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Dear Hasina, Thank you so much for your next brilliant, as always, issue of your unique global Magazine. From my and ours, ICAN/GHA point of view, the most important in it is the information on the entry into force, 75 years after the first atomic bombings, of the international law on the prohibition of nuclear weapons. This law makes it illegal as a crime against humanity. This information was published on the GHA website "Peace from Harmony" here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943. To our great regret, all 9 nuclear powers refused to recognize this law that threatens to prolong the threat of nuclear terror launched by America in 1945 and which retains the "legal right of the first nuclear strike", i.e. the right to the first nuclear terrorist and genocidal attack for another 75 years. This is "freedom and right" in our imperial time. Only the "greatest force of nonviolence" of the global Gandhian spherons is capable to overcome them together with nuclear weapons. It is revealed in our Gandhian "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/Anti-Nuclear-Manifesto-XXI.pdf), which is presented to all members of the UN General Assembly. But will it take this opportunity under the pressure of the US resistance at the UN? Will time give the answer to this question if we actively support and promote this Manifesto. Who published it and where? Who sent it to your government and where? Who translated it into the national language and where? Etc. Let's hope that these questions will not hang in the air and prevent hundreds and millions of new victims of the new Hiroshimas/Nagasakis. Dr. Leo Semashko 01-02-21 ДорогаяХасина! Большое спасибо за ваш очередной блестящий как всегда выпуск вашего уникального глобального журнала. С моей и нашей, ИКАН/ГСГ, точки зрения наиболее важной в нем является информация о вступлении в силу, через 75 лет после первых атомных бомбардировок, международного закона о запрещении ядерного оружия. Этот закон ставит его вне закона как преступление против человечества. Эта информация была опубликована на сайте ГСГ "Мир из Гармонии" здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943. К великому сожалению, все 9 ядерных держав отказались признавать этот закон, что грозит продлению угрозы ядерного террора, начатого Америкой в 1945 и сохраняющей за собой "законное право первого ядерного удара", т.е. право первой ядерной террористической и геноцидной атаки еще на 75 лет. Такова "свобода и право" в наше имперское время. Преодолеть их вместе с ядерным оружием способна только "величайшая сила ненасилия" глобальных Гандианских сферонов, которая раскрывается в нашем Гандианском "Антиядерном Манифесте" (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/Anti-Nuclear-Manifesto-XXI.pdf), который представлен всем членам Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН. Но воспользуется ли она этой возможностью под прессом сопротивления США в ООН? Ответ на этот вопрос даст время, если мы будем активно поддерживать и продвигать этот Манифест. Кто и где его опубликовал?Кто и где послал его в свое правительство? Кто и где перевел его на национальный язык? И т.д. Будем надеяться, что эти вопросы не повиснут в воздухе и предотвратят новые сотни и миллионы жертв новых Хиросим/Нагасак. Лев Семашко 01-02-21 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Leo -- Thank you for letting us know you'll be watching the live stream of the #nuclearban treaty's entry into force on 22 January 2021 at 21:00 CET. This is just a note to confirm your RSVP was succesful and we'll be sending you a reminder and the link to join in closer to the day! If you want, you can invite others to join you with this link: https://www.icanw.org/studio_2221?recruiter_id=106325 Best, Beatrice Fihn Executive Director ICAN 22-01-21 --------------------------- Hi Leo --
It is my great joy to invite you to be part of a once-in-history celebration of the moment we ban nuclear weapons—a 90 minute live streamed event on 22 January 2021, 9pm CET.
Like the work we have done throughout the world, the big and small victories we have achieved, we will do this together, and we hope you will join our global live event on 22.21 from wherever you are.
This is the day the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons will enter into force. It is a date that should be imprinted in our minds and will be noted in history books — the day we took back the power from those who have chosen terror and the threat of mass murder as the means to security.
Click here to learn how to join and RSVP.
Studio 22.21—Entry into Force Day will be a full-packed live streamed event from Geneva, Switzerland, with guests connecting digitally from all over the world. The event will track the global entry into force of the historic treaty banning nuclear weapons throughout the world’s different time zones, mixing performances, interviews, in-depth analysis and reportages from artists, politicians, academics and activists around the world.
What we achieved together, across generations and nations, is a great victory of the people over those who grip power in all of human history. We have faced down the richest governments, the most destructive militaries the world has ever known. But they are no match for the power of the people united.
Of course this does not mark the end of our 75 year struggle to rid the world of nuclear weapons, but we must mark this historic moment as a springboard. This is a celebration to invigorate our efforts and prepare to take the next steps that will close out this dark chapter in human history.
Beyond celebrating, this event is about stories. It is vital that campaigns like ours share the stories of action and change. Nuclear weapons are not the only or last existential threat humankind faces, and when we jointly build the narrative of our shared movement history we educate current and future generations about how change happens. Telling our stories is giving others tools to mobilize for change.
But if I’m being completely honest — mostly, I want to be with you to celebrate this moment. We cannot all be together in person with the pandemic, but on this historic day we certainly will not be kept apart. Over the past decade I have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with powerful, incredible people from all corners of the world who fill me with hope and joy. Let’s give each other strength at this moment and come together to celebrate this enormous achievement.
We’ve earned it. You have.
Please RSVP and join myself, the ICAN team and our friends and allies across time zones, across history, who made this possible.
Onward, together.
