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Harmony Forum

Peace from Harmony


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Victor Gaidai (Russia)
The social - ecological International Project " OPENING of the WORLD ". Article (Ru)

Tamara Galushko (Russia)
Intercultural Communications and Dialogue of Cultures in the Age of Globalization. Article (Ru)

Jagdish Gandhi (India)
City Montessori School of peace and harmony (En, Ru) 2008

Lama Gangchen (Italy)
Message to the First Cross Straight High Level Forum on Chinese Traditional Culture, Beijing, China, 5-9 July 2007 (En) 2007

Ruby Gannon, 6 years (Australia)
Peace is of a man and a woman rowing the canoe together. Drawing (En, Ru)

Stephen Gill (Canada)
Peace and Freedom for Indian Women in the Dijutal Era (En) May 2007
These Children Poetry (En) 2008
Harmony and Peace. Poetry (En)
These children. Poetry (En)
To Love Poem (En) May 2007
Evening of Harmony. Poetry (En)
To: Leo Semashko about project (Global movement "Making Children a Priority in the World"). Letter (En, Ru) January 15, 2006

Ananta Giri (India)
Spiritual Cultivation For a Secular Society. Abstract (En, Ru)
Reflections and Mobilizations: Dialogues with Movements and Voluntary Organizations. Book Fragments (En)

Brendan Gleeson (Australia)
The Future of Australia’s Cities: Making Space for Hope. Lecture (En, Ru)

Julio Godoy (France)
France: Cancer Fears as Fallout of Atom Tests Article (En) 13 October 2006

Mitchell Gold (Canada)
If I were the U.S. President – What Would I Do? Article (En, Ru) June 12, 2006

John Goltz (with co-authors) (USA)
Global Love Day 2006. Epistle (En, Ru) 2006

Irena Golubeva (with co-authors), 7 years (Russia)
Angel - Keeper. Drawing (En, Ru) 1999

Nina Goncharova (Russia)
"Earth is a school for Gods". Worlld Citizens Day 17 October Slide-film (En, Ru) 2006
My home is Altai Report (En, Ru) January 10, 2007
Cultural and educational expedition “Earth as garden of the people” (Ru) 2007
Fairy Child Poetry (En, Ru) 2008
Bio (En, Ru) 2006
Report on trip in Paris to Poetry Festival (Ru) 2007
About Taiwan visit – 10 – 17 July 2008 Report (En, Ru) 2008
11th International Congress "Education of the World Citizens" June 27-July3 2007 Announcement (En, Ru) 2006
Wanderer's Song (En, Fr, Ru) 2008
Celebrations as synchronic waves of a New Harmonic World. Abstract (En, Ru, Sp, Fr) 2006
Congratulations with Global Harmony Day. Letter (En, Ru) June, 2006
Peace Poetry (En, Ru) November 30, 2006
A Hymn for Harmony (En, Ru) 2008
To my son Artem (En, Ru) 2008

Nina Goncharova (with co-authors) (Russia)
Planeta 3000 Project: Creating through Education an alternative Culture of harmonious civilization. Project (En, Ru) 2006
Global Harmony Day Symbol. Letter (En, Ru) June 21, 2006
Discussion about Competition “HERACL” Conclusions from discussion (En, Ru) October 20, 2006
Emblem: "Planet Earth: love, peace and harmony" on the site main page (En, Ru) 2007
16 Photos from Parisian Poetry Festival (En, Ru) 2007
Mission in Brazile. Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights Report (En, Ru) September, 2006
Drawing “Easter” (En, Ru) May 2007

Mikhail Gorbachjov (with co-authors) (Russia)
Statement of the 5th summit of Nobel Peace Laureates. Epistle (En, Ru, Es, Sp) November 12, 2005

Rachel Gottlieb (Israel)
A Joyful Ache. Poetry (En)

Nicholas Govorov (Russia)
Scientific-social polylog Article (En, Ru) 2003

Helena Green (Canada)
Interview with Leo Rebello in Synergy Magazine Interview (En, Ru) December, 2006

Nicolas Gudskov (Russia)
Antinomies of national development: the requirement of new cultural ideology and esperanto. Article (Ru, Es)

Valery Guerguel (Russia)
History of the Museum of the UN Peacekeeping Operations and movement of young peacemakers (En, Ru) 2007

© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005