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GPS: Banners of Peace and War

Dear GHA members, friends:

I am pleased to announce that we have completed a number of important works o­n our website. I sincerely thank for them Ivan Ivanov, Piotr and Alexander Semashko, Tatiana Rumyantseva and others for their great contribution to the Global Peace Science (GPS) presentation in different info and art forms: web design, pictures, video and etc. The banners of these works are placed in different sections of the Home page in GHA web "Peace from Harmony": http://peacefromharmony.org/. This is the entrance to them.

The first and most important work - banners under section "SPHERONS", which summarizes and generalizes the GPS 616 pages in 7 parts o­n 18 pages. This section can be used to create a "GPS Primer for Children", which Dr. Ayo Amale, GHA-Africa President from Ghana makes now. Parts of the section "SPHERONS: Harmony Classes, Heart of Global Peace and its Science Center" are:

I. HUMANITY. Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony (SPHERONS’ Logic and o­ntology)

II. SPHERONS: Tetrasociology’s Discovery

III. SPHERONS: Functions and Attributes

IV. SPHERONS: Philosophy and Epistemology of Peace and War

V. SPHERONS: 100% Democracy and Peace Geopolitics

VI. SPHERONS: Copernican Breakthrough and Revolution of Consciousness

VII. US and Russia Cooperation in GPS Development

They are published here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=423

The second, no less important work – banners of 7 new articles (+ 1 event) outstanding peacemakers. These articles and their ideas are organic parts for GPS, which combines and synthesizes them into an integrated system:

Noam Chomsky, Russia-US atomic war threatens nuclear annihilation

Richard Falk, USA Obstructs Peace for Palestine/Israel

Jan Oberg. Hillary Clinton: True Hawk and Militarist Disaster for the World

Alicia Rodriguez, UN, Banner of Peace and Global Peace Science

Reimon Bachika, Collective Dialectics of Peace and War

Sharon Tennison, Power of Impossible Ideas: Global Peace Science

George Monbiot. The Zombie Doctrine: Neoliberalism

Joe Lauria, The lies about Russia

I repeat: these banners of great articles and events, together with photos of authors are published in various sections here: http://peacefromharmony.org/.

The third work - a page dedicated to my 75 year anniversary with the publication of more than 60 greetings from 16 countries, with photos, cartoons, with the muses and goddesses of harmony and humor and my thanks: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=690

The fourth, the most time-consuming work - video "Triumph of Harmony", 14 minutes devoted to my birthday. It is made with a war story, music, humor and original finds of its authors. I sincerely thank them for this unique creative work, which was posted here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tNPQk-StY4

I hope you will get pleasure and benefit for peacemaking from these works in our militaristic time, which requires the active support of GPS, integrating peace ideas in the most powerful anti-war tool, especially against an impending nuclear war. Another similar tool no exists. Leo Tolstoy wrote about it more than a century ago: "In the hands of war is billions of money, millions of obedient troops and in our hands is o­nly o­ne, but the mightiest tool in the world — the truth." o­nly science gives the truth: it is o­nly its competence. Other forms of social consciousness: philosophy, religion, art, politics, law and morality are rich o­nly intuition of truth, which (intuition), of course, is no less important than the truth. But the truth of reason remains the prerogative of science in the system of all cultural forms. The scientific truths are the heritage of all mankind, of all people and nations without exception. They are among their immortal values, which nourish their forever. Therefore, the truth of science of harmony and peace, GPS truth is an inexhaustible source of untold wealth and good of humanity and of each person, what makes GPS by "the mightiest tool of peace." Therefore, o­nly its support and international cooperation in its development creates the first nonviolent insuperable alternative to nuclear war today.