Beatrice It’s time to end nuclear weapons. |
11-01-21 ------------------------------------ Привет, Лео - Мне очень приятно пригласить вас принять участие в уникальном праздновании момента запрета ядерного оружия - 90-минутном прямом эфире 22 января 2021 года в 21:00 по центральноевропейскому времени. Как и работа, которую мы проделали во всем мире, большие и маленькие победы, которой мы добились, мы сделаем это вместе, и мы надеемся, что вы присоединитесь к нашему глобальному живому мероприятию 22.21, где бы вы ни находились. В этот день вступит в силу Договор о запрещении ядерного оружия. Это дата, которая должна быть запечатлена в нашем сознании и будет отмечена в учебниках истории - день, когда мы отобрали власть от тех, кто избрал террор и угрозу массовых убийств в качестве средств обеспечения безопасности. Нажмите здесь, чтобы узнать, как присоединиться и RSVP. Studio 22.21 — Entry into Force Day - это мероприятие, которое будет транслироваться в прямом эфире из Женевы, Швейцария, с гостями со всего мира, подключающимися в цифровом формате. Мероприятие будет отслеживать глобальное вступление в силу исторического договора о запрещении ядерного оружия в разных часовых поясах мира, сочетая выступления, интервью, углубленный анализ и репортажи художников, политиков, ученых и активистов со всего мира. То, что мы достигли вместе, через поколения и нации, - это великая победа людей над теми, кто захватил власть во всей истории человечества. Мы столкнулись с самыми богатыми правительствами, самыми разрушительными вооруженными силами, которые когда-либо знал мир. Но они не могут сравниться с силой объединенного народа. Конечно, это не означает окончания нашей 75-летней борьбы за избавление мира от ядерного оружия, но мы должны отметить этот исторический момент как трамплин. Это праздник, призванный оживить наши усилия и подготовиться к следующим шагам, которые завершат эту темную главу в истории человечества. Помимо празднования, это событие посвящено историям. Жизненно важно, чтобы кампании, подобные нашей, рассказывали истории о действиях и изменениях. Ядерное оружие - не единственная или последняя угроза существованию человечества, и когда мы совместно строим повествование об истории нашего общего движения, мы просвещаем нынешнее и будущие поколения о том, как происходят изменения. Рассказывание наших историй дает другим инструменты для мобилизации усилий. Но если честно - в основном, я хочу быть с вами, чтобы отпраздновать этот момент. Мы не можем все вместе лично противостоять пандемии, но в этот исторический день мы, безусловно, не будем изолированы. За последнее десятилетие я стоял плечом к плечу с могущественными, невероятными людьми со всех уголков мира, которые наполняют меня надеждой и радостью. Давайте дадим друг другу силы в этот момент и вместе отпразднуем это огромное достижение. Мы это заслужили. Пожалуйста, RSVP и присоединяйтесь ко мне, команде ICAN, нашим друзьям и союзникам в разных часовых поясах и истории, благодаря которым это стало возможным. Вперед, вместе. Беатрис Пора положить конец ядерному оружию. 11-01-21 ---------------------------------------- Hi Leo --
In two days, the treaty will enter into force. And we’re already buzzing with excitement about it.
On Friday 21 January, 9pm Central European Time, we’ll broadcast a live show called “Studio 22.21 - Entry into force day” from Geneva. Click here to join it.
We’ll have participants from all over the world joining us, from the Foreign Minister of Austria, the Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, the ICRC, elected officials like US house representative Jim McGovern and UK Green Party leader Caroline Lucas, to the Mayor of Geneva and many more.
In addition to that, we will enjoy a beautiful performance by Norwegian soul artist Nosizwe, check in with campaigners from around the world, and hear from events and actions that has taken place around the world on that day.
The show will be streamed live on ICAN’s website, as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. If you RSVP here, we’ll send you the link directly in your inbox.
I hope you will join us, and please invite your friends, family and colleagues to join and watch the day we make history together.
Warm regards,
Lucero It’s time to end nuclear weapons. |
21-01-21 --------------------------------- Привет, Лео - Через два дня договор вступит в силу. И мы уже в восторге от этого. В пятницу, 21 января, в 21:00 по центральноевропейскому времени мы будем транслировать прямую трансляцию под названием «Студия 22.21 - День вступления в силу» из Женевы. Щелкните здесь, чтобы присоединиться к нему. К нам присоединятся участники со всего мира, от министра иностранных дел Австрии, председатель Норвежского Нобелевского комитета, МККК, выборные должностные лица, такие как представитель палаты представителей США Джим Макговерн и лидер Партии зеленых Великобритании Кэролайн Лукас, до мэра. Женевы и многие другие. В дополнение к этому, мы будем наслаждаться прекрасным выступлением норвежского соул-художника Носизве, встречаться с активистами со всего мира и узнавать о событиях и действиях, которые произошли по всему миру в тот день. Шоу будет транслироваться в прямом эфире на веб-сайте ICAN, а также на наших страницах в Facebook и Twitter. Если вы ответите здесь, мы отправим вам ссылку прямо в ваш почтовый ящик. Я надеюсь, что вы присоединитесь к нам, и, пожалуйста, пригласите своих друзей, семью и коллег присоединиться и посмотреть день, когда мы вместе творим историю. Теплые пожелания, Lucero Пора положить конец ядерному оружию. 21-01-21 "Lucero Oyarzun, ICAN" --------------------------------- Ядерное оружие вне закона! «Студия 22.21 - День вступления в силу» из Женевы Дорогие члены ГСГ, друзья, Наши коллеги и партнеры по «Антиядерному Манифесту», лидеры ИСАН Беатрис Фин и Лусеро Орзун, приглашают нас принять участие в онлайн шоу 22 января в 9-00 по среднеевропейскому времени (ниже см.) в честь вступления в силу «Договора ООН о Запрещении Ядерного Оружия» (TPNW), о котором более детально смотреть здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943 Вступление в силу этого ключевого, исторического закона международного права означает признание ядерного оружия и всех стран, обладающих, производящих и распространяющих его «вне закона» и как преступников против человечества. Лидер ИКАН, Беатрис Фин нашла замечательные слова, чтобы выразить историческую сущность этого дня. Она пишет (ниже): «Это дата, которая должна быть запечатлена в нашем сознании и будет отмечена в учебниках истории - день, когда мы отобрали власть от тех, кто избрал террор и угрозу массовых убийств в качестве средств обеспечения безопасности… То, что мы достигли вместе, через поколения и нации, - это великая победа людей над теми, кто захватил власть во всей истории человечества. Мы столкнулись с самыми богатыми правительствами, самыми разрушительными вооруженными силами, которые когда-либо знал мир. Но они не могут сравниться с силой объединенного народа.» Мы не можем выразить лучше значение этого исторического события, чем Беатрис. Оно разрушает уверенность милитаристов всех стран в несокрушимости и вечной жизни этого смертельного террориста и ядерных государств, обладающих им. Они всячески сопротивляются ему, особенно гегемон ядерного терроризма – правительство США. Им вторят их добровольные, гражданские милитаристы, как один из наших «друзей» - «ядерный ястреб», который написал нам: «Ядерного разоружения не будет… То, что вы делаете (TPNWand «AntinuclearManifesto”), хуже, чем пустая трата времени.» Конечно, предстоит еще очень трудная и долгая работа по окончательному искоренению ядерного оружия путем создания систему «Глобальной Безопасности/Мира», научная стратегия и дорожная карта которой получила фундаментальное обоснование в нашем Гандианском «Антиядерном Манифесте» 46 соавторов, включая 4 Нобелевских лауреатов, из 26 стран (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=819). Он представлен всем 193 национальным миссиям в ООН и опубликован на многих международных сайтах на всех континентах и будет представлен лидерам всех ядерных держав, прежде всего США и России, которые их уже получили. Поэтому мы счастливы пригласить всех вас, как прямых творцов этого события, к непосредственному участию в нем по указанному ниже адресу онлайн. С уважением, и лучшими пожеланиями покончить с ядерным оружием, Лев Семашко, ГСГ основатель и Почетный Президент, 21-01-21 Nuclear weapons are illegal now! “Studio 22.21 - Entry into force day” from Geneva Dear GHA members, friends, Our colleagues and partners in the Gandhian “Anti-Nuclear Manifesto”, ICAN