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GHA: Results of 2010 and Prospects for 2011

GHA: Results of 2010 and Prospects for 2011


Approved by the GHA o­n December 6, 2010



In Russian: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=479

In English: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=448

The most important point we must emphasize: 2010 is the first anniversary of the global harmonious civilization o­n the threshold of which humanity entered November 1, 2009: it is the date of publication in the English language the GHA joint program book "Harmonious Civilization” (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379). This book contains the first collection of facts, the first Declaration, the first scientific explanation of this civilization, the first alphabet of social harmony and the ABC of its spiritual culture. Birth of a harmonious civilization is a worthy new date for "Harmonious Era Calendar", created in the GHA in 2006.


How reliable is our explanations and evidences to be seen by time. Already this year has brought new facts of its evidences. Already this year was about 10 independent from each other scientific and cultural events in the world who feel and prove it. It is our new modernity! For GHA this year was the first time the spread of this good and encouraging news at various conferences, leaflets, papers, brochures, new members and other events. What results we noted the first year of a harmonious civilization?

The GHA results of 2010:

  1. The GHA number exceeded 400 members from 48 countries of the world and established two branches of GHA: USA and Japan.
  2. Establishment in January-November, three new projects of the GHA: Harmonious Leadership Academy; Kazakhstan - Harmonism Strategy for the 21st century; Russia, Forward, towards Harmonious Civilization. Total number of the GHA global harmony projects reached 25.
  3. Publication of two booklets: Kazakhstan - Harmonism Strategy for the 21st century (20p); Russia, Forward, towards Harmonious Civilization (30p – o­nly Russian). Number of the GHA books and brochures reached 6.
  4. Creation of five new leaflets of GHA for: Sociological Congress in Gothenburg; 65 anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; International Peace Day o­n September 21; the First Congress o­n Mathematics of Harmony in Odessa; and World Forum of Spiritual Culture in Astana.
  5. Creating the GHA Higher Award "Harmony Crystal" for Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, this has been transferred to him in Astana at the Forum. It is Dr. Laj Utreja’s – GHA-USA President – great contribution at first.
  6. Participation of the GHA delegations and members in four international events related to harmony: World Congress of Sociology in Gothenburg - 6 members (July), First International Congress o­n Mathematics of Harmony - 7 members (October), World Forum of Spiritual Culture - 14 members of 10 countries (October); Philosophical orientations Russia: harmony, synthesis, quality - 4 members (November).
  7. Holding the first training session o­n alphabet of social harmony within the first Academy of Harmony in Astana o­n October 19, 2010.
  8. Creation of 28 new pages o­n the website "Peace from harmony", a visit which exceeded 2,1 million visits. Publication of more than 200 new informational materials was o­n it, including about 20 translations into different languages.
  9. Creating the GHA Department "Golden Proportions of Harmonious Civilization”: President Prof. Alexey Stakhov, Vice-Presidents: Dr. Scott Olsen (USA) and Dr. Tatiana Egorova (Ukraine).
  10. The revival of poetry contest and anthology of texts for the creation of the Harmony Hymn under the leadership of GHA Vice-President and the Nobel Laureate Ernesto Kahan.
  11. Publication of several articles o­n the GHA in Greek newspapers (Dimitris Kraniotis and Takis Ioannides), Romanian newspapers (Tatomir Ion Marius) and the St. Petersburg newspaper (Anastasia Dolgosheva).Takis Ioannides’ TV interviews and lectures in Athens.
  12. Establishment the GHA Informational Order, as part of its Statutes, harmonizing the relationship of different religious beliefs within the GHA.

The main purpose of last year and next: the creation of the Academy of Social Harmony in any country in the world. The main shortcoming in the GHA ισ a very low level of publishing articles and PR about the GHA: o­nly in Greece, Romania and St. Petersburg.

All our achievements are a common result, in which there is some contribution of the GHA each member, so everyone is commendable.

2011 is the second year of a harmonious civilization of humanity, and the second year into Harmonious Era Calendar. This infancy require special care and development, especially the skills to go o­n the different countries, learn the harmony alphabet and talk about self. The GHA Perspectives (Program) for 2011 is dedicated to this evolution.

The GHA Perspectives (Program) for 2011:


1. Finish the reports (with pictures) of the Congresses in Odessa and Astana.

2. Continue to search the country and funding for the creation of the Harmony Academy. Letters o­n this subject will be to the Presidents of Costa Rica: Charles Mercieca, Laj Utreja and Leo Semashko and Greece: Dimitris P. Kraniotis, Laj Utreja and Leo Semashko.

3. The GHA Letter to sculptors of the world with a proposal to hold a world contest to create a sculpture “Harmonious Civilization" as a unifying and inspiring spiritual symbol for humanity of the 21st century. (GHA has an image of this sculpture and will offer it for discussion by members of GHA).

4. The GHA Letter to mathematicians of the world with an invitation to solve the hypothesis (task) of harmonious proportions for the spheral social fractals. (This idea was offer in Odessa).

5. The GHA Letter to composers of the world with a proposal to hold a world contest for the creation of the Harmony Hymn.

6. The GHA Letter to billionaires of the world, especially the 40 philanthropists in the U.S., with an invitation to create the Harmonious Civilization Foundation, aimed primarily at creating the Harmony Academies and Harmony Schools all over the world.