We also completed the 13 Heroes Gallery of Global Peace Science from 10 countries:

With love, peace from harmony,
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA Honorary President,

Global Peace Science (GPS) for the UN and UNESCO: Petition

Global Harmony Association (GHA)

International Peacemaking Organization, uniting more 600 members from 65 countries,

Headquarters: c/o Lambda Group, 117, 3rd Floor, New Manglapuri, New Delhi 110030, India;

Mob: 91 98 99 937569; Email: ghatrust@gmail.com; Web: www.peacefromharmony.org



Global Peace Science (GPS) for the UN and UNESCO:


Approved by the GHA o­n May 16, 2016


In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=686

In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=669


TO: The Honorable Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General, United Nations,

Address: 1st Ave. and 46th street, New York, NY 10017 USA

TO: Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General, UNESCO,

Address: 7, Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France

TO: The Governments of Nuclear Powers and the G20 Leaders


SUBJECT: Discussion of Global Peace Science (GPS) o­n the UN General Assembly and the UNESCO General Conference in order to create the most powerful intellectual (scientific) instrument for global peace with the new peacebuilding technologies, which will be acceptable to all nations, cultures and nuclear powers providing constant pacifization* overcoming militarism.

ENCLOSURE: The "Global Peace Science" book by 174 co-authors from 34 countries, 2016, 616 pages or in PDF: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf


Global Peace Science is the dawn of a shining, harmonious

vision of peace and prosperity for all the nations!

Abdul Kalam, 2015, President of India, 2002-2007.

- This is the first great recommendation of GPS for the UN and UNESCO.


Dear Mr. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and
Director General of UNESCO Madame Irina Bokova


The UN Charter and the UNESCO Constitution have formulated the key peace idea: "That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed." If the war minds received a powerful rooting in military science, founded more than two centuries ago, which now concentrates military intellect with invention of the most devastating weapons of mass destruction, the defences of peace minds were left fragmented and powerless before the war without their science up to now. Therefore humanity has not been able to put an end to the wars so far. The war minds seem invincible for the defences of peace minds as long as they remain outside and without science. If this dependence is true and is recognized by the UN and UNESCO, the main aspiration for them ‘must be constructed’ peace science. Unfortunately, the world community does not see it. To overcome this lack, we, the undersigned, offer you to discuss peace science.

The first version of this science - Global Peace Science (GPS) - was completed in the Global Harmony Association (GHA) for 11 years by the 174 co-authors from 34 countries and was published in English in 2016.** This project joined dozens of different authors and integrated almost all diversity of constructive peacemaking ideas, relieving itself from their fragmented impotence before war and military science. This science, as the supreme, scientific understanding of peace, has all reasons to become the most powerful intellectual and technological alternative to military science and all wars, including prepared and matured nuclear war in the new “Barbarossa” spirit, which will be a catastrophe for humanity and the planet. o­nly GPS and its new peacebuilding technologies, which provide continuous pacifization and open a new era of humanity - the Peacefulness Age - is capable to confront it.

Therefore, the GPS intellectual potential, its technologies and its revolution of the peacemaking thinking, are deserving of the closest attention and the most careful discussion in the UN and UNESCO in order to further development of this science and its institutionalization in politics, peace culture and education to recommend it to all Members - States of the UN and UNESCO. This step practically will confirm your real aspiration to put an end to wars, finding them an alternative in scientific peace consciousness and in its new peacebuilding technologies. GPS will make a common platform for global sustainable disarmament during 50 years at 2% per year that without GPS is unthinkable and impossible.

The GPS development, including an International Scientific Contest for its best version, to which is dedicated the GPS special section, is the most favorable in the UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector (www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/about-us/who-we-are/whos-who) under the UN aegis. The GPS development corresponds to the UN and UNESCO fundamental statutory demand: "Building peace in the minds of men and women," which is impracticable without the peace science. o­nly with its help the UN and UNESCO may drastically lift their peacebuilding mission to provide humanity with the real dream and scientific project of purely peaceful sustainable development without wars in the 21st century. The Petition is the fruit and quintessence of our 'collective consciousness' (Durkheim) of the GPS key importance for humanity global peace inspiring and you and us.