leaders Beatrice Fihn and Lucero Oyarzun, invite us to take part in an online show on January 22 at 9-00 CET (see below) in honor of the entry into force of the UN “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons" (TPNW), which can be found in more detail here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943 The entry into force of this key, historical law of international law means the recognition of nuclear weapons and all countries that possess, produce and distribute them “outside the law” and as crimes against humanity. The ICAN leader, Beatrice Fihn, has found wonderful words to convey the historical essence of this day. She writes (below): “It is a date that should be imprinted in our minds and will be noted in history books — the day we took back the power from those who have chosen terror and the threat of mass murder as the means to security…What we achieved together, across generations and nations, is a great victory of the people over those who grip power in all of human history. We have faced down the richest governments, the most destructive militaries the world has ever known. But they are no match for the power of the people united.” We cannot express the significance of this historic event better than Beatrice. It destroys the militarists of all countries confidence in the invincibility and eternal life of this deadly terrorist and the nuclear states that possess it. They resist it in every possible way, especially the hegemon of nuclear terrorism - the US government. They are echoed by their voluntary, civilian militarists, like one of our "friends" - the "nuclear hawk" who wrote to us: "There will be no nuclear disarmament ... What you are doing (TPNW and "Antinuclear Manifesto") is worse than a waste time." Of course, there is still a very difficult and long work on the final eradication of nuclear weapons by creating a system of "Global Security/Peace", the scientific strategy and roadmap of which received fundamental justification in our Gandhian "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" by 46 co-authors, including 4 Nobel laureates, out of 26 countries (https://peacefromharmony.org/docs/Anti-Nuclear-Manifesto-XXI.pdf). It has been presented to all 193 national missions at the UN and published on many international websites on all continents and will be presented to the leaders of all nuclear powers, primarily the United States and Russia, who have already received them. Therefore, we are happy to invite all of you, as the creators of this event, to participate directly in it at the online address below. Best regards and best wishes to end nuclear weapons, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA founder and Honorary President, 21-01-21
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) has entered into force and so begins a new chapter for nuclear disarmament. This landmark treaty prohibits nations from developing, testing, producing, manufacturing, transferring, possessing, stockpiling, using or threatening to use nuclear weapons, or allowing nuclear weapons to be stationed on their territory. It also prohibits assisting, encouraging or inducing anyone to engage in any of these activities.
Commenting on the treaty, David Krieger, President Emeritus of NAPF, said “The entry into force of this long-awaited treaty is the culmination of more than 75 years of effort on the part of survivors of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and many more nuclear abolitionists throughout the world. At a minimum, this treaty delegitimizes the possession, threat and use of nuclear weapons. This day marks the beginning of the end for these weapons of mass annihilation. It will be remembered in history.“
ICAN’s President, Beatrice Fihn, said, "This is just the beginning ... States that haven't joined the treaty will feel its power too — we can expect companies to stop producing nuclear weapons and financial institutions to stop investing in nuclear weapon-producing companies."
United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, commented, “Entry into force is a tribute to the survivors of nuclear explosions and tests, many of whom advocated for this Treaty.” He went on to describe the entry into force as “the culmination of a worldwide movement to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons. It represents a meaningful commitment towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons, which remains the highest disarmament priority of the United Nations.”
HERE’S A USEFUL BOOKLET, CREATED AND PRODUCED BY ICAN, THAT EXPLAINS HOW THE TREATY WORKS. https://www.icanw.org/how_the_treaty_works It includes: -- How the treaty came about -- The activities that are prohibited under the treaty -- The framework for verifiably eliminating nuclear weapons -- The framework for assisting victims of nuclear weapons -- The work to bring all countries on board -- Arguments for joining the treaty -- What people can do to help make the treaty work
Let's celebrate this momentous day! Join the celebration athttps://www.icanw.org/studio_2221. Stay well, knowing the world is a little safer today than it was yesterday.
Team NAPF Nuclear Age Peace Foundation 22-01-21
Dear Leo -- We don’t need to tell you that 2020 was a very different year. That we made plans when the year started and then had to adapt them over and over again, amid all the uncertainty, challenges and worry brought by the pandemic. You know, because you had to do the same. But as I look back on this year, I am also incredibly proud of all that of our global movement to eliminate nuclear weapons was able to achieve this year, even under trying circumstances. If you want to make a donation to support our work, you can do so here: www.icanw.org/donate Back in February - when travel was still possible - we brought together hundreds of campaigners, creatives and students to learn from each other about the impact of nuclear weapons and what it takes to change the world at the ICAN Paris Forum. When the scale of the global pandemic became clear, we dove into the creation of resources that could be used anywhere, from research exposing the 9 nuclear armed state’s 2019 spending on nuclear weapons - and how that would have compared to healthcare spending-, to a handy Q&A booklet challenging common misconceptions about nuclear disarmament. 2020 also marked the 75th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th. We set out to ensure that this historic moment did not only get the attention it deserved, but also that the stories of the survivors of these bombings - the hibakusha- were put front and centre of the narrative. We worked with museums, media outlets, writers, photographers, video teams, website creators, ICAN partners in Japan and of course, the hibakusha, to make that happen. But of course, our biggest success of the year came in October: the 50th ratification of the TPNW. Since the TPNW was adopted in 2017, ICAN campaigners around the world have worked non-stop to reach that crucial milestone of 50 states parties needed for the treaty’s entry into force. On October 24th, Honduras became the 50th state to ratify the treaty, meaning nuclear weapons will become illegal under international law on 22 January 2021. We did so much more work to support the TPNW and promote a nuclear-weapons-free world this year, and you can read all about it here. But none of it would have been possible alone. Our work depends on our 599 partners in 106 countries, on our allies in governments and across civil society, and on the backing of generous people all around the world, who stand behind what we do. Together, we made history in 2020, and in 2021, we want to build on that achievement, together. We’re about to embark on the next phase of our campaign – implementing the treaty and making sure it has an impact on the nuclear armed states. Will you make a donation to power our work in 2021? Set up a monthly donation to ICAN Make a one-time donation >> Thank you, and best wishes for 2021. Sincerely, Beatrice Fihn Executive Director ICAN
PS - We know this is a difficult time for many, and understand if you cannot make a donation at this time. There are many ways to support our work without a financial contribution. Please consider forwarding this email to a friend or family with a personal note telling them why you support our work and would love for them to do it too, or make sure you follow ICAN on twitter and instagram, and regularly share, comment and engage with our posts so that it reaches a wider audience. It’s time to end nuclear weapons.