7. Complete the formation of the GHA branches in Liberia, Ukraine, India, Pakistan, China, Kazakhstan and Bulgaria. Recommend to all national offices of GHA to form and to submit for public discussion in their country of a national project: "Harmonism Strategy for the 21st century" or "Forward, towards Harmonious Civilization". Establishment of the Academies of Social Harmony in each such country is the first step in the implementation of this project. Projects-analogues are: Kazakhstan - Harmonism Strategy for the 21st century: (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=445) and: Russia, Forward, towards Harmonious Civilization (in Russian): (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=435).

8. Create a website for the Harmonious Leadership Academy and begin its work in the mode of distance learning.

9. Create a group "Sociocybernetics of Harmonious Civilization" in RC51 Sociocybernetics of the International Sociological Association (ISA) with invitation: Drs Bernard Scott, Bernd Hornung, Margaret Maas, Mary Luz Robayo, Leo Semashko, etc.

10. Create the ISA Thematic Group "Sociology of Harmonious Sociology" with an invitation to it not o­nly sociologists, but also other members of the GHA, as well as other related organizations.

11. Create the GHA Vice-president for comparative sociological studies of the spheral classes of the population in: EU, USA, China, India and Russia: Dr. Ananta Kumar Giri

12. Create the GHA Vice-president for children's priority: Dr. Tholana Chakravarthy

13. Create the GHA Vice-president group responsible for PR o­n different continents: Guy Crequie and Renato Corsetti (Europe), Charles Mercieca (North America), Heli Habyarimana (Africa), Steve Rajan and Ananta Kumar Giri (Asia), Prof, Hou Jinglin and Prof, Zhao Xiangze from Beijing (China) and Maria Cristina Azcona (South America).

14. Create the GHA Vice-president for the music Festivals of Harmony: Leonid Timoshenko.

15. Create the GHA Vice-president group responsible for the formation of the GHA national offices o­n different continents, and world languages: Prof. Ernesto Kahan - Spanish-speaking countries, Jean Basabose - African countries; Steve Rajan and Ananta Kumar Giri - Asian countries.

16. Continue to work o­n the GHA textbook for the Academy of Harmony.

17. Correct the GHA Statutes and Board with regard to new ideas and organizational changes in the GHA.

18. Announce contest for Youth GHA President.

19. Prepared and tested in university the lectures of the GHA scientists o­n a topic: Harmonious Civilization: History, Modernity, Science and Political Future.

20. Prepare a project of educational and discussion program for TV broadcast: "The Future: Harmonious Civilization, or What?"

21. Prepare the GHA application (by December 31, 2010) to GRAWEMEYER AWARD FOR IDEAS IMPROVING WORLD ORDER: Dr. Laj Utreja and Leo Semashko.

22. Take part and form a delegation to the next world event: Congress o­n Mathematics of Harmony in Odessa; World Forum of Spiritual Culture in Astana (18-20 October); Celebrating the birthday of Confucius in China in September (Lana Yang’s proposal).

23. Turning Forum of "Peace from harmony" in the active tool of constant debate in the GHA: Leo Semashko, Ivan Ivanov and the GHA VPs for PR.

24. Complete the formation of the GHA Memorandum o­n Harmony Ethics.

25. Start preparing the "World Encyclopedia of Harmony" in both paper and electronic forms, including o­n the Internet like Wikipedia: Alexander Olshansky.

26. Prepare the charter for the GHA-USA and solicit membership: Laj Utreja.

27. Publication the GHA books and reviews them in the different sociological journals and publishing houses, such as Sillabapress in Colombia: Mary Luz Robayo.


The strategy of these perspectives is simple: overcome the misunderstanding and lack of recognition of the inevitability of a harmonious civilization through various ways and methods of different social spheres: Sociosphere (education), Infosphere (different forms of science, spirituality and media), Orgsphere (institutional variety) and the Technosphere (physical and economic forms).

GHA Greetings in honor of the International Day of Peace, Sept. 21

Global Harmony Association (GHA)

Since 2005, GHA is an international NGO uniting more 400 members in 48 countries and more than o­ne million participants from the GHA collective members in 80 countries. Web: www.peacefromharmony.org

GHA Mission is to bring peace from harmony

OR: Pave the conscious way for harmonious civilization.

People, come together in harmony for eternal peace!


September 18, 2010

GHA Greetings

To the UN and World Peacemaking Organizations

In honor of the International Day of Peace, Sept. 21


The Global Harmony Association (GHA) is happy to congratulate the UN and all peace organizations of the planet o­n the International Day of Peace and wish a transformation of peace thinking and peace culture in accordance with the 21st century realities.

We live in an industrial civilization in which peace is held o­n the power of the weapon under the old paradigm of thinking, "If you want peace - prepare for war."Correspondingly, the military expenditures have steadily increased each year. The situation has not changed in the 21st century. Any peace movement is powerless in the current environment. Therefore, a fundamental shift is needed to move away from the old paradigm to a new thinking of ‘peace and peaceful culture’ suitable for the new century ant its new civilization.

Over the past 5 years, the GHA has developed a public sociology of civil society, the social ideal of which is harmonious civilization as a method of survival for humanity. It is based o­n the principles of peace, justice, fraternity and prosperity for all peoples and provides an exit from a deadlock of degenerating industrial civilization. The GHA has created more than 20 projects of global harmony (including three direct peace projects) and has published 4 books. The GHA has found more than 65 facts confirming the trend of global harmonization since 1947, which in 2009 has resulted in the birth of a harmonious civilization. Its origin is associated with the emergence in 2009 of its first three global features:

1. Beginning of nuclear disarmament of the USA and Russia, which in principle, not conducive to the militaristic, constantly arming industrial civilization,

2. Appearance of its first theoretical model (GHA book "Harmonious Civilization»: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379), and

3. Publication of the cornerstone book of Prof. Alexei Stakhov (Canada) "Mathematics of Harmony", which laid the foundations of mathematics of a new civilization (http://www.worldscibooks.com/mathematics/6635.html).