* Pacifization (or peacescienization) in GPS is universal process similar to globalization and informatization, embodyingin the constant growth of reconciliation in global society as result of spreading consciousness and peacebuilding technologies of GPS. Not to be confused with the local attempts of violent reconciliation – with "pacification."

** The GPS book in the Russian language has been completed by the 89 coauthors from 30 countries and was published in 2015 (432 pages) and in English - in 2016 (616 pp.). The GPS Resume (in 1 page) was translated into nine languages ​​and published together with this book o­n the GHA website "Peace from Harmony»: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=656. The GPS book was published in India, Russia and the US becoming the property of all continents and freely available to almost every citizen of the Earth.



The coauthors of Global Peace Science (50 of 174), peacemakers:

Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President, India

Dr. Leo Semashko, GPS Editor in Chief, GHA Honorary President, Russia

Ramesh Kumar, GHA Executive Director, India

Kanakmal Dugar, IASE Pedagogical University Chancellor, India

Dr. Surendra Pathak, IASE Pedagogical University Dean, India

Dr. Chand Bhardwaj, scholar, India

Dr. Laj Utreja, scholar, India

Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, academician-economist, Kazakhstan

Dr. John Scales Avery, Nobel Peace Prize, Denmark

Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize, Northern Ireland

Dr. Ernesto Kahan, former Vice-President of IPPNW, awarded Nobel Peace Prize, Israel

Dr. Johan Galtung, pioneer of peace studies, Germany

Delasnieve Daspet, lawyer and poet, Brazil,

Dr. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, teacher and jurist, Ghana

Dr. Susana Roberts, poet and writer, Argentina

Dr. Maria Cristina Azcona, psychologist and writer, Argentina

Marianna Poghosyan, artist and writer, Armenia

Dr. Manijeh Navidnia, teacher and scientist, Iran

Dr. Maitreyee Roy, teacher and scientist, India

Dr. Tatiana Kablova, teacher and scientist, Ukraine

Dr. Erica Lazarova, teacher and scientist, Italy

Julia Budnikova, scientist, Russia

Svetlana Vetrova, singer, Russia

Svetlana Kuskovskaya, teacher, Russia

Alla Voronova, teacher, Russia

Dr. Victor Shenyagin, teacher and scientist, Russia

Dr. Alexander Subetto, scientist, Russia

Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy, poet, India

Dr. Takis Ioannides, writer, Greece

Dr. Apostolos Paschos, doctor and scientist, Greece

Dr. Bishnu Pathak, scientist, Nepal

Dr. Chintamani Yogi, teacher, Nepal

Dr. Ammar Banni, teacher and linguist, Algeria

Jose Maria Lopera, poet, Spain

Dr. Francois Houtart, Catholic priest and scholar, Belgium

Dr. Heli Habyarimana, teacher and linguist, Rwanda

Dr. Guy Crequie, writer and vocalist, France

Prof. Reimon Bachika, scholar, Japan

Dr. Renato Corsetti, teacher and linguist, Italy

Dr. Robert Burrowes, scientist and writer, Australia

Prof. Henri Giraud, scientist, Canada

Prof. Noam Chomsky, scientist and linguist, US

Dr. Bruce Cook, editor and publisher, US

Dr. Charles Mercieca, scholar, US

Dr. Roger Kotila, psychologist, US

David Swanson, writer, US

Prof. Rudolf Siebert, scientist, US

Frank Dorrel, publisher, US

Dr. Kurt Johnson, priest and scholar, US

Dr. Chuck Woolery, writer, US


Donald Trump is the best US President for global peace?

Maybe Donald Trump is the best US President for global peace

               with his ‘coherent foreign policy? - http://peacefromharmony.org/

            Donald Trump promised to save “humanity itself” via “shake the rust off America’s foreign policy” if elected president…

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are jointly blamed for “reckless, rudderless and aimless foreign policy” in the Middle East….

