Also at a meeting of the Presidents of the United States and Russia, as well as at the UN, UNESCO and other international organizations and World Libraries. Many Western and Russian scientists for the Nobel Peace Prize nominated twice the GHA and its leader: in 2013 [16] and in 2017 [17]. Some Japanese and French scholars and peacemakers evaluated the significance of Leo Semashko’s works as “Marx of the new century” or as “the humanist Gandhi of the 21st century” [18], etc. On the other hand, there are many Western denials of the fundamental discovery and theory of spherons for various reasons, the main of which is the spreading new Russophobic racism, as well as "Western superiority", ignoring the empirical statistical evidence of spherons and their unfounded rejection or simply militant ignorance. We will name only one characteristic example published in the Global Peace Science [5, 154-163]. 5. The West and Nobel Committee advantages in recognition. on this background of a contradictory world attitude to the fundamental peacemaking discovery of Leo Semashko and his unprecedented peacebuilding works together with the GHA, the Nobel Committee faces a difficult task to objectively, impartially evaluate his contribution to the achievement of global peace. We, by deep recognition, consider his to be unsurpassed, unprecedented in value and certainly deserving the Nobel Peace Prize 2020. We emphasize the advantages for the West and the Nobel Committee of this Prize for Dr. Leo Semashko. (A) With this Prize, the West will emphasize its commitment to global peace and its ability to see the long-term development and recognition of this fundamental peace discovery in our century. (B) If the Nobel Committee deprives Semashko of this prize, it will repeat the mistake with Gandhi, for whose refusal this prize your Committee apologized and was ashamed for this mistake and omission. Your Committee cannot allow itself to repeat a similar mistake in the 21st century, which may discreditThe Nobel Committee and its ability to see the true "peace champions" of Alfred Nobel. (C) Awarding the Nobel Prize Semashko will open up to him and the GHA the possibility of realizing his long-held dream - the establishment of the International Academy of Global Peace, to which will be spent the prize financial amount. This will be a new advantage of the West, and we cannot miss it, as well as other advantages from the Semashko award of this Prize. (D) With this award, the West will support another Russian dissident - this outstanding peacemaker, who, together with the GHA, created the first in the history Global Peace Science as an alternative to the prosperous more than two centuries but deadly for humanity military science in thousands of military academies of the world. The Nobel Committee has an excellent chance to affirm the global priority and prestige of both the West as a whole and its own institution. (E) It does not matter that Semashko is Russian, it is important that the West is the first to recognize and intercept his discovery, that it was the first to take from it all the benefits for humanity and itself, so that it does not die in the stagnation of Russia and does not drown in its inertia for decades without all good. once again, Russia demonstrates its disregard for its intellectual geniuses who are decades ahead of history. The discovery of spherons will inevitably conquer the world and provide global peace to humanity. Its whole problem is only time. The Nobel Committee with its Prize for it is capable to make it the property of humankind not in decades but already now, in 2020, becoming its powerful accelerator and with it the real building of global peace. Now, only one thing is important for the Nobel Committee to understand the crucial importance of this historic choice for itself and humanity.
Mairead Maguire
 Nobel Peace Laureate
References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Nobel Peace Prize Watch Lay down your arms Oslo/Gothenburg, Feb 3, 2020 MEDIA RELEASE Nobel Peace Prize 2020 – NPPW shortlist sent to the committee Our annual screening of candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize has now been posted on our website,, and sent to the Nobel committee. We have found 30 of the known candidates qualified and eligible, within the purpose of Nobel´s will. NPPW offers advice and assistance to nominators and candidates and each year supplies the committee with a wide range of genuine candidates. Believing in openness and transparency as indispensable to reaching good decisions and prevent corruption, here as everywhere else, we also publish the secret nominations, In 2020 the NPPW recommends the committee to recognize the indispensable role of international law, pointing in particular to Klaus Schlichtmann and Ikuro Anzai, both Japan; their efforts to complete the original security structure of the UN by empowering the Security Council is at the epicenter of the “brotherhood of nations” mentioned in the testament of Alfred Nobel. Strengthening international law is also behind the nominations of Ben Ferencz (the Nuremberg prosecutor in 1945, turning 100 in March, would be the oldest laureate ever) and Bill Pace, both USA. Also important are the whistleblowers who stood up against misuse of military force; Julian Assange, Australia; and Edward Snowdon, Chelsea Manning, and Daniel Ellsberg, all USA. Nobel Peace Prize Watch, NPPW, publishes the only survey that meets academic standards, based as it is on concrete nominations found by an active worldwide search and a scrutiny of qualifications based on the actual intention of Alfred Nobel´s testament.
Sincerely yours, NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WATCH Fredrik S. Heffermehl Tomas Magnusson PresidentStyrelseledamot The list: Further comments:: Adresser:, Nobel Peace Prize Watch, c/o Magnusson, Akvamaringatan 7 c, 421 77 Göteborg, Sverige. Phones: Sweden, +46 70 829 31 97 or Norway, +47 917 44 783. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leo Semashko: Why it was reject? - Nobel Russophobian racism?