In 2010, we witnessed another economic confirmation of the new civilization through an unprecedented philanthropy of the 40 USA billionaires by their conscious self-limitation and disposition of the most of their personal wealth in the direction to develop the social capital – education and health.

The recent examples of the social confirmation of the new civilization are: the EU since 1992, and China since 2006 in building a harmonious society, both covering about 2 billion people - nearly a third of mankind.

These facts indicate the ascent of humanity to the threshold of a harmonious civilization, in which the destructive power of weapons will be replaced by the power of thought and culture of harmonious peace as Peace from Harmony, "If you want peace - build harmonious civilization/society." It is Peace from Harmony. It is an eternal harmonious peace, which is possible o­nly in harmonious civilization through global harmonious education since childhood.

We are competent in the language of disharmonious industrialism: wars, conflicts, violence, crises, etc. But we are all ignorant in social and individual harmony, which solely maybe by the source and cause of eternal peace. We do not know even its alphabet: 20 fundamental elements (spheres), the harmony of which provides eternal peace. Alphabet, language and thought of harmony for the first time presented in the GHA book "Harmonious Civilization." Recognition of a new (harmonious) peace thinking and new (harmonious) peace culture will be the most effective achievement and change of the peace movement today.


The GHA initiatives for the UN and international peace organizations are:

1.Recognize the UN Mission o­n the 21st century transition to a culture of harmonious peace, an annual reduction of military expenditures by all states of the world at 2% per year and nuclear disarmament to 2020.

2.Invite billionaires of the world to establish under the UN auspices the Civic Peace Foundation of Harmonious Civilization for building of institutions of global harmonious education as the main generator of eternal peace from harmony.

3.Organize in September 21, 2011 under the UN auspices the World Civic Forum "Peace from Harmony".

GHA President, Dr. Leo Semashko, Russia

GHA-USA President, Dr. Laj Utreja

GHA-Japan President, Kae Morii

World Congress of Sociology, July 2010, Gothenburg: Move to Harmony

Massive change in sociology to global social harmony

Report o­n participation in the Congress


Leo Semashko

GHA President


XVII World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association (ISA), was in Sweden, in a small (900,000 population) and green Gothenburg, 11-17 July 2010. Schedule of the 700 Congress Sessions as well as its other features the reader can be found at the ISA website: http://www.isa-sociology.org/congress2010. The Congress registered more than 5,000 participants from 104 countries that characterize its global scope and importance for understanding contemporary social trends.

I shall fix o­nly o­n the three aspects of the Congress: 1. Its general ideological orientation, 2. My work in Congress and 3. Its significance for Global Harmony Association (GHA). I'll start in reverse order.


1. I will say at o­nce: the Congress was very rich in new people and new ideas for the GHA. This is the main result. We found many new supporters of the GHA. Main new idea: to create o­n the GHA initiative a new Thematic Group (TG) in ISA to institutionalize "public sociology" of harmonious civilization started in the GHA over 5 years ago and presented in the GHA 20 projects and 4 books. Another idea: co-sociological study of the dynamics of spheral classes of the population in U.S., Russia, China and Sweden with the Swedish National Data Service. The Congress was attended besides me 5 members of the GHA: Bernard Scott of Britain, Reimon Bachika from Japan, Ananta Giri and Maitreyee Roy from India, as well as Kuseyn Isaev of Kyrgyzstan. All of them, in o­ne way or another, helped in distributing our leaflets and books o­n Congress.


2. My main work at the Congress has been distributing leaflets and books "Harmonious Civilization”, which were the effective tool for acquaintance and intercourse with sociologists from different countries. I brought in Congress more than 50 books, of which I could sell o­nly two copies, and the rest I gave sociological youth and elite, as well as sociologists from developing countries. (I noticed that at such congresses the books almost no o­ne is buying for reasons of cost, availability of the Internet and their heaviness in transportation). I printed 500 flyers for the Congress in the English language (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=436). Leaflets have been the most effective information tool that has attracted attention and was perceived by the public willingly. I gave them o­n the Presidential and other Sessions, as well as at the table with our books.

Here I acquainted with more than 40 sociologists who are interested in the book, and whom I have invited to join the GHA and its projects. Our book, along with a flyer, I gave to the ISA sociological elite: new President Michael Burawoy from the U.S.; former ISA Presidents: Michel Wieviorka, Piotr Sztompka, Alberto Martinelli and Margaret Archer; as well as such outstanding sociologists as Alan Touraine from France, Jeffrey Alexander, Craig Calhoun and Saskia Sassen from the USA; Li Peilin - Director of the Institute of Sociology of China; Eliza Rise of Brazil, the Nobel Laureate in Chemistry - a keynote speaker at the Congress - Professor Yuan Lee – President Emeritus of Academia Sinica in Taiwan; Manuel Castells from Spain; the former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Jan Eliasson; and many others. Almost o­ne in ten members of Congress received our leaflet with information about GHA and its program book. I have not seen o­n the Congress other similar books and leaflets. There were many but they were limited by various private and traditional aspects of society. Although, I do not exclude, that I have not seen anything: all the Congress information was impossible to reach. In addition, I participated in the Presidential and some other Sessions, and spoke at the RC51 Session with the paper "Global Education as Harmonious Education of Global Harmonious Civilization."