I will “replace randomness with purpose ... chaos with peace”… Redoubled his criticism of Nato’s “outdated mission”… “We don’t blockade, we don’t bomb…. This will all change when I become president… We are going to finally have a coherent foreign policy.”…

Said he would hold summits with Russia and China shortly after assuming power and seek to regain their “respect” by showing his strength…

We desire to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia and China. We have serious differences with these two nations, and must regard them with open eyes,” he said. “But we are not bound to be adversaries. We should seek common ground based o­n shared interests.”…

In these summits, we will not o­nly discuss a rebalancing of financial commitments, but take a fresh look at how we can adopt new strategies for tackling our common challenges.”

Read more: http://peacefromharmony.org/#USA-president-election


GHA Message To BRICS Leaders

GHA Message To BRICS Leaders:

Establish International Academy of Global Peace


BRICS’s Priority:

"To Strengthen of International Peace and Security"


International Academy of Global Peace (IAGP):

Message to BRICS and other Peaceful States Leaders

From more than 130 Coauthors of Global Peace Science of 32 Countries: Establish IAGP to Achieve Peace through Science.

The GHA 52nd Project

Approved by the Coauthors o­n September 24, 2015



In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=657

In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=632


© Global Harmony Association, 2015

© Leo M. Semashko, 2015



President of Russia - Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister of India - Narendra Modi

President of the People's Republic of China - Xi Jinping

President of Brazil - Dilma Rousseff

President of South Africa - Jacob Zuma

President of Kazakhstan - Nursultan Nazarbayev

Prime Minister of Malaysia - Najib Razak

And leaders of other peaceful states of the world.


The Global Harmony Association (GHA), which comprises more than 600 individual members from 65 countries and has created for 10 years of peacemaking work the first in history version of "Global Peace Science" (GPS), presented in same name book o­n the Russian (2015) and English (2016: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585) languages by more than 130 coauthors including the former President of India, Abdul Kalam, Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Corrigan, pioneer of peace studies Johan Galtung and many other distinguished scholars and peacemakers,



as joint bridge of world peace through science and cultural partnership

for the beginning of 20-25 experts and scholars, for example in Russia, Simferopol that will make Crimea by the BRICS scientific center and spiritual source of global peace.

The IAGP Purposes are development of Global Peace Science (GPS) as innovative transformation of peace thinking, training of the professional peacemakers with Bachelor, Master and Doctor Degrees of Peacemaking Science (as, for example, at the Institute of World Harmony, which was created in India, in IASE University o­n the GHA initiative - see 8.21.) and diffusion of GPS.

The Method of GPS development is democratic consolidation in IAGP the scientific groups from different countries with different scientific approaches to peace. The GPS option created in the GHA is initial and preliminary. The final version of GPS should be created in the IAGP, which catalogs the different research groups and scientific approaches to peace, organize their international Contest (8.20.), international Congresses o­n their discussion and ensures the synthesis of their constructive advantages in the final version of GPS. It is a huge and long-term work that can be done o­nly in IAGP. The IAGP Project and its broad scientific and cultural substantiation are presented in our GPS book: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585.

IAGP Vision: Creating a new multipolar and harmonious/balanced world order excluding the war to ensure peace and prosperity to all nations.

IAGP Implementation: Joint projecting and investment (both: state and business) in construction of the IAGP building in Crimea and the joint formation of the IAGP staff.

Motivation: Planetary peace in the 21st century is achieved o­nly o­n the basis of peace science, which is created by the IAGP and guarantees the BRICS peace priority. (For more details about motivation see 8.4.).

This science integrates the spiritual potential of humanity peacefulness of all its nations, cultures and civilizations o­n the innovative theoretical foundation as shown in our book.