Nuclear weapons are illegal now!
Dear Leo -- The big moment is finally here: the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) just reached the 50 ratifications needed for entry into force! Just now, Honduras ratified the treaty - only one day after Jamaica and Nauru submitted their ratifications - bringing about a historic milestone. In 90 days the TPNW will enter into force and become binding international law!
Celebrate the news with us: Let the entire world know nuclear weapons are illegal now! Share on Twitter Share on Whatsapp Share on Facebook Share by email This is not just our victory. We congratulate and thank each and every one of you who stood with us to help make this moment happen. This is an incredible moment for our movement and we are so unbelievably proud of what we’ve all achieved together. And we hope you will continue to support our work as we go into the next phase.
With the treaty now ready to enter into force, everything will change, but our work is not done. We are going to need to get even louder to make sure the treaty lives up to its full potential.Once the treaty has taken full legal effect, countries that have joined it will need to comply with all of its obligations. In countries that have not joined, it is up to us to make sure that companies, governments and people know that nuclear weapons are illegaland that they need to stand on the right side of history. Will you consider pitching in to help power ICAN's work? Make a donation Once again, we want to thank you and celebrate this special moment with you. Today, we congratulate all the leaders that joined the treaty, party - at a distance - with all the amazing people who helped make this moment happen, and begin the countdown for entry into force. Thank you for everything you do, Beatrice Fihn Executive Director International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) It’s time to end nuclear weapons. October 24, 2020 Published: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943 |
Nuclear weapons are illegal now! But our work is not done still! Dear Beatrice, dear ICAN members, The GHA is glad to publish your great news on your personal page (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943) and distribute it all over the world through all our networks and channels. We, the GHA members, your supporters around the world, are happy to share your powerful diplomatic victory in the ratification of the "UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons" (TPNW) by 50 UN member states, which ensures the entry into force of this treaty after 90 days, when it expires "START-3” torn apart by the USA. Together with your TPNW, nuclear weapons become illegal, criminal under binding international law. We are happy to congratulate you and all peacemakers in the world on this anti-militarist victory in the international law field. But you are absolutely right and wise about "but our work is not done [and] we go into the next phase!" Yes, the legal ban is not the end, but only the beginning of the real eradication of nuclear weapons by their practical abandonment and destruction by the nine nuclear powers. This is a way out of its ban from the legal area of international law, in which any adopted treaties/laws are easily torn apart, denounced and disavowed, as the practice of geopolitics of recent decades shows, into the plane of real international relations and their policy. As evidenced in “The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence/Terrorism” (2013) by the USA leading expert professor of international law, Dr. Francis Boyle, the crime and illegality of nuclear weapons is confirmed by the already existing international law after the Nuremberg Tribunal in 1945, which for decades (75 years) has been trampled by the nuclear powers (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=957). Therefore, we can conclude with 99% certainty that the entry into force of the new TPNW will face the same sad fate of the unwanted baby of international law, doomed to decades of ignoring, ignorance and neglect. In connection with this real fact, "a new phase of our work" is acquiring extremely high priority and key importance for the prohibition of nuclear weapons. Our joint Anti-Nuclear Manifesto XXI (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908) is dedicated to this fundamental peacemaking work in the sad fate of TPNW, easily predicted in it. Our Manifesto proceeds from the assessment of the status quo that as long as there will be a violent system of the world militaristic hegemonic order, supported by the fat, constantly growing military budgets of all national democracies in the world, especially the world leader, there will be a foundation and the possibility of nuclear weapons. It will always be the last, mightiest and decisive, albeit genocidal, argument/instrument of security in the world militaristic system. To overcome this insane, misanthropic, criminal, suicidal system and eradicate nuclear weapons with all wars and violence can only by the global non-violent security/peace system on the genetic societal foundation/level of the Gandhian spherons of peace, non-violence and harmony of the noosphere/humanity. They are disclosed in our Manifesto, and succinctly presented in the GHA interview on 4 pages (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=964). It answers a simple question that is inaccessible to the existing violent world order: "HOW to build a society without war/violence?" The militaristic system excludes this question and does not raise it, because it does not know the answer to it, is unable to answer it and does not want to answer it. Since knowing the answer to it puts an end to this system and opens a breakthrough from it into its opposite - in an era of global peace, security and nonviolence. Therefore, no one in this system has an answer/knowledge to this question, does not exist and cannot be. This knowledge/answer is possible only from its spiritual, fundamental dissidents, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, GHA and their followers. This knowledge became possible and accessible only for the GHA as a result of its 15 years of search and work in this direction, only within the framework of nonviolent thinking by the Gandhian spherons of peace, which the GHA provided verification by world statistics in Gandhica (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848). only within this paradigm is a scientific societal answer/knowledge possible to the question posed. Our Manifesto shows that knowledge of the answer to a simple question: "HOW to build a society without war" can be obtained only in accordance with two cognitive laws: 1. "Who knows the unknown [spherons], the impossible is available to him" and 2. No one problem “Cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which we created it”, therefore, to solve them, “A substantially new [non-violent, asymmetric] manner of thinking of humanity is required” -it is Einstein's law. Therefore, the GHA, as your loyal and reliable supporter, invites ICAN to master the proposed fundamental Gandhian knowledge/thinking of spherons, only based on which and only in the context of which it is possible the complete elimination of nuclear weapons in the 21st century. This is that long, “new phase of our unfinished work” that you deeply understand and wisely express. Best wishes for peace without nuclear weapons from the Gandhian spherons harmony, Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President, 26-10-20 Ядерное оружие вне закона! Но наша работа еще не сделана! Дорогая Беатрис, дорогие члены ИКАН, ГСГ рад опубликовать вашу прекрасную новость на вашей персональной странице (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943) и распространить ее по всему миру через все наши сети и каналы. Мы, члены ГСГ, ваши сторонники по всему миру, счастливы разделить вашу мощную дипломатическую победу ратификации «Договора ООН о запрещении ядерного оружия» (TPNW) 50 странами-членами ООН, которая обеспечивает вступление в силу данного договора через 90 дней, когда кончает действие «Договор СНВ-3», разорванный США. Вместе с TPNW ядерное оружие становится беззаконным, преступным в рамках обязывающего международного права. Мы счастливы поздравить вас и всех миротворцев в мире с этой антимилитаристской победой на поле международного права. Но вы абсолютно правы и мудры в том, что с ней «наша работа еще не сделана, она переходит в новую фазу!» Да, юридический запрет - это не конец, а только начало реального искоренения ядерного оружия практическим отказом и уничтожением его девятью ядерными державами. Это выход его запрета из юридической области международного права, в которой легко разрываются, денонсируются и дезавуируются любые принятые договора/законы как показывает практика геополитики последних десятилетий, в плоскость реальных международных отношений и ее политики. Как доказано в работе ведущего эксперта профессора международного права из США Д-ра Френсиса Бойла «The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence/Terrorism (Преступность ядерного сдерживания/терроризма». 