3. Now the ideological trends and achievements of the Congress. In order to reflex with them, I created o­n the GHA website "Peace from Harmony" the bilingual (Russian and English) seven new pages, united in a new special section:


International Sociological Association: Move towards Sociology of Global Harmony



On this page I published the ISA new TG Program and Statement drafts. These documents are virtually summarize the ideological crossing GHA and ISA at the Congress in Gothenburg. Under this section, I opened another six pages.


XVII World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, July 2010: Start to Understand Social Harmony



On this page I published my report. It is two rows of my vision of the Congress: the visual, which includes about 40 photographs, and mental, includes the most important ideas.

To this page adjoins a few personal pages of the ISA prominent sociologists and keynote speakers from Congress, with the publication of their brief biographical data, photos and papers (with comments), which they kindly sent me for publication and translation:


Michael Burawoy, ISA new President. Facing the Challenges of Global Sociology



The central idea of the ISA new President is global sociology as "my most ambitious project”, called to respond to the global challenges. This is a new and very important idea in the ISA strategy. If we acknowledge that humanity entered o­n the threshold of a harmonious civilization, then global sociology gain the appropriate quality. This new ISA strategy pushed me the idea of establishing in ISA the relevant Thematic Group: “Global Sociology of Harmonious civilization”, which found enough wide support in my discussions of this idea in Congress.


Yuan T. Lee, Nobel Prize o­n Chemistry. Energy, Environment and the Future of Mankind



Lee’s conclusion of deep analytical paper laid in the fact that humanity is living beyond its means, not by the resources that can provide the Earth. To solve this global problem can not any country but o­nly all nations together as “one community”. In private conversation after the lecture I asked the question: "Do you agree that o­ne community is a harmonious community or harmonious civilization?" At that Prof. Lee replied unequivocally: "I agree with this completely." This o­nce again proves acceptability of harmonious civilization to the different scientists, peoples and cultures. We agree with the theme of the joint article: "One Earth, o­ne Community and o­ne Harmonious Civilization."


Margaret Archer, ISA President 1986-1990. The Current Crisis: Consequences of Neglecting the Four Key Principles of Catholic Social Doctrine



Margaret Archer, analyzing the sociology evolution since 1970s, reproached the sociologist with ignoring the theoretical researches of the major events of modernity: the Berlin Wall fall, the causes of economic and financial crises and so o­n (to it is necessary to add and start of nuclear zero in 2009). This allowed her to refer sociology to the "part of the contextual cause rather than its cure" (i.e. removed it from the interests of civil society) and to reproach it in "steady abandonment of ‘systematic sociology’ and the almost feverish production of ‘catch-phrase’ caricatures, each merely extrapolating o­ne societal feature observable at the empirical level". We think that this abandonment and degradation of sociology are connected not o­nly with degradation of industrial society, which it is served, but the absence of progressive systemic object, which appeared o­nly in 2009 with birth of a harmonious civilization. Starting from Catholic Social Doctrine (which, in essence, is a harmonious o­ne) Archer explores the "hostility" to human being nature the various individualistic models of industrial society, accelerating its crisis and devastating for the human. It is the models of ‘atomistic’, or ‘economic’, or ‘one-dimensional’, or ‘homo economicus’, or ‘homo sociologicus’ (or ‘Organization Man’), who “become subservient ‘dopes’ – extinguished as people and without the initiative”, who “do not need society”, “who contributes nothing to the ‘common good’ and to social solidarity” but involved in the fatal antagonism and is expressed as a lack of social structure. This de-humanization is expressed by “the contradictory formula: ”. The human rights in this models “can penalize racist acts and public abuse, it cannot legislate racial harmony let alone fraternity into being” and cannot serve to “the common good”. Archer, in her brilliant analytical research, unfolds that social theory together “with Marxism dead … and with Parsons in demise, died any serious concern with social integration” … has no “resources with which to conceive of a robust civil society”. “The sociological imagination during industrial capitalism generated no alternatives for the macro-conceptualization of late modernity” and lost "fraternity", "solidarity" and “subsidiarity” (necessary structural diversity). With the birth in 2009 of a harmonious civilization (“civilization of love” as was articulated by Benedict XVI in Archer’s quote) and its macro-conceptualization in the GHA book “Harmonious Civilization” (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379) these lost quality of sociological theorizing and imagination not o­nly restored but also rise to a new level of global sociology of harmonious society and corresponding harmonious social thinking. This sociology has all the resources "to conceive of a robust civil society" within a deep structure of its social harmony and finding in it the lost fraternity and also new, harmonious, solidarity and subsidiarity. It is a real response to the challenges of global sociology of the latest modernity.


Michel Wieviorka. ISA President 2006-2010. Sociology o­n the move



Michel Wieviorka’s keynote speech was devoted to the move of sociology to new areas, its “massive change” and globalization, which included all regions of the world. Social globalization is accompanied by progress of individualization, which is opposed to globalization. Three questions remain open in sociology: general theory, scientific character of sociology and participation in public life. These questions, in my view, are solved in the perspective of sociological move to the new global domain: harmonious civilization.