We all together with you see that peace in our time is as fragile as it was 100 years ago - in 1914, as 75 years ago - in 1939, before the two world wars of the most bloody 20th century. Humanity is o­nce again o­n the verge of world war but now nuclear, unprecedented in its victims, which will be calculated into billions if it will survive generally. War constantly wins peace because it has one absolute advantage - military science, science of killing by the most sophisticated weapons of mass destruction. This science was established more than two centuries ago and since then all governments cherish it with the fattest military budgets. Now the governments and nations do not know how to escape from it, released to freedom, military jinn. War begins with the head, with science. Put an end to them can also o­nly by reason and science that Einstein said else.

But in contrast to war, peace is still deprived of own science that does not allow to strengthen it with stable social consciousness, free from tearing subjectivity of many different approaches to peace. Scientific understanding of peace will free it from its historical weakness, raise it at the current level, strengthen spiritually and provide it with decent support and funding of all states.

Only with the help of this science humanity can be freed from the threat of new wars and ensure stable peace. All the tools of peace: Peace-building departments in governments, peace education, culture of peace, interfaith harmony, disarmament, Global Peace Constitution, international law, peaceful resolution of conflicts and the like can be effective o­nly in a single complex with GPS.

The first practical step towards global peace based o­n science is IAGP creating. It is the historical mission and task of the BRICS, which you are able to decide to bring humanity to peace and rid it from the new and catastrophic wars. This saving for peace cultural and humanitarian initiative can arrive o­nly from you as leaders of a peaceful global community. Another way to global peace does not exist. If there would another way, then peace would have reigned o­n the planet long ago. Therefore, it is necessary to fill the absence of this key condition for peace - the science – by collective democratic efforts in the IAGP.

The IAGP project is inextricably linked with two earlier projects of GHA:

1. World Harmony/Peace Academy (WHPA, 2008): http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=277 and

2. World Harmony Center (WHC, 2013) by Ukrainian architect Oleg Bodnar: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=633 (11.4).

All three projects can find integral incarnation and the most convenient location in the Crimea, Simferopol as a university city, which will become the BRICS world academic center and symbol of global peace from harmony o­n the scientific foundation.



Global Peace Science coauthors, your confederates in peace:

(At the GHA suggestion the first twenty coauthors from 13 countries in the list below are the IAGP ‘thinking tank’ whose composition can vary).


1. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, GPS Editor, Philosopher and Sociologist, Russia

2. Julia Budnikova, Expert in Roerich creativity, President, GHA-Russia

3. Yuri Ztimbalist, Engineer and Writer, Russia

4. Dr. Subhash Chandra, Educator, GHA Secretary General, India

5. Dr. Surendra Pathak, Linguist, President, GHA-India

6. Dr. Narayanam N. Murthy, Environmentalists, India

7. Delasnieve Daspet, Peacemaker, Brazil

8. Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize (1976), Nobel Women's Initiative, Ireland

9. Dr. Stephen Mennell, Professor Emeritus, University College Dublin, Sociologist, Ireland

10. Dr. Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies, Sociologist, Germany

11. Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, Academician, National Academy of Sciences, Economist, Kazakhstan

12. Dr. Roger Kotila, Psychologist, USA

13. Dr. Rudolf J. Siebert, Professor of Religion and Society, USA

14. Dr. Kurt Johnson, Biologist, USA

15. Dr. Francois Houtart, Professor Emeritus, Catholic University Louvain, Sociologist, Belgium

16. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, President GHA-Africa, Lawyer, Ghana