2013: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=957), преступность и незаконность ядерного оружия подтверждается уже имеющимся международным правом после Нюрнбергского трибунала 1945, которое десятилетиями (75 лет) попирается ядерными державами. Поэтому можно с 99% уверенности заключить, что и вступление в силу нового TPNW ждет та же печальная судьба нежеланного младенца международного права, обреченного на десятилетия игнорирования, невежества и пренебрежения. В связи с этим реальным фактом, «новая фаза нашей работы» приобретает исключительно приоритетную важность и ключевое значение для запрета ядерному оружию. Этой фундаментальной миротворческой работе посвящен наш совместный «Антиядерный Манифест XXI» (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908) в легко предсказанной в нем печальной судьбе TPNW. Наш Манифест исходит из той оценки statusquo, что пока будет существовать насильственная система мирового милитаристского гегемонистского порядка, поддерживаемая жирными, постоянно растущими военными бюджетами всех национальных демократий мира, особенно мирового лидера, до тех пор будет существовать основание и возможность ядерного оружия. Оно всегда будет последним, самым мощным и решающим, пусть геноцидным, аргументом/инструментом безопасности в мировой милитаристской системе. Преодолеть эту безумную, мизантропическую, преступную, суицидную систему и искоренить ядерное оружие со всеми войнами и насилием способна только глобальная ненасильственная система безопасности/мира на генетическом социетальном фундаменте Гандианских сферонов мира, ненасилия и гармонии ноосферы/человечества, раскрытых в нашем Манифесте, и сжато представленных в интервью ГСГ на 4 страницах (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=964). Оно отвечает на простой, но недоступный для существующего насильственного миропорядка вопрос: «КАК построить общество без войны/насилия?» Милитаристская система исключает этот вопрос и не поднимает его, потому что она не знает ответа на него, не способна ответить ему и не хочет отвечать на него, так как знание ответа на него кладет конец этой системе и открывает прорыв из нее в ее противоположность – в эру глобального мира, безопасности и ненасилия. Поэтому ответа/знания на этот вопрос ни у кого в этой системе нет, не существует и не может быть. Это знание/ответ возможно только у ее духовных, фундаментальных диссидентов, таких как Махатма Ганди, Мартин Лютер Кинг, Нельсон Мандела, ГСГ и их последователей. Это знание стало возможным и доступным только для ГСГ в результате его 15 летнего поиска и работы в этом направлении, только в рамках ненасильственного мышления Гандианскими сферонами мира, которым ГСГ обеспечил верификацию мировой статистикой в Гандике (https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848). Только в пределах этой парадигмы возможен научный социетальный ответ/знание на поставленный вопрос. Наш Манифест показывает, что знание ответа на простой вопрос: «КАК построить общество без войны», может быть получено только в соответствии с двумя когнитивными законами: 1. «Кто знает неизвестное [сфероны], тому доступно невозможное» и 2. Ни одна проблема «не может быть решена на том же уровне мышления, на котором мы создали ее», поэтому, для их решения, «Требуется субстанциально новый [ненасильственный, асимметричный] способ мышления человечества», - это закон Эйнштейна. Поэтому ГСГ, как ваш верный и надёжный сторонник, приглашает ИКАН овладеть предлагаемым фундаментальным Гандианским знанием/мышлением сферонов, только на основе которого и контексте которого возможно полное искоренение ядерного оружия в 21 веке. Это та длительная, «новая фаза нашей недоделанной работы», которую вы глубоко понимаете и мудро выражаете. Лучшие пожелания мира без ядерного оружия из гармонии Гандианских сферонов, Лев Семашко, ГСГ Основатель и почетный президент, 26-10-20 -----------------------------
Hi Leo --
I have good news to brighten up your Wednesday! In a special ceremony today, Malaysia ratified the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This means the TPNW now has 46 states parties and only needs 4 more ratifications to trigger its entry into force! Will you help us celebrate? |
| When the treaty enters into force (90 days after hitting 50), nuclear weapons will become completely illegal under international law, and this will help strengthen the stigma around nuclear weapons. Just like with chemical weapons and land mines, having the treaty in place will increase the pressure on companies and governments to ensure they are on the right side of the law, and of the public debate. Hitting that 50-state mark is a huge achievement for our movement, but our work won’t be over. Making nuclear weapons illegal is the first step in our plan to eliminate nuclear weapons for good, and once it happens our work will enter a new phase. We know we’ll be able to keep counting on you to help us get all the way to abolishing these weapons. In the meantime, we’re putting all our energy on getting the next 4 countries onboard, and doing so as soon as possible! So stay tuned. Sincerely, Celine Nahory Operations Coordinator ICAN PS - Want to dive deep into the legal and political implications of what happens after entry into force? Our Policy & Research Coordinator wrote a short briefing paper outlining the impact of the Treaty to break it down. September 30, 2020 |
Dear Celine, Thank you for your good news, which was published on the ICAN page: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943! The GHA as a member of ICAN since May of this year (see Beatrice email on April 25 about it below) and an active engine of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons through our joint (ICAN/GHA: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908) "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" by more than 40 (today) of its co-authors from more 20 countries, including 4 Nobel Laureates, hopes to bring by our influence through the Manifesto the several more countries to recognize and ratify this remarkable Treaty. But its entry into force will not be nuclear zero, as the nuclear powers will never give up nuclear weapons. To do this, they need a stronger argument than the papery, easily torn apart Treaty. This requires a Global Security/Peace scientific Partner System detailed in our Manifesto. But it requires further joint research and development by all nuclear countries in partnership and trust, which excludes their modern pathological and mortally dangerous confrontation for humanity. We hope that ICAN leaders and staff understand, acknowledge and support this. We would highly appreciate your public opinion on this key issue of nuclear disarmament. We are very worried about the closed nature and absence in ICAN of any discussions on the issue of nuclear disarmament and your opinion about the proposed “Manifesto” during the 4 months since we started it. The closedness and lack of transparency in this hardest and most difficult issue of life for humanity in ICAN is unlikely to contribute to its solution. They only slow it down. With the hope that our partner and worried voice will be heard at you. Thanks for your feedback. Best regards, Leo, 30-09-20 ДорогаяЦелин! Спасибо за вашу приятную новость, которая опубликована на странице ИКАН: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943! ГСГ как член ИКАН с мая этого года (см. ниже письмо Беатрис об этом на 25 апреля) и активный двигатель Договора ООН о запрещении ядерного оружия через наш совместный (ИКАН/ГСГ: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908) «Антиядерный Манифест» более 40 (сегодня) его соавторов из более 20 стран, включая 4 Нобелевских Лауреатов, надеется привлечь нашим влиянием через «Манифест» еще несколько стран к признанию и ратификации этого замечательного договора. Но его вступление в силу не будет ядерным нулем, так как ядерные державы никогда не откажутся от ядерного оружия. Для этого им требуется более весомый аргумент, чем бумажный, легко разрываемый Договор. Для этого требуется партнерская научная/кибернетическая система Глобальной Безопасности/Мира, детально развернутая в нашем «Манифесте». Но она требует дальнейшего совместного исследования и развития всеми ядерными странами в партнёрстве и доверии, исключающем их современную патологическую и смертельно опасную для человечества конфронтацию. Мы надеемся, что лидеры и аппарат ИКАН понимают, признают и поддерживают это. Мы бы высоко оценили ваше публичное мнение по этому ключевому вопросу ядерного разоружения. Нас очень беспокоит закрытость и отсутствие в ИКАН каких-либо дискуссий по вопросу ядерного разоружения и вашего мнения по предложенному «Манифесту» в течение 4 месяцев, как мы начали его. Закрытость и отсутствие прозрачности в данном сложнейшем жизненном для человечества вопросе в ИКАН вряд ли содействует его решению. Они только тормозят его. С надеждой, что наш партнерский и обеспокоенный голос будет услышан у вас. Спасибо за отклик. Лучшие пожелания, Лео, 30-09-20 --------------------------------------------
----- Original Message ----- From: Beatrice Fihn, ICAN, admin@icanw.org To: leo.semashko@gmail.com Sent: 18 сентября 2020 г., 16:18:21 Subject: We're changing the narrative!