From the GHA papers are published:

Leo Semashko. GHA President. Global Education as Harmonious Education of Global Harmonious Civilization



My paper was devoted to global harmonious education as the basic generating mechanism of a harmonious civilization, at least in four aspects. First, o­nly it is capable to transform the spheral classes of the population from spontaneous in conscious actors of social harmony or harmonious civilization. Secondly, o­nly it provides these classes with scientific knowledge of building this civilization at all levels: global, regional, national and local. Thirdly, o­nly it creates the person adequate to this civilization: homo harmonicus. Fourthly, creating the harmonious (multidimensional instead of o­ne-dimensional) human resource, which unique makes all resources, harmonious education harmonizes all other social resources through the person: information, including culture and religion; organisation, including finance (money) and democracy; and economy, including markets, property, competition, incomes and environment. Harmonious education provides conscious, peaceful and nonviolent evolution of a harmonious civilization.

This education is harmonious in four moments: o­n the purpose, content, way and executors-educators who will prepare by the corresponding Academies of Harmony, the initial projects of which are prepared in the GHA.


We should also mention the Chinese papers. Chinese scientists: Professor Li Peilin, Director of the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and sociology Professor Hong Dayong, Renmin University, Beijing spoke about building a harmonious society in China as a new scientific and practical strategy of strengthening China’s sustainability. Of course, for them the idea of a harmonious civilization (society) was the closest and they talked about changing sociology in this direction.


Publication of the papers will continue.


In these reports reflects the two main ideological aspirations: to global sociology and to the sociology of social harmony and harmonious civilization. These actual trends find the best scientific and practical connection, from my point of view, in creation of the ISA new Thematic Group: Global Sociology of Harmonious Civilization. Its initial Program and Statement were published:



These documents, as well as my report and the papers with the comments, are offered for discussion by the ISA and GHA members.


August 22, 2010


June 21, 2010: First Global Harmony Day of Harmonious Civilization

June 21, 2010: First Global Harmony Day of Harmonious Civilization


Dear Creators of Harmonious Civilization:


GHA Message for June 21, 2010 o­n Global Harmony Day in the Harmonious Era Calendar is devoted to the following two most momentous events:

1. 2010 as the first year of the Harmonious Civilization and

2. Harmonious thinking of a new civilization which is presented in details in the GHA program book “Harmonious Civilization” http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379.


2010 as the first year of the Harmonious Civilization:

For more than 5 years, GHA has been intently watching the new historical trend of global harmonization which may be traced back to 1947. This time we collected approximately 65 instances of global harmony in the different spheres and countries: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=382. Strengthening of this tendency and accumulation of the facts has established two critical points: a) 1990s witnessed the socialist camp collapse, which replaced the past historical alternative "capitalism-socialism" within industrialism by the new historical alternative "industrialism-harmonism" (or “industrial civilization – harmonious civilization”), and b) 2009 marked the birth of a harmonious civilization connected with two new key historic initiatives: 1) The beginning of nuclear disarmament, which is possible o­nly in new Harmonious Civilization, instead of an industrial militaristic civilization, and 2) 2009 also marked the creation of the scientific theory of a harmonious civilization, which provides a conscious, peaceful and nonviolent development for this civilization.

These historical events have been strengthened by the two simultaneously occurring facts in this direction: 1) Since 1992, The European Union (a union of approximately 30 countries with a population of 500 million) was established on the harmony principle ‘Unity in diversity,’ and 2) Since 2006, China (with a population almost a quarter of the total humanity) is consciously building a harmonious society.

Therefore, we propose that June 21, 2010 is the First Global Harmony Day of the Harmonious Civilization. It is a conscious day of a conscious civilization. This is unprecedented event in history when the new civilization realizes itself since the first year. This day is not merely a simple symbol of a new era marked by conscious beginning of a new, harmonious, mentality of humankind, but the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment and the conscious Harmony Renaissance. It is absolutely unimportant that this consciousness is observed o­nly within small international community of GHA. It is important, however that it is observed. And with distribution of harmonious enlightenment and education, its expansion will not keep waiting for long.

Harmonious thinking of a new civilization:

Harmonious Enlightenment, just as any thought, begins with the alphabet, language and thinking of harmony. Enlightenment is a transition from ignorance to knowledge, from o­ne level of knowledge to another, essentially new level. Most of us are competent in the alphabet and language of industrialism. We know the core concepts of industrial thinking which are identical with disharmony. The language of industrial civilization teaches us to achieve peace from war. Engagement of the military to find peace results in the daily preparation for a new war for national and any private interests. Its motivation is greed and profit by the military industry and arrogance of the subscribing democracies and dictatorships. The war spread by such precedence may lead to involvement by all nations, simply because of a lack of alternative for the world growing in a culture of violence. This culture breeds disharmonious reading and writing, which creates disharmonious man. There are several big and small states, which own the weapons of mass destruction with their annual military expense growing faster than that of other necessities. The ultimate end of this civilization is a ‘universal genocide’ (Ernesto Kahan and Taki Yuriko) in a global nuclear or other fire. The 21st century genocide of billions will be the apotheosis of an industrial civilization and its thinking.

Only the alternative trend of global harmony and the newborn harmonious civilization can overcome the culture of violence and its apotheosis. To develop harmonious thinking, we should master the alphabet and harmony language, both at individual level and social level. Instead of schools and academies which prepare for violence, we should create schools and academies of global harmony. Such schools will prepare everyone with its alphabet, language, concepts and thinking. The language of global harmony will delineate spheral classes of population leading to harmonious peace (peace from harmony). It priority is children raised in harmonious civilization to cultivate harmonious democracy. o­nly harmonious democracy can give rise to a culture of harmony by teaching harmonious education in developing a harmonious person. This will lead to prosperity of all people and all nations – all of them identical in harmony, truth, justice and humanism. All of the above mentioned building blocks and notions are equally important. Each of them is a science. Together they make harmonious thinking, which is presented for the first time in the GHA 20 projects and four collective books in 5 years.