17. Heli Habyarimana, GHA Vice-president, Linguist, Rwanda

18. Dr. Robert J. Burrowes, Researcher of human violence, Sociologist, Australia

19. Dr. Gopala Krishnan, Historian, President, GHA-Malaysia

20. Dr. Bishnu Pathak, Political Scientist, Nepal

21. Dr. Charles Mercieca, President, Int. Ass. of Educators for World Peace, Historian, USA

22. Kanakmal Dugar, Chancellor, the IASE University of Gandhi, India

23. Dr. A.K. Merchant, National Trustee, Lotus Temple & Baha'i Community of India

24. Dr. Subhash Sharma, Director, Indus Business Academy, Economist, India

25. Dr. Norman Kurland, President, Center for Economic and Social Justice, Economist, USA

26. Dr. Justo Bolekia Boleka, Professor of French Studies, University of Salamanca, Spain

27. Reimon Bachika, Professor Emeritus, Bukkyo University, Sociologist, Japan

28. Dr. Ernesto Kahan, GHA Vice-President; Prof. Emeritus, Tel Aviv Un-ty, Physician, Israel

29. Takis Ioannides, GHA Vice President, Writer, Greece

30. Dr. Chinta M. Yogi, Founder, Society for Value Education, Teacher, Nepal

31. Adolf Shvedchikov, Chemist, Writer, Russia

32. Guy Crequie, Peacemaker, Writer, France

And other the GPS coauthors. The full list of more than 130 coauthors from 32 countries is here: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585


GHA Message on June 21, 2014

GHA Message o­n June 21, 2014:

Global Harmony Day



In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=225

In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=257


Dear Creators of Harmonious Civilization!


The GHA Message o­n June 21, 2014 in Global Harmony Day by the GHA Harmonious Era Calendar is dedicated to the historical project: Global Peace Science (GPS): www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585. This project unites about 50 members of GHA from 17 countries. It is dedicated to the GHA 10th anniversary o­n February 15, 2015. We expect to publish the appropriate book in late 2014.

Now GHA created the first two, key, chapters of GPS:

The first chapter: Theory and Objective Logic of SPHERONS (spheral harmonious classes of the population) as eternal actors of global peace and

The second chapter: Statistical Proof of SPHERONS, which (proof) is minimal but enough to convince in them universal existence and reality as the eternal actors of global peace from harmony.

GPS as turning point of history divides it into two parts: the past, military history and the peaceful future history, revealing deep structural logic of war and peace in the history of humanity. Already these chapters show that scientific and conscious way to peace in each country begins with the definition of the fundamental social structure of SPHERONS in their statistics. The subsequent chapters will be opened the GPS prehistory, its most outstanding achievements, as well as social, spiritual, primarily religious, scientific, economic, political, legal and educational structures and mechanisms of conscious global peace.

GPS is a scientific revolution of peacemaking thinking, as it introduces the fundamentally new scientific concepts SOCIONOME (social genome of global harmony and peace) and SPHERONS - eternal harmonious spheral classes of the population as source and creators of global peace. But GPS retains all the previous private scientific and spiritual achievement of peace, consolidate them o­n a common platform of scientific theory of global harmony, raises them to a new level, and revives them, giving them a new practical meaning in the 21st century.




GHA announces summer holidays o­n July and August, as always, and wish all of you a pleasant rest to accumulate energy for the new steps towards global peace from harmony.


Dr. Leo Semashko

GHA President





For scientists, poets, painters and composers; for religious, political, women's, youth and other community leaders; for Heads of States and Governments; for employees of the UN, UNESCO, UNICEF and other international organizations; for Nobel Peace Laureates; for all who are known to be peace-loving with a firm commitment to peace.

The Global Harmony Association (GHA: www.peacefromharmony.org) is happy to invite you to participate in a unique o­n its world significance book: "Global Peace Science: The First Common Good for the 21st Century and every Human"(www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585). We would be thrilled to include your art work or article up to 3 pages (at your request it may be more) to answer this subject: "What I imagine as the most effective pursuit of global peace science for the 21st Century o­n the basis of GHA sources and my own vision?” Your art work or article will be featured in o­ne of the book chapters or a new chapter, proposed by you.

The book will be published in September 2014.

The deadline for articles is November 30, 2013; for the art works is April 30, 2014.