| September 18, 2020
Dear Leo -- I just wanted to write a quick thank you for all the actions, messages of support, retweets, shares, donations, and all the other small but mighty things our supporters did for the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We noticed a significant change in narrative - with a strong focus on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons and with the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons as the solution and way forward. But don't just take it from me, we have received countless of messages from hibakusha, the survivors of the nuclear bombings, that they were thrilled with the global awareness and actions that were taken during those days. They have been so encouraged to see how many people listened to their stories, read their messages, and pledged to ensure this never happens to anyone again. Here are just a few of the powerful stories that you shouldn't miss: ·A New York Times profile of Setsuko Thurlow ·The powerful "Daughters of the Bomb" about the intersections between nuclear weapons, racism and personal histories: ·A short, powerful video of Koko Kondo returning to the site where she was at the time of the bombing of Hiroshima (at only 8 months old). The 4 ratifications of UN Treaty on the Prohibition of the Nuclear Weapons by Ireland, Nigeria, Nuie, and St Kitts and Nevis on Hiroshima and Nagasaki day showed exactly what that real leadership looks like! So I just wanted to say thank you to everybody who got involved. None of these results would have been possible without the incredible work by ICAN campaigners and supporters all around the world. We are now taking the momentum from the 75th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and making sure that we get those last ratifications done to make the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons enter into force. Will you consider making a recurring donation to ICAN to help support our work? Thank you, Beatrice Fihn Executive Director ICAN -- P.S. Make sure you check in with ICAN on social media on Monday. We have strong indications that another country will ratify then — Support ICAN’sork |
| Why am I receiving this? You are receiving this email because you have signed up to news and updates from ICAN. When we contact you, it is to share campaign updates and calls to action, as well as inspiring stories about our activities worldwide. Click here to unsubscribe from this list. For more detailed information on how we use and store your data, please read our Privacy Policy. | © 2019 International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). All rights reserved. Built by Tectonica 18-09-20 |
Дорогая Беатрис, только для вас персонально, единственной, если наши письма доходят до вас, Большое спасибо за ваше конструктивное и теплое письмо в адрес ГСГ (оно опубликовано здесь: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943) как активного члена и сторонника ИКАН с апреля 2020, когда вы дважды лично подтвердили и поблагодарили нас за поддержку и вступление в члены ИКАН. С тех пор мы получили от вас более десятка подобных дружелюбных писем, которые мы понимаем как согласие на ваше участие в нашем совместном «Антиядерном Манифесте», который мы начали с вами 17 мая. За эти месяцы, мы сообщали вам об этом регулярно почти в 100 наших письмах, направляемых как лично вам, так и через наши сетевые послания и рассылки. За это время мы не получили ни единого возражения от вас. Весь архив переписки ГСГ/ИКАН будет опубликован на вашей странице как доказательство нашей полной поддержки ИКАН и полного отсутствия ваших возражений. Мы понимаем ваше молчание в том смысле, что невозможно вам/ИКАН возражать против новых, более 40 (теперь) активных сторонников ИКАН из более 20 стран, включая 3 Нобелевских Лауреатов (не считая вас), объединенных нашим Манифестом. Кроме того, он вооружает ИКАН инновационным научным обоснованием запрета ядерного оружия. Все это подтверждает, что ГСГ – полный и активный, ценный сторонник вашего замечательного движения, а наш Манифест вооружает его новой интеллектуальной «мягкой» силой, чтобы запретить ядерное оружие. Кто из ИКАН может отвергать все это? Поэтому, ваше молчание мы понимаем, как знак согласия и одобрения, не меньше. Но отсутствие вашей прямой и открытой публичной поддержки нашего сотрудничества 4 месяца в нашем «Антиядерном Манифесте» вызывает недоумение/смущение и много вопросов, наше объяснение которым мы дадим позже. Также позже мы рассмотрим вопрос нашего спонсирования ИКАН, членами которого мы являемся с апреля 2020. Но наши пожертвования для ИКАН как нашей родственной миротворческой организации будут возможны только после вашего публичного признания вашего участия в «Антиядерном Манифесте» и желании получать наши пожертвования как от ГСГ в целом, так и от отдельных его членов. Мы надеемся на ваш публичный отклик нам, если он возможен для вас, если ему не препятствует ваш аппарат, который, как мы понимаем, контролирует/цензурирует все письма, обращенные к вам и пытается разрушить партнерство ГСГ/ИКАН беспочвенной конфронтацией, очень нужной многочисленным и сильным врагам ядерного разоружения… Мы подтвердим это позже, после вашего персонального отклика. Суважением, Лев, 28-09-20 Dear Beatrice, only for you person, the only one, if our letters reach you, Thank you very much for your constructive and warm letter (on Sept. 18) to the GHA (it is published on your page here: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943) as an active member and supporter of ICAN since April 2020, when you twice personally confirmed and thanked us for support and membership of ICAN. Since then, we have received from you more than a dozen such friendly letters, which we understand as consent to your participation in our joint "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto", which we began with you on May 17. During these 4 months, we have informed you about this regularly in almost 100 of our letters sent both personally to you and through our network messages and mailings. During this time, we have not received a single objection from you. The entire archive of the GHA/ICAN correspondence will be published on your page as proof of our full support for ICAN and the complete absence of your objections. We understand your silence in the sense that it is impossible for you/ICAN to object to the new, more than 40 (now) active supporters of ICAN from more than 20 countries, including 3 Nobel Laureates (not counting you), united by our Manifesto. In addition, it equips ICAN with innovative scientific rationale for banning nuclear weapons. All this confirms that the GHA is a complete and active, valuable supporter of your wonderful movement; and our Manifesto equips it with new intellectual "soft" power to prohibit nuclear weapons. Who in ICAN can deny all this? Therefore, we understand your silence as a sign of consent and approval, no less. But the lack of your direct and open public support for our cooperation during 4 months in our "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" raises bewilderment/confusion and many questions, which we will explain later. Also later we will consider the issue of our sponsoring ICAN, of which we have been members since April 2020. But our donations to ICAN as our sister peacemaking organization will be possible only after your public recognition of your participation in the "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto" and your desire to receive our donations from the GHA in the whole, and from individual members. We hope for your public response to us, if it is possible for you, if it is not hindered by your apparatus, which, as we understand, controls/censors all letters addressed to you and tries to destroy the GHA/ICAN partnership by groundless confrontation much needed for the numerous and powerful enemies of nuclear disarmament… We will confirm this later after your personal reply. Best regards, Leo, 28-09-20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ICAN. End Terrorism of Nuclear Weapons
ИКАН. Конец терроризму ядерного оружия “We physicians protest the outrage of holding the entire world hostage [by nuclear weapons]. We protest the moral obscenity that each of us is being continuously targeted for extinction.” The IPPNW [first anti-nuclear organization] 1985 Nobel Peace Prize lecture of two founders, who now share the title of president – Professor Bernard Lown from the USA and Professor Yevgeny Chazov from the Soviet Union – to receive the Peace Prize on behalf of their organisation. Oslo, October 5, 1985 https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1985/physicians-facts.html https://ru.citaty.net/tsitaty/1924964-bernard-lown-we-physicians-protest-the-outrage-of-holding-the-e/
«Мы, врачи, протестуем против надругательства захвата в заложники всего мира [ядерным оружием]. Мы протестуем против моральной низости, постоянно подвергающей каждого из нас умерщвлению.» Нобелевская лекция двух основателей, президентов IPPNW [первой антиядерной организации] в 1985 г.: Профессора Бернарда Лауна из США и Профессора Евгения Чазова из СССР, чтобы получить Премию мира от имени своей организации. Осло, 5 октября 1985 г. https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1985/physicians-facts.html
https://ru.citaty.net/tsitaty/1924964-bernard-lown-we-physicians-protest-the-outrage-of-holding-the-e/ --------------------------------------------------------
Hiroshima/Nagasaki are 75. When does our Planet/Noosphere expect their fate, if there are only 100 seconds left before it on the nuclear scientists Doomsday Сlock (Mecklin, 2020)?
Citizens of the Earth! We, ICAN/GHA, propose the Anti-Nuclear Manifesto for the salvation of humanity from the all-consuming suicidal/genocidal nuclear fire, first tested 75 years ago on peace civilians in Hiroshima/Nagasaki, 250 thousand of whom were easily alive burned in it. For 75 years, nuclear weapons, through the efforts of the traditional human reason, have been brought to such a degree of suicidal/genocidal perfection that now they are capable to burn all of humanity together with the planet easily and quickly, with a supersonic speed of their delivery to any planet point and to any corner of our common at home. The traditional mind for 75 years was only able to burn itself, but was powerless to save and preserve itself. Einstein understood and expressed this then, demanding "a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity wants to survive." For 75 years it has become clear that with traditional thinking humanity cannot survive. With it, humanity can only burn itself, starting since Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Even earlier, Gandhi found a way of thinking of the "greatest force of non-violence" by the spheres/spherons of humanity, which "is mightier than the mightiest [nuclear] weapon of destruction." But for traditional thinking was not 75 years enough to recognize and master the salutary, "substantially new thinking" by the spheres/spherons, which are the only ones that possess soft nuclear energy of the "greatest force of non-violence" within humanity. It is inaccessible to traditional thinking. Citizens of the Earth! The conclusion of our Manifesto is simple. If you/we want to survive by eliminating suicidal/genocidal all-consuming nuclear fire, you must rise to a "substantially new manner of thinking" by the Gandhian spheres/spherons. It was first systematically developed in the innovative cyber science Cyberspheronics in our Manifesto, as a result of intellectual searches and work for many decades. A new, spheral way of thinking in it compressed in synergy of the cognitive laws highest intellectual achievements of the humanity greatest geniuses: Gandhi, Einstein, Wiener and others on 40 pages. Its semantic space for the humanity survival is enclosed between its two centers/poles of synergy: the Nobel Appeal, which sets the strategic goals of survival, and the system of cognitive laws of Cyberspheronics that ensure their achievement in a new paradigm of thinking. There is no other paradigm of it. Therefore, there is no other modus of survival and other way out of the suicidal/genocidal nuclear deadlock in us, in humanity, except for a substantially new manner of thinking by the spheres/spherons of our Manifesto. It was created by 25 co-authors from 14 countries and is based on hundreds of the co-authors’ works of previous years ... (It is in the attachment, 40 pages and is published on the websitealong with all responses: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=908). This is where our survival and salvation lies. To do this, we all need to understand, study, recognize and together, in solidarity and partnership, without confrontation, develop, improve and practically apply this saving manner of thinking. This is our conclusion and call to forever exclude any possibility of a repetition of the horrific tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki through 75 years! Yours sincerely, Beatrice Fihn, ICAN Executive Director, Sweden, ICAN is Nobel Peace Laureate 2017, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943 Email: admin@icanw.org Leo Semashko, PhD, Philosopher, sociologist, cybernetician, peacemaker, GHA Founder and Honorary President, The ISA RC51 Sociocybernetics Honourary Lifetime Member, Initiator and Editor-in-Chief of the "Peace/Cyberspheronics Manifesto", Blog: https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253 Email: leo.semashko@gmail.com Skype: leo.semahko Phonehome: 7-812-597-6571 05-08-20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) is a coalition of non-governmental organizations promoting adherence to and implementation of the United Nations nuclear weapon ban treaty. https://www.icanw.org/

Dear Leo -- I hope you and your loved ones are doing ok in these difficult times. I wanted to share a bit of good news, on Tuesday afternoon in New York City, despite the lockdown of the United Nations Office for Legal Affairs, Belize ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. We’ve seen a lot of exciting progress from the Caribbean, as a result from hard work by our partner organisations in that region and from the Caribbean regional conference we organized last year. It’s exciting to see that our activities are having a concrete impact, and you can read more about Belize’s ratification here. This means that 37 states have ratified, and we’re only 13 more away from the Treaty entering into force and becoming international law.