The Global Harmony Day 2010 symbolizes the conscious beginning of universal harmonious enlightenment and culture of harmonious thinking replacing a culture of military-industrial thinking, which can o­nly assure universal genocide. These are two philosophies, two persons, two ways of life, thinking and behavior of two civilizations; when o­ne dies and the other is born o­nly.


GHA congratulates its members and all people of the world o­n June 21, 2010

As the First Global Harmony Day of the Harmonious Civilization


On this GHA main holiday of Global Harmony Day, let us honor the GHA following members with the following honorary titles for their contributions to the Global Harmony:

·In recognition for his lifelong contributions for the cause of global harmony and the GHA projects and to honor of 70 anniversary, the GHA highest honorary title, the World Harmony Creator is awarded to Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan, MD, MPH, Tel Aviv University, Poet, Vice President, World Academy of Arts and Culture, USA, Former Vice President and a delegate to the Nobel Peace Prize Reception, 1985, IPPNW, Israel,

·In recognition for his great contributions to the GHA projects through Ukrainian language translations, the GHA Honorary Member is awarded to Dr. Ivan Mitjaj, Biology Professor, Kiev University, Ukraine


We sincerely congratulate you o­n the GHA Honorary Titles.



Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA President


Dr. Laj Utreja,

GHA-USA President



Harmonious Education: Today’s Top Priority for Children

GHA Message o­n Protection and Children’s Priority Day, June 1, 2010


Dear parents, teachers, and grandparents:


Today, o­n June 1st, 2010 The Global Harmony Association (GHA) is happy to congratulate you o­n the Protection and Children’s Priority Day o­n the GHA Harmonious Era Calendar (since 2005). The GHA calls o­n all of you to set harmonious education for children as their top priority.


Times and again, the concerned leaders have voiced their view that a family and a society offer the best protection for the children. We constantly prove that the best protection of children is their social priority. What specific social milestones have contributed to this important issue in 2010? June 1st is the first Protection and Children’s Priority Day of a new, Harmonious Civilization which was born silently and innocuously in 2009. Supporting argument of its features: a) In 2009, the nuclear disarmament began, which is possible o­nly in new Harmonious Civilization, instead of an industrial militaristic civilization, b) Also in 2009 the scientific theory of a harmonious civilization was created, which provides basis for development of peaceful and nonviolent movements unlike industrial o­nes, c) Beginning of a harmonious society by China (it is almost a quarter of the total humanity), and d) 65 other developments of global harmony in different spheres and countries.


What does this unique historical shift of modernity toward harmonization mean for our children and grandchildren? This question has been well answered in the last century by Eleanor Roosevelt – We must prepare with the revolution of education… Without a completely new approach in education, our youth will not be completely equipped to face the world of the future. The harmonious civilization is born. Are our children ready for it? Are we ready for it? The answer is a categorical “No.” None of us are really ready for this, because we are all deprived of the corresponding, Harmonious Education.


All of us are ignorant in harmony, individually and socially. We do not know harmony language. We do not know even harmony alphabet. Having been brainwashed by the mass-media in violence, reading and watching the scenes of violence, murders and crimes around the clock, all of us, including our children have become competent in violence. Our society is o­ne continuous academy of disharmony. Many of our societies give education in wars through militaristic training. Our children are constantly engaged in the computer games of aggression, murders and wars in their pastime. Lack of societal support from the parents, teachers and grandparents against all this we are preparing our children for a culture of violence depriving them of an opportunity to live in peace and harmony and experience happiness.


Unchecked prevalence of the culture of violence will keep us ignorant in harmony just as the savages of the distant past. A revolution in education – Revolution of Harmonious Education is necessary for us and our children. o­nly such a revolution will give our children a real hope for a peaceful future and happiness. Therefore, today it is the responsibility of each parent, teacher, and grandparent to provide harmonious education to our children.


GHA has created four projects of Harmony Academies: general, family, youth and leadership. They are published in our books and o­n the site:



GHA calls parents and teachers all over the world to get acquainted with these projects and use them in families, schools and all educational and training institutions.


By giving harmonious education to our children, we offer them the most important and necessary education for life, we prepare them for a new civilization, and above all we provide them the most reliable and true way of happiness. It is o­nly then we will overcome ignorance in harmony and an end to the culture of sustained violence.


Only then we will open for them the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment and Harmonious Peace. o­nly then our children and grandchildren will be better than us. It is our responsibility pick up our children from the ruinous culture of animal violence to the truly human world of harmony. We must take the first step from ignorance to enlightenment in harmony.


Today, the GHA wishes all parents, teachers and children o­nly o­ne thing – harmonious education, which provides children all: health, prosperity, love, happiness and peace!


Dr. Leo Semashko,

GHA President


Dr. Laj Utreja,

GHA-USA President

AHL Conception and President approval, May 22, 2010

Dear GHA members,

I like to inform a result: the Academy of Harmonious Leadership (AHL) Conception and President are approved by GHA.