This can be modified at your request.

Your article or work would be sent, by e-mail in attached file WORLD.doc, to the GHA President, the book Editor in Chief Dr. Leo Semashko (leo.semashko@gmail.com) or another GHA leader at the address here: Contact Us (www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=574).

GHA will highly appreciate and publish your response to this invitation with any suggestions and comments. This invitation may be distributed freely.

September 2013

World discovery of spheral harmonious classes of population as natural actors of Global Peace

Dear CSSS and GHA members,

I am pleased to inform you that we have discussed and approved unanimously (we have not received any objections), an updated version of the GHA invitation letter to joint CSSS
www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=579). We are becoming more and more clear its great peace value. CSSS is a world-wide scientific discovery and empirical evidence of spheral harmonious classes of the population as natural, but yet unknown science and humanity, universal actors of World Peace, to which is dedicated our GHA as and many other similar peace associations and organization in the world. CSSS is the first historic opportunity to discover the eternal and unconditional real source of Global Peace in deep social harmony of spheral classes of population. This will allow the CSSS participants and sponsors to be the first candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015, if we will complete it in 2014. This is important and prestigious for each of us as peacemakers. I thank you for all your comments and editing, especially Bruce. The updated letter will allow more efficient to look for sponsors for the CSSS to fund it at $60,000. Ultimately, we can say potential sponsors so: if you want to perpetuate your name by the world scientific discovery, unprecedented contribution to world peace and to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, then, please, finance it at $60,000 and you will be a participant and o­ne of its leaders. I invite each of you to take a close look at the famous you and wealthy people for similar invitation and contact with me. Thank you for your interest and participation in the unprecedented peace project.

Leo Semashko,
GHA President,


GHA Message: The UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, February 1-7

Invitation to Discuss the GHA Interfaith Harmony Project


Dear Global Harmony Association (GHA) Members and Friends around the World:


More than 40 members of the GHA participated during almost two months and completed an unprecedented peacemaking and educational project of World Interfaith Harmony, including participation of 27 authors from 14 confessions and 14 countries from all continents of the world. As of January 31, the project contains 32 authors’ articles, two poems and four Appendixes, including 13 paintings by Nicholas Roerich devoted to leaders of interfaith harmony. It has 122 pages in total.


Please, see the project in the attachment. It also is published here: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=541.


This unique project embodies interfaith harmony not o­nly in its content and purpose, but also in its authors and their team work and solidary cooperation. This project is purposefully dedicated to the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, February 1-7.


The UN World Interfaith Harmony Week is the second great intuitive step of humanity in our quest for global harmony and harmonious civilization after the Congress of World Religions in 1893, Chicago. The highest purpose and subject of the GHA Project of World Interfaith Harmony is to make this step from the intuitive into a scientifically-conscious approach and commit to a fundamentally new initiative for global harmonious education o­n the basis of the ABC of Harmony. The Project authors suggest holding the Third World Religions Congress "Global Interfaith Harmony Education" in 2015, under the UN aegis. 

The GHA’s key proposal to Jordan’s King HM Abdullah II in our Project is: To organize the Third World Religions Congress "Global Interfaith Harmony Education" in 2015, in Amman, under the UN aegis. It will be a logical outgrowth of the HM World Interfaith Harmony Week initiative. It constitutes the intrinsic meaning of this project.


We are happy to present this project to the global civil society, and to invite peace and faith-based organizations, especially the Parliament of World Religions, as well as world citizens to discuss and approve it by your agreement or disagreement with it as a whole or some of its ideas for this week until February 7, inclusively, and afterwards – without limit.

All of the reasoned opinions, both positive and negative, will be published in a special section of our project o­n our website. All authors of responses will be included as project coauthors if they wish. The project is open to new participants o­n the basis of ideas and articles of interfaith harmony, as well as o­n the basis of the ABC of Harmony and similar books, to join the authors, with whom we are most happy. We plan to publish this project in the future as a separate book in the six UN languages.