Do you know how your country is doing? Check out our country pages where you can find more information about what your country’s position on the Treaty is, recent news stories related to our work, which elected representatives and cities from your country support the ban treaty, and which ICAN partner organisations exists in that country. Thank you again for your continued support for our work, and we’re excited to get the next 13 states onboard. With best regards, Beatrice Fihn Executive Director 20-05-20 It’s time to end nuclear weapons. |
Thank you for joining ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons <admin@icanw.org> сб, 25 апр., 10:48 Thank you for joining ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons <admin@icanw.org> пт, 1 мая, 18:23 Hello Leo -- Thanks for signing up to be a part of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. We are a global movement working to end the scourge of nuclear weapons. Winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 gave us powerful momentum to work together and make sure every nation signs the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, including your own. In 2020 we will be working around the clock to get the Treaty to the 50 states parties mark, and achieve its entry into force. We're glad you will be along for the journey. We will help you discover how you can get involved in your community. The end of nuclear weapons will come through action at all levels: international, national and local. Your voice will be heard and it is needed in the coming months. Make sure your friends and family know you're on board. Invite them to become a part of this campaign too: icanw.org/ Make a contribution to our work. ICAN’s campaign efforts requires planning, preparation and talented campaigners and activists around the world. Every gift, small and large, has a special and important place in enabling us to make TPNW a reality. Thanks again for joining our campaign and we're excited to make history with you. Beatrice Fihn Executive Director 25-04-20 It’s time to end nuclear weapons. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beatrice Fihn
 Executive Director of ICAN
https://www.icanw.org/beatrice_fihn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beatrice_Fihn Beatrice Fihn (b. 1982) is the Executive Director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize-winning campaign coalition that works to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons. She accepted the Nobel Peace Prize and delivered the Nobel Lecture in Oslo on behalf of the campaign. Read the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize lecture on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons here. Ms. Fihn has lead the campaign since 2013 and has worked to mobilise civil society throughout the development of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This includes developing and executing ICAN’s political strategy and fundraising efforts as well as representing the campaign in relation to media and key stakeholders such as governments, the United Nations and other international organisations. Ms. Fihn has over a decade of experience in disarmament diplomacy and civil society mobilisation, through her work with ICAN, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. She has written extensively on weapons law, humanitarian law, civil society engagement in diplomacy and multilateral institutions, and gender perspective on disarmament work. Born in Sweden, Ms. Fihn has a Masters in Law from the University of London and a Bachelors degree in International Relations from Stockholm University. Connect on social media Twitter: @beafihn Instagram: @beafihn Facebook: www.facebook.com/beatrice.fihn Contact+41 22 788 20 63 office@icanw.org For media requests, contact: press@icanw.org https://www.icanw.org/people_and_structure ---------------------------------------------------------
Beatrice Fihn, ICAN Executive Director, Sweden, https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943 “At dozens of locations around the world – in missile silos buried in our earth, on submarines navigating through our oceans, and aboard planes flying high in our sky – lie 15,000 objects of humankind’s destruction. Perhaps it is the enormity of this fact; perhaps it is the unimaginable scale of the consequences that leads many to simply accept this grim reality. To go about our daily lives with no thought to the instruments of insanity all around us. For it is insanity to allow ourselves to be ruled by these weapons. Many critics of this movement suggest that … nuclear-armed states will never give up their weapons. But we represent the only rational choice. … Ours is the only reality that is possible. The alternative is unthinkable. The story of nuclear weapons will have an ending, and it is up to us what that ending will be. Will it be the end of nuclear weapons, or will it be the end of us? one of these things will happen. The only rational course of action is to cease living under the conditions where our mutual destruction is only one impulsive tantrum away… These weapons were supposed to keep us free, but they deny us our freedoms. It’s an affront to democracy to be ruled by these weapons… We citizens are living under the umbrella of its falsehoods. These weapons are not keeping us safe, they are contaminating our land and water, poisoning our bodies and holding hostage our right to life.” Fihn B. (2017) International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). – Nobel Lecture: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/2017/ican/26041-international-campaign-to-abolish-nuclear-weapons-ican-nobel-lecture-2017/ Беатрис Фин, Исполнительный Директор ИКАН, Швеция https://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=943 «В десятках мест по всему миру - в ракетных шахтах, захороненных на нашей земле, на подводных лодках, плавающих в наших океанах, и на борту самолетов, летящих высоко в нашем небе - находятся 15 000 объектов уничтожения человечества. Возможно, именно чудовищность этого факта, возможно, этот невообразимый масштаб последствий, заставляет многих просто принять эту мрачную реальность. Чтобы идти нашей повседневной жизнью, не думая об инструментах безумия вокруг нас. Это безумие - позволять себе управлять этим оружием. Мы представляем единственный рациональный выбор. Многие критики нашего движения предполагают, что … ядерные государства никогда не откажутся от своего оружия. Наша реальность - единственная, которая возможна. Альтернатива немыслима. История с ядерным оружием будет иметь конец, и нам решать, каким будет этот конец. Это будет конец ядерного оружия, или это будет конец нас? Одна из этих вещей произойдет. Единственный разумный путь действий - перестать жить в условиях, когда наше взаимное уничтожение находится всего в одной импульсивной истерике. Это оружие должно было освободить нас, но оно лишает нас наших свобод. Управлять этим оружием - это вызов демократии… Мы, граждане, живем под зонтиком его лжи. Это оружие не защищает нас, оно загрязняет нашу землю и воду, отравляет наши тела и делает заложником наше право на жизнь.» Нобелевскаялекция, 2017 Fihn B. (2017) International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). – Nobel Lecture: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/2017/ican/26041-international-campaign-to-abolish-nuclear-weapons-ican-nobel-lecture-2017/ ----------------------------------------------------

The U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons https://www.icanw.org/the_treaty On 7 July 2017 – following a decade of advocacy by ICAN and its partners – an overwhelming majority of the world’s nations adopted a landmark global agreement to ban nuclear weapons, known officially as the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. It will enter into legal force once 50 nations have signed and ratified it. …. The treaty was negotiated at the United Nations headquarters in New York in March, June and July 2017, with the participation of more than 135 nations, as well as members of civil society. It opened for signature on 20 September 2017. It is permanent in nature and will be legally binding on those nations that join it.
Leo Semashko. World Civil Society Security Council (WCSSC): the GHA proposal for the development of ICAN:
In process