I received more than 40 responses in which there were YES to AHL President and o­nly 4 GHA members (two from Russia and two foreign) refrained from support of AHL Conception. I not received any response with NO to the AHL Concept or President. I warmly thank all GHA members for support of the new 20th GHA Project. In some responses concrete remarks and offers contained. o­n their basis I brought about 15 editorial amendments and additions in the Conception text. However, its contents not changed. Therefore I do not send its text to you. However, who wishes to read its final variant, you can do it o­n the site where it is published: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=429

I will remind that the English text will be edited by the carrier of English language in June-August. As our known English editors cannot or for a long time are absent, I invite English-speaking members, especially from youth to help to GHA with editing of 14 pages (without modules) in AHL Conception. It will be your great contribution which GHA will highly appreciate. Please, let me know the names of the GHA new editors.

In the Conception o­nly o­ne paragraph was essentially changed: it is the AHL list of experts-guides. Therefore I publish it below and I ask to inform me o­n the noticed errors and blanks. The general number of experts makes today 18 persons from 10 countries and the number of the AHL project makes supporters 14 persons. The AHL Vice-presidents will be approved, as you know, o­n May 31st.

For the summer months (June, July and August) I declare a vacation in GHA and I wish all to have the well rest o­n a nature, to visit various conferences, to be engaged in the health, children and grandchildren. I will be engaged in it too, I will periodically leave the city and to come back. But I am intended something and to make: to carry o­n negotiations with some heads, to write the ethical memorandum of Harmony for GHA and AHL, to involve in working out of Tetramathematics the new experts as the mathematics of a harmonious civilization is very powerful tool of its building and sharply it is required to AHL. As required I will sometimes inform you o­n it, not abusing your time and attention. Active work will begin in September with detailed personal discussion of each module of AHL.

But in the summer we should find new forces for our new practical work. Who will search the entertainments o­n Internet, please, do not forget about a harmony film library o­n our site: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=252. It contains now more than 40 films devoted to the most different harmony: children, women, Earth, ocean, birds, animal, architecture, mathematics, flowers, space, Moon, music, humour, words, painting, different countries: China, Russia, France, Japan, Malta, Greece, Egypt, Milan, Petersburg etc. Therefore it will please each of you. I sincerely thank those from you who have sent me these remarkable films and also our web designer Ivan Ivanov who has created this great film library of harmony.

I wish all the pleasant rest, health and joy in life and Internet.

Best harmony wishes,



May 1: Global Love Day. Congratulations and New philosophy of love from harmony in a new civilization

TO: The Love Foundation (

TO: Harold Becker, President

Dear Harold!

The Global Harmony Association (GHA) is happy to congratulate you and your remarkable The Love Foundation (TLF) and also all GHA members and friends o­n Global Love Day! You established it seven years ago and you included it in the GHA Harmonious Era Calendar, which has been published in 2006 in 12 languages of the world by the separate book and o­n our website “Peace from Harmony”:

2010 is the first year of a harmonious civilization which was born in 2009. Therefore, our Calendar came into operation: Harmonious Era has begun. Therefore now in this day it is very important to understand destiny of love o­n the greatest shift of human history and its new philosophy. Today's Love Day is the first in Harmonious Era. Certainly, it is o­nly the beginning and a weak sprout of a new epoch. But in decades, the blossoming of this epoch will cover our entire planet in full bloom! Then all people will understand a deep indissoluble tie of love and harmony. The harmonious civilization becomes blossoming of love from harmony and o­nly then the love becomes unconditional, holistic, full, instead of o­ne-dimensional and frequently defective what we see it in an industrial civilization. The o­ne-dimensional love is limited by o­ne side: love to things, richness, money, body, power, art, to o­ne person, o­ne nation, o­ne religion, o­ne culture etc.

Opposite, the harmonious love or love from harmony is full, covers all four basic dimensions of human life and society and is embodied in beauty. Why we love beauty and we do not love the hideous? Because the beauty is a harmony embodiment as completeness and poly-dimensionality of a life; and the hideous there is a o­ne-dimensional disharmonious ugliness which sacrifice all for the sake of o­ne, irrespective of than this o­ne is. “The beauty will rescue the world”, the great Russian writer and philosopher Feodor Dostoevsky spoke 150 years ago. The beauty is harmony. Beauty is it that all people love. The beauty is love. Therefore the true love is harmony extensively: o­n source, subject and means. o­nly in this case the love becomes full, beautiful and unconditional. The human history has left to us many examples of similar love but they were exceptions. The harmonious civilization through harmonious education of all people since childhood and through the harmonious organisation of all spheres as persons and societies opens a possibility and creates the conditions of full, unconditional and beautiful love for each person and for each nation.

These conditions are scientifically unfolded for the first time, that is why it is far not perfect, but for the first time, in the GHA book “Harmonious Civilization”(
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379), co-authors of which are many members of your remarkable TLF. Therefore I suggest to develop old cooperation of our organisations: GHA and TLF in a harmonious civilization under the sign of new love: LOVE FROM HARMONY THROUGH HARMONY AND FOR HARMONY. The global and unconditional love is possible o­nly in the global harmony embodied in the developed harmonious civilization of humanity. The global unconditional love is an ideal for it, as well as global harmony, to which they both will come nearer eternally never reaching it.

Certainly, it is far not obvious philosophy and we will long discuss it, trying to comprehend a new meaning of love in a new civilization.

For seven years TLF has reached many brilliant achievements in the love statement worldwide. GHA wishes your Foundation the new great achievements in this noble direction! You can hope o­n GHA as trustworthy alien. You and TLF are presented o­n our site by special page in English and Russian languages: (

http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=131), and also a banner o­n its main page. Let me present to all our friends the bunch (below) in a sign of our love.
With love from harmony,
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,

FYI: GHA Letters to Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Denis Kucinich and the American physicists


Dear friends from harmony,

I am glad to send you the GHA four letters which have been kindly sent by GHA-USA President Dr. Laj Utreja to Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Denis Kucinich and the American physicists who have proved necessity of nuclear zero. Laj made also the basic work o­n drawing up and editing of these letters. I express sincere gratitude to Laj for his great contribution to realization of the GHA projects.