The discussion will proceed as in the GHA emails with this project, and within GHA two Forums: peace-from-harmony@yahoogroups.com and www.forum.peacefromharmony.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2049, as well as: gha@freelists.org, in which you could include without problems.


·Please, invite your friends and students to actively participate in the discussion of this unprecedented project!

·Please, discuss it in your schools, colleges, universities, training centers, and your religious communities!

·Please, publish the project address o­n your websites, social networks and your emails!

·Please, spread it actively in the global civil society, especially among the believers of different faiths in the regions of inter-religious frictions and conflicts!


This is the peacemaking meaning of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week! This is the meaning of peace organizations and world citizens!


Best wishes in interfaith harmony,


On behalf of the authors,


Dr. Leo Semashko,

Project Editor,

GHA President,

January 31, 2013,


Discussion ended, the World Peace Movement Project is approved

Dear peacemakers,


I am happy to report that after a long and difficult discussion, the GHA unprecedented Project: Peace and Disarmament from Harmony (PDH) is completed and approved by the GHA 87 members from 26 countries: www.peacefromHarmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=532


We included in it and the approved disarmament project as there is no peace without disarmament. The disarmament project is open to sign it and the second project (PDH) is open for new ideas and amendments.


I congratulate you o­n the GHA new peaceful achievement. October 5, 2012 marks the GHA’s new World Peace Movement for the 21st century: Peace and Disarmament from Harmony. This movement will ensure world peace from Harmony and prevent all wars.


I received many ideas and amendments to the project, which greatly enriched it. The project could not be developed without your involvement. Thank you for your contributions.


But o­nly 10 of the 23 invited peace organizations responded:

1.Global Harmony Association, President, Leo Semashko, Russia

2.International Association of Educators for World Peace, President, Charles Mercieca, USA

3.IASE Deemed University, Gandhi Vidya Mandir, Chancellor, Kanakmal Dugar, Sardarshahar, India

4.Academy of Universal Global Peace, President, Madhu Krishan, India

5.World Constitution and Parliament Association, Secretary General, Glen Martin, USA

6.Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War, Board Member, Ernesto Kahan, Israel

7.Peace and Conflict Studies Center, Director, Bishnu Pathak, Nepal

8.New World Community of Love and Peace, President, Jeffrey Peters, USA

9.The Universal Alliance, Coordinator, David Stringer, Great Britain

10.IFLAC South America andArgentine and Bilingual MCA, President, Maria Cristina Azcona, Argentina


These organizations form the core of a new World Peace Movement: Peace and Disarmament from Harmony (PDH). However, we need at least 30-40 peacemaking organizations from all continents for this movement to begin to work. Therefore, the first task of the GHA and the movement Coordinators is to find 30-40 peace organizations within 2 months (or sooner in view of the threat of World War). For the PDH organizations, the first practical common goal is to organize them to sign a Petition of Disarmament to the UN at: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=529


The GHA must work with peace organizations and persuade them to join a new World Peace Movement o­n the common scientific and spiritual platform of Harmony of this project. For this purpose, GHA needs 3-7 PDH Coordinators that may help identify 30-40 peacemaking organizations to join to this movement in 2-3 months. They will elect the PDH World Council and work its Charter.


In this regard, I invite anyone who wants to be a PDH Coordinator to respond within two days to. It is a great work. Of course, I will also work with you as a team. The more the Coordinators, the better.


The Peace Movement o­n the basis of harmony will overcome the UN and peacemaking crisis in the 21st century.


With love, best Harmony wishes,


Dr. Leo Semashko.

GHA President


SIGN the Petition about Total Disarmament! HERE!

Dear peacemakers and peace lovers:

For every of us to sign the Petition to the UN about Total Disarmament is the matter of honor.
It is here:


Many thanks!

Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA President


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