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Authors: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Houda Abadi (Palestine) Children Of Abraham Youth Leadership Internship. Article (En) December 6, 2005
Ghassan Abdallah (Palestine) Bio. Photo (En, Ru) 2008
Ghassan Abdallah (with co-authors) (Palestine) World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education Project (En, Ru) 2008
Maria Abolskaya (Russia) Esperanto as a language of dialog between cultures. Article (En, Ru, Es)
Maria Abolskaya (with co-authors) (Russia) Tetrasociology: From a sociological imagination through dialog to universal values and harmony. Book (En, Ru, Es) 2003
David Adams (USA) To: Leo Semashko about World Report on the Culture of Peace. Letter (En, Ru) February 10, 2005
Ada Aharoni (Israel) The Necessity of a New Multicultural Peace Culture. Abstract (En, Ru) 2006 The Necessity of a New Multicultural Peace Culture. Abstract (En, Ru, Sp, Fr) 2006 IFLAC Pave Peace: International Forum for the CULTURE of PEACE. Articles (En, Ru, Po, Sp) 2000 Global Call for the Creation of the World Satellite for Peace Culture (WSPC) Article (En, Ru) October 10, 2006 Peace Culture, Literature and the Arts. Needed International Reforms in the Twenty First Century. Abstract (En) 2004 To a Suicide Bomber. Poetry (En) To: Leo Semashko about tetrasociological model of harmonious peace. Letter (En, Ru) May 12, 2005 CREATING A NEW PEACE CULTURE. Abstract (En) 2004 One year to September 11. Poetry (En) Response to the Open Letter from Leo Semashko to President of Russia Mr. Putin from September 1, 2005 in connection with the tragical Beslan anniversary Letter (En, Ru) September 5, 2005 Two Chapters from the book "Peace Flower". (En, Ru) THE NECESSITY OF A NEW MULTICULTURAL PEACE CULTURE. Theses (En, Ru) 2004 Women create the world without wars and violence. Theses (Ru) 2004 To: Ugonna Wachuku about the Great Place. Letter (En) September 10, 2005 Additions in the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru) May 2007 You and I can change the World. Poetry Collection (En, Ru) To: Daniel Pearl Family about New Daniel Pearl Internet-Radio "Harmony for Humanity". IFLAC Congratulations. Letter (En) 2005 To: Leo Semashko about creation of a Global Civil Movement "Making Children a Priority". Letter (En, Ru) June 24, 2005 Women's Needed "Peace Culture System" Revolution. Article (En, Ru) September 30, 2005 Invitation to a Gather the Women Mediterranean Congress and to the 6th IFLAC Pave Peace Congress. Epistle (En, Ru) September, 2006 Israeli and Palestinian youth are dreaming of Mobility and Peace. Article (En, Ru) March 12, 2006 THE NECESSITY OF A NEW MULTICULTURAL PEACE CULTURE. Abstract (En) 2004 I and girls, dressed as angels, at our Purim Party. Photo (En, Ru) Peace Culture Through Poetry. Abstract (En, Ru) July 2004 About Parisian Poetry Festival (En) 2007 Women's Satellite TV. Article (En, Ru) December 30, 2004 To: Nonie Darwish about making the children a priority for peace in Israel and Palestine. Letter (En, Ru) June 25, 2005 My Sister, Daughter of Ishmael. Poetry (En) A Plea to Palestinian and Israeli Prime Ministers Mahmoud Abbas and Ariel Sharon “Make the Safety and Wellbeing of Children a Priority”. Letter (En, Ru) October 2, 2005
Ada Aharoni (with co-authors) (Israel) The letter to Government of the People's Republic of China about the creation in China of an "International Harmonious Peace Culture TV by Satellite" (En, Ru) May 2007 We call the world poets to create peace from harmony (appeal in six languages) (En, Ru, Fr, Sp, Ar, Hi) 2007 Global Movement "Making Children a Priority in the World" for the Dubai International Competition "Best Practices - 2006". Project (En, Ru) January 30, 2006 Discussion: "From" or "For" Discussion (En) December 2006 - January 2007 The International TV by Satellite for Harmonious Peace Culture (ISHPC) (En) May 2007 Global Harmony Association. Statute (En, Ru) 2007 16 Photos from Parisian Poetry Festival (En, Ru) 2007 Discussion about the children’s priority. Letters (En, Ru) February 14, 2006 Discussion about Global Leadership, Knowledge, Children and Social Harmony Discussion (En) December 2006 - January 2007 Discussion about Competition “HERACL” Conclusions from discussion (En, Ru) October 20, 2006
Talgat Akbashev (Russia) Planet of Education and Harmony. Abstract (En, Ru, Sp, Fr) 2006
Talgat Akbashev (with co-authors) (Russia) Planeta 3000 Project: Creating through Education an alternative Culture of harmonious civilization. Project (En, Ru) 2006 Mission in Brazile. Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights Report (En, Ru) September, 2006
Wajiha Al-Huweidar (with co-authors) (Morocco) Arab Feminists on Women's Rights: Cats and Dogs in the Developed World Have More Rights than Women in the Arab and Muslim World. Article (En) April 14, 2005
Eliana Albornoz, 10 years (Argentina) Now I walk to make Peace real. Poetry (En, Ru)
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005