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Authors: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Rosa Dalmiglio (Italy) Harmony is aimed Healthy Ecology in China Article (En) December 3, 2006 Chinese Art and Charter of Harmony in Vatican (En) 2008 "My Dream" Chinese Artists for peace promotion by UNESCO Letter (En) 2009 Deciphering "HARMONIOUS SOCIETY" in China Article (En) January 22, 2007 Letter about China (En) 2007 Modern Distance Education in China Article (En) January 8, 2007 Peace & Conflict in Contemporary China. Chinese culture of harmony Article (En) December 3, 2006
Olesia Damm (with co-authors) (Russia) Emblem: "Planet Earth: love, peace and harmony" on the site main page (En, Ru) 2007
Nonie Darwish (Palestine) To: Leo Semashko and Ada Aharoni about making the children a priority for peace in Israel and Palestine. Letter (En, Ru) September 14, 2005
Sylvain David (with co-authors) (Canada) Peace as a social value. Article (En, Ru) October 11, 2005
Sebastian De Assis (USA) Is It Possible To Teach Peace? (En) 2008
Martha DeWitt (USA) Tetrasociology: Social Theory and Practice for the 21st Century: Building a Culture of Peace from Social Harmony. Review of Leo Semashko's books (En, Ru) January 30, 2005 Interaction Analysis within the framework of the Web Approach: Understanding the Origins of Terrorism. Document (En) August 16, 2004 Letters about distribution of Harmonious Era Calendar and trip to Durban. Letters (En, Ru) August, 2006 Review of Leo Semashko’s three books on Tetrasociology in the Journal: International Sociology. Reviews of books. Volume 22, # 2, March 2007 (En, Ru) Response to the Open Letter from Leo Semashko to President of Russia Mr. Putin from September 1, 2005 in connection with the tragical Beslan anniversary. Letter (En, Ru) September 5, 2005 Pragmatic roots of idealism. Article (En) February 5, 2005 Response to the Open Letter from Leo Semashko to President of Russia Mr. Putin from September 1, 2005 in connection with the tragical Beslan anniversary. Letter (En, Ru) September 11, 2005 The sociologist and woman from harmony. To Peace Workers. Earth Odyssey. My pilot study of young teenagers. Child Suffrage Question in my Teen Study (En) 2008 Power Sharing. Abstract (En, Ru, Sp, Fr) 2006
Martha DeWitt (with co-authors) (USA) Discussion: "From" or "For" Discussion (En) December 2006 - January 2007 Double marginality of children, their dignity, humiliation and priority. Discussion (En, Ru) September, 2005 Tetrasociology: From a sociological imagination through dialog to universal values and harmony. Book (En, Ru, Es) 2003 Responses on the Magna Carta of Harmony (En, Ru) May 2007
Lia Diskin (Brazil) Associação Palas Athena Project (En) 2004 Approval of the Federal Parliament of Peace Culture Council in Brazil Announcement (En) December 9, 2006 II Brazilian Congress of Health, Culture of Peace and Non Violence. Article (En, Ru) May, 2005 The Parliamentary Council for a Culture of Peace. Document (En, Po) December 17, 2002
Marina Dmitrenko (Russia) Yuri Lukshin - Paints of Goods. Article (Ru)
Anna Dodds (Canada) Living in Harmony with the Seasons Article (En) 2006
Anastasia Dolgosheva (Russia) Interview with Leo Semashko: A Vote Right from the Cradle? (Ru) January 12, 2006 Want peace - prepare for peace. Interview with Leo Semashko in the newspaper "St.-Petersburg Gazette" Interview (Ru) October 12, 2006 Interview with Abram Jusfin: About tasty and healthy... music. (Ru) January 21, 2006
Yuri Dorofeev (Russia) Green stars on a background of a white grand piano. To Ludwig Zamengoff anniversary (Ru) 2008 Sociology plus tetra: a new view on the world Article (Ru) October, 2002 Public hearings about observance of the children rights in the specialized children's establishments of St.-Petersburg (Ru) 2007
Germain Dufour (France) Additions in the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru) May 2007
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005