Similar letters of GHA with the invitation to head political Club-2009 in support of a harmonious civilization have been directed by Dr. Tholana Chacravarthi to a member of India Parliament Rahul Gandhi; Mr Jean Basabose from Ruanda to the former leader of the United Nations to Dr. Kofi Anan; Dr. Steve Rajan to the Prime-minister of Malaysia. I also express sincere gratitude to you for your great contribution to realization of the GHA projects.

All letters have been sent together with GHA book “Harmonious Civilization” which is now at leaders of the leading countries, at many universities and the largest libraries of the world: USA Congress, Russia, Britain, France, China, India, Rome, Vatican, Malaysia and other countries.

These letters are published o­n GHA website: http://peacefromharmony.org/? cat=en_c&key=409.

Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President



Russia and USA: First Practical Step to Nuclear Zero on a Way of Harmonious Civilization. 08/04/10

Dear friends,

The Global Harmony Association (GHA) is happy to congratulate the members and all our friends with the first practical step of Russia and USA to nuclear zero o­n a way of the harmonious civilization which have reckoned from 2009.

US and Russia Presidents signed today in Prague the Treaty o­n nuclear reduction o­n 30 %, calculated o­n 7 years, that allows to predict achievement of nuclear zero in 20 years, and taking into account history acceleration – in 15-10 years. It is the first stage of a harmonious civilization which goes o­n change of an industrial civilization and which is capable o­nly to create instead of to destroy the nuclear weapon. o­nly new, harmonious, civilization is capable to destroy it.

Therefore, the way of nuclear zero is the best proof of that the humanity entered a new civilization irrevocably! It is the new global modernity which will steadily develop and get stronger!!! It is the new reality which is cultivated intuitively by millions people and which is cultivated by the GHA knowingly in its projects of global harmony. We understand our belonging to this great world shift and we promote it actively! We congratulate each other and our friends with it!

Peace from Harmony!

Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,


Harmony as a new, unknown, source of billions. I call you to study to earn money from harmony and for harmony!!! March 28, 2010

Dear GHA members, friends,

I received many congratulations and warm words from you in connection with my interview about a harmonious civilization in “St-Petersburg News” from March 23:
http://www.spbvedomosti.ru/article.htm?id=10265308@SV_Articles. Of them I quote some in reduction below and I published them at the address: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=407. Thank you very much for your congratulations which all GHA members should share.

Scientific comprehension of a harmonious civilization is our general achievement. From us now depends, that this scientific understanding, for the first time in the world presented in our book “Harmonious Civilization” (
http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379), became a property as it is possible more numbers of people through translation of this book and its parts, through its mass publication as manual for schools and universities of the world, through its reviews, through education, including individual which becomes my priority.

On this book (but not o­nly), I created the unique elitist (for beginning) program for integrated harmonious training of the ambitious young men of 16-25 years to the higher posts in any state and to leadership in the new branches of world business constructed o­n harmony. These new branches will make their leaders by billionaires OF harmony and FOR harmony and to the world will bring justice, everlasting peace and happiness. In our book we have shown o­n the examples, that harmony is a new, unknown source of billions surpassing all oil, diamond, military and other industrial billions. Harmony is universal, it is necessary to all and always, o­n it stays a life, and therefore it is a inexhaustible spring of billions, as the sun. Who will understand it the first, that the first will receive billions from it. With these branches the new economy will begin – ECONOMY of HARMONY or ECONOMY of the HARMONIOUS CIVILIZATION. o­nly this economy is just and true, authentically scientific and authentically human as o­nly it provides the COMMON GOOD and HARMONIOUS PROFIT from all social and natural resources to ALL people of the Earth and EVERYONE!!! For harmonious economy we created the theory of harmonious money as the new reserve currency HARMON guaranteeing harmonious profit each. The project of this global currency is published in our book (
http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=390). Not money is an evil but their mercenary distribution and their absolutization. Money can serve not o­nly to evil but also to good, not o­nly to disharmony (to wars, violence, etc.), but also to harmony. It waits them in a harmonious civilization. Money is universal as harmony; therefore they should and can serve to all people of the Earth, instead of a small part. It is a new philosophy of harmonious money for the new harmonious civilization which were born in 2009 as the GHA defined.

But billions from harmony, unlike industrial billions, will serve not to wars and corporations but to social and individual harmony of ALL PEOPLE of the WORLD that is identical to an everlasting peace, love, happiness, prosperity and justice o­n the Earth.

Certainly, today still nobody is able to extract billions from harmony. (The industrial civilization learnt to extract them o­nly from disharmony). The new young and ambitious professionals with the new integrated harmonious scientific thinking unfolded in the GHA books are for this purpose necessary first of all. Therefore o­nly in GHA the corresponding programs of training/education, both individual, and public through the Harmony Academies have been created.

I pay attention of the GHA members to this our unique potential and I call you in every possible way to develop or in every possible way to promote to its development in your countries. I am ready to share my elitist program with those GHA members who are ready to cooperate together with me in its realization in your countries, since the publication in the newspapers and o­n the websites of your countries of the following announcement:

I call you to study to earn money from harmony and for harmony!!!

Